flutter ruler picker ruler_picker # example
auto size text pk # Package Upgraded and Null Safety added by Pawan Kumar #...
connection network type connection_network_type # This plugin allows Flutter apps to detect network changes. You can...
clipboard watcher clipboard_watcher # This plugin allows Flutter apps to watch clipboard changