graphql fragment annotation GraphQL Fragment Annotation # A annotation for graphql_fragment_generator
graphql fragment generator GraphQL Fragment Generator # You can generate a fragment of GraphQL. Example...
simple copy with annotations This package contains annotations for generate copywith method for any Dart classes #
sdk test TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
cuong focus detector package Focus Detector # Get notified every time your widget appears or disappears...
sdk iva vts TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
custom route transition fal Route Transitions # Hola Mundo
simple copy with generators This package contains annotations for generate copywith method for any Dart classes #
intl phone field improve intl_phone_field_improve # Only Improve intl_phone_field_improve for myself
key observer key_observer # key_observer is a small library to observe by key path with callback.
hqm ltv hqm_ltv # HQM LTV
lock orientation lock_orientation # What does this library do? # This library locks device's orientation...
cnvitals Carenow-CarePlixVitals Flutter SDK # Although this Cordova plugin is public, you'll need a license for...
k helper TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
flexible navigation flexible_navigation # flexible_navigation is a Scaffold Widget inspired by adaptive_navigation that switches between NavigationRail,...
studentvueclient A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a BSD-style
lightspeed lightspeed # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
animejs animejs_dart # Expose JS bindings to the AnimeJS library. Example: import 'dart:html';...
web font loader Web Font Loader # You can use the interface directly: import 'package:web_font_loader/web_font_loader.dart';
locor locor # Generate a Flutter localization file from a yml file.
database sql Introduction # Package database_sql provides a generic interface around SQL-like databases. The sql package...
dsqlite Introduction # Package dsqlite provides an implementation driver of package database_sql. The sql package...
demo pkg demo_pkg # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
new flutter pkg new_flutter_pkg # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
nikeg TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
multi inappwebview Features # MultiInAppWebView is allow you to use multiple flutter_inappwebview instance where open a...
technixo k chart v2 technixo_k_chart_v2 # 介绍 # 一个仿火币的flutter图表库包含深度图,支持各种指标及放大缩小、平移等操作 webdemo演示 Demo...
uclocation location_track # Plugin for tracking location in background. Getting Started # Please see...
solana rpc sdk flutter Access Solana RPC API through Dart SDK, the style completely imitates the original...
cleanarch dart cleanarch_dart # A dart package to generate a cleanarch structury of folders and files...
urn In memonry url shortening. Getting started # Register your path first bucketRegister('name1', '');
upbit upbit # ✅ Quotation ❌ Exchange ✅ WebSocket ...
flutter facebook devonics flutter_facebook_devonics # Facebook Plugin Android from Devonics Getting Started # Init...
tribu route transitions Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transición de rutas. Ejemplo...
fhgllaunch FHGLLAUNCH # A simple command-line application. Requirements # Dart 12.2 +
fhglassets FHGLASSETS # A simple command-line application. Requirements # Dart 12.2 +
idkit line idkit_line # This is a convenient development kit for the expansion of the requirements...
foodb hive adapter foodb_hive_adapter # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
ccavenue payment plugin ccavenue_payment_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
nan map nan_map # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter business kit flutter_business_kit # A business-oriented mobile component library.(一个偏向业务的移动端组件库)
languagepro TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
es utils ES-Utils for Flutter # A Flutter package for few UI components like confirmDialog, inputDialog,...
alist alist #
frankenstein Frankenstein # A straight forward approach to combining commonly used Flutter UI elements into a...
flutter nerolab cli Nerolab CLI # Nerolab Command Line Interface for Dart. Special...
flutter vivo push plugin flutter_vivo_push_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # SDK版本...
flutter oppo push plugin flutter_oppo_push_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # oppo...
gmo cli A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/, and...
mmoo easemob im flutter packages pub publish --server= 环信im flutter sdk # 文章主要讲解环信im flutter sdk如何使用。
lailaolab sunmi TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
dart randomx dart_randomx # ...
flutter secure file storage inspector Flutter secure file storage inspector #
insanichess engine Insanichess Engine # Insanichess evaluation engine Overview # The purpose...
ezflap ezFlap is a reactive markup library for Flutter. With ezFlap, you can: ...
ezflap widgets ezFlap Core Widgets # ezFlap is a reactive markup library for Flutter. ezFlap...
plugin login plugin_login # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
smartlink flutter smartlink_flutter # 汉风配网 Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
cmw remote data TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
vietqr Thư viện đang phát triển
enum extendable annotation Annotations for enum_extendable_generator. This package does nothing without enum_extendable_generator. Annotations #...
imperative flutter Imperative Flutter # Manage the state of your widgets using imperative programming concepts....
flutter uidk TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
image shadow Simple Widget to create Image with Shadow in Flutter. Features # ...
laravel json api Laravel Json Api # This package was created to consume an API based...
wuji rtc engine wuji_rtc_engine # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
lint strict dependencies lint_strict_dependencies # Simple linter of strict dependencies for Flutter apps. Usage #
test gavinwjwang 腾讯 tencent_trtc_cloud # English document 日本語の文書 该flutter sdk是基于 腾讯云 iOS/Android/Windows/MacOs 平台的 SDK进行封装。...
sample shantanu sample # A Plugin tester Project Getting Started # This project is...
aero f ble Aero Flutter BLE # Aero is a Flutter library for handling Bluetooth Low...
custom draggable scrollable sheet
appandup adaptive widgets About adaptive_widgets # A (small) collection of Widgets that automatically detect the current...
enum extendable generator Generates code for the extension on an enum. Overview # Being able...
pow challenge Dart POW Challenge Package # Finally a POW challenge(captcha) package for dart.
resas A most easily usable RESAS API wrapper library in Dart!
websocket poller poller # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
moru payment gateway moru_payment_gateway # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
tools package TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
tamara sdk legacy Integrate Tamara Checkout Flow into Flutter App Features # Add...
toast view Flutter ToastView Plugin # Usage #
flight script A small scripting language to embed in your flutter projects. Features #
lpg2 LPG-Dart-runtime # Dart-runtime for The LALR parser generator (LPG) Getting Started with LPG #
calculeaire Description Ce package contient un ensemble de fonctions permettant de calculer l'aire de 3 figures...
chee untitled # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
linkv rtc im LinkV Flutter集成文档 # 技术交流及商务合作欢迎进QQ群交流:1160896626 一、集成linkv_rtc_im插件 # 在pubspec.yaml中添加以下依赖 dependencies: linkv_rtc_im:...
my flutter 2 TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
buy me a crypto coffee Buy me a crypto coffee # Features # A Flutter...
net demo yu net_demo_yu # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
itools Collect common components just for personal use Features # 1.log.dart is a...
wttlock flutter wttlock_flutter # wttlock_flutter Getting Started # This project is a starting point...
resize media resize_media # Resize media to a given size Features # ...
just audio web temirlan just_audio_web # The web implementation of just_audio.
flutter document reader core ocrandmrzrfid beta Document Reader Core (Flutter) # Regula Document Reader SDK allows...
history service history_service # Description Installation Implementation Methods ...
lemon dispatch neuro # A library for designing neurologically oriented programs Getting Started #...
ashlix ui his packages provider useful ready-to-use unique widgets to share between projects. Features #...
debounce throttle function TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
flutter measure formatter flutter_measure_formatter # Provides a way to format length measurements in a human readable...
easy enum generator Provides Dart Build System builder for generating EasyEnum extensions for classes annotated with easy_enum.
gradinet container TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...