dyte uikit Dyte UI Kit # An easy-to-integrate Flutter package for all your audio-video call, and...
barcode flutter Barcode Flutter is a Flutter library for simple and fast Barcode rendering via custom painter
haversine distance Haversine_Distance # A simple flutter package to calculate the distance between two coordinates...
remove markdown Remove Markdown # This package is based on the idea of remove-markdown and is...
drop zone drop_zone # A simple way to bring drag’n’drop to flutter...
flame splash screen Style your Flame game with a beautiful splash screen. This package includes a...
folding cell Simple FoldingCell widget # Simple folding cell widget, pass frontWidget and innerWidget to fold...
just audio cache just_audio_cache # Collection of extension function of just_audio package for auto-handle...
audiotags AudioTags # Read and write audio metadata in Flutter. Supports multiple formats. Usage #
bottom sheet bar bottom_sheet_bar # A toolbar that aligns to the bottom of a widget and...
trotter Welcome to trotter, a library that simplifies working with meta-arrangements commonly encountered in combinatorics, such...
stacked shared Stacked Shared # This package contains all the code shared between our flutter and...
flutter page view indicator Flutter PageViewIndicator # Builds indicators marks for PageView from any...
fl downloader fl_downloader # A plugin to download files using the native capabilities....
community charts common Community Common Charting library # Common components for charting libraries....
flutter gradient app bar Flutter Gradient App Bar # This is a fork of...
animation search bar animation_search_bar # A Customizable Animated Search Bar. It is suitable for the AppBar.
flutter custom selector Multi Select Flutter # FLutter Custom Selector is a package for...
google maps routes google_maps_routes # This is a package for creating routes on google maps using...
zefyrka Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications. Zefyrka is a fork of Zefyr...
crypto keys A library for doing cryptographic signing/verifying and encrypting/decrypting. It uses pointycastle under the hood,...
easy upi payment easy_upi_payment #
flutter shapes FlutterShapes # Live demo powered by Flutter for...
openapi dart common OpenAPI Common Library for Dart Client Code Generator # This library forms the...
whatsapp share2 Whatsapp Share Plugin # A Flutter plugin for IOS and Android providing a simple...
connectivity widget connectivity_widget # A widget that shows the user if the phone is connected to...
flutter aepmessaging flutter_aepmessaging # flutter_aepmessaging is a flutter plugin for the iOS and Android...
fast csv fast_csv # Classic CSV parsers suitable for most use cases. Pretty fast parsing. With...
google sign in mocks Mocks for google_sign_in. Use this package with firebase_auth_mocks to write unit tests...
random password generator random_password_generator # A new Flutter package for android and iOS also web which...
contentsquare A plugin to use Contentsquare in Flutter apps. This plugin supports Android and iOS....
speed dial fab Speed Dial - Float Action Button # A Speed Dial FAB...
smile id Smile ID Flutter SDK #
mrz parser mrz_parser (Dart/Flutter) # Parse MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) from identity documents. Heavily
plain notification token plain_notification_token # Get your push notification token via platform way (APNs for iOS...
resize resize # A Simple Responsive Design Approach for your Flutter Apps. Installation #...
isoweek isoweek # A...
lzstring lzstring # Dart implementation of lz-string compression algorithm The original JavaScript version...
dio retry plus dio_retry_plus # A plugin for dio that retries failed requests. Usage #
flutter islamic icons flutter_islamic_icons # Published Package on pub.dev A total of 78 islamic icons
r get ip r_get_ip # A new Flutter project about get ip...
location service check location_service_check # 一个检查定位权限是否开启的服务,支持Android和iOS。 功能比较简单,所以之前一直没有管了。这次更新下nullsafety方便直接使用。 Getting Started # dependencies: location_service_check:...
queen validators Q U E E N 👑 # For More Features OUT-OF-THE-BOX (localization) see Official...
ecdsa Dart-ECDSA # Package ecdsa implements the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, as defined in FIPS...
auto scroll auto_scroll # A flexible auto-scrolling widget for Flutter. Features #...
phone number hint phone_number_hint # phone_number_hint is a Flutter package that provides a simple way to...
flutter asset generator flutter_asset_generator # English | 中文文档 Automatically generate the dart file for pubspec.yaml
elastic client Dart bindings for ElasticSearch HTTP API. # ElasticSearch is a full-text search engine based
underline indicator A underline indicator. Getting Started # TabBar( ... indicator: UnderlineIndicator(...
esign plugin esign_plugin # Digio Esign flutter plugin Getting Started # Example flutter esign...
wifi wifi # This plugin allows Flutter apps to get wifi ssid and list, connect wifi...
eventflux EventFlux is a Dart package designed for efficient handling of server-sent event streams. It provides easy-to-use...
xml parser xml_parser # An unopinionated XML parser that can read, traverse, and write XML documents.
flutter icon snackbar flutter_icon_snackbar # This widget is a simple snackbar of the flutter that contains...
passkeys passkeys # A Flutter package to enable authentication through passkeys (based on WebAuthn / FIDO2).
app tutorial Flutter App Onboarding # Usage # Import the package into your...
bonfire Bonfire # Build RPG games and similar with the power of FlameEngine! ...
autocomplete textfield ns autocomplete_textfield_ns # An autocomplete textfield for flutter Pull requests # Feel...
google maps place picker Google Maps Place Picker # A Flutter plugin which provides 'Picking Place'...
tcp socket connection tcp_socket_connection # This is a Flutter package that allows you to connect to...
google huawei availability Google and Huawei Service Availability # A Flutter plugin to detect...
pager Pager # Numeric pagination suitable for multiple cases, such as, custom paged table.
flutter font picker flutter_font_picker # A Flutter widget that lets the user select and apply a...
parse server sdk This library gives you access to the powerful Parse Server backend from your Dart...
alert dialog Alert Dialog # Alert Dialog Widget for Flutter(JS-LIKE). https://pub.dev/packages/alert_dialog Installation...
riverpod infinite scroll Riverpod Infinite Scroll # Hi! This package is a plugin for infinite_scroll_pagination that...
mask Mask # - validations # Mask.validation.cpf Mask.validation.cnpj Mask.validation.cpfOrCnpj Mask.validation.email
tiktoken ⏳ tiktoken # tiktoken is a BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI's models....
hive test hive_test # Initialize a temporary Hive database for testing ...
flutter image filters A flutter package for iOS and Android for applying OpenGL filters to image....
persona flutter Persona Inquiry for Flutter #
aws cloudwatch aws_cloudwatch
background app bar Widget Background App Bar # A background app bar plugin, use this plugin...
bootpay bootpay 플러터 라이브러리 # 부트페이에서 지원하는 공식 Flutter 라이브러리 입니다. (클라이언트 용) ...
new gradient app bar New Gradient App Bar # Love the material AppBar? Do you want...
isolate handler Isolate Handler # Effortless isolates abstraction layer with support for inter-isolate communication. These...
bottom drawer Bottom Drawer for Flutter # Bottom Drawer. 1. Add dependency #
home indicator home_indicator # Flutter plugin to show/hide the iPhone X home indicator. Also features...
flutter mdns plugin flutter_mdns_plugin # A simple plugin for discovering mdns services in Flutter on Android...
customizable counter Customizable Counter # A counter widget that support different kinds of customization.
flutter ume kit device flutter_ume_kit_device # flutter_ume 是由字节跳动 Flutter Infra 团队出品的应用内调试工具平台。 flutter_ume_kit_device 是 flutter_ume 的设备信息插件包。接入方式请见...
pluto grid export PlutoGridExport for PlutoGrid - v1.0.6 # This package can export the...
html to pdf plus html_to_pdf_plus # Flutter plugin for generating PDF files...
optimizely flutter sdk Optimizely Flutter SDK #
carp serializable CARP Serialization # A package for polymorphic serialization to/from JSON build on top of...
social signin buttons plugin The Flutter Social Login Buttons package provides a set of easy-to-use and customizable...
left scroll actions left_scroll_actions # A useful left scroll actions widget like WeChat. 一款仿微信效果的 Flutter...
open route service open_route_service #
flutter login vk flutter_login_vk # Flutter Plugin to login via...
search map place updated search_map_place_updated # This is a Flutter package that uses the Google Maps...
flutter html v3 flutter_html # A Flutter widget...
custom rounded rectangle border Custom rounded rectangle border # A simple package for drawing custom shape...
sa4 migration kit simple_animation v4 migration kit # This packages contains classes and documentation to help...
nostr tools A Dart package that makes it easy to work with the nostr protocol and develop...
flutter device identifier flutter_device_identifier # THIS IS THE VERSION OF https://pub.dev/packages/android_multiple_identifier WITH NULL SAFETY. Thanks...
pub api client An unofficial API client for Pub.dev # Aims to be the most complete...
glassmorphism widgets Glassmorphism Widgets # About # This package allows you to easily...
video compress v2 video_compress_v2 # A new Flutter video compress support convert...
google translator google_translator # A flutter plugin for adapting screen and font size.Let your...
time planner Time planner #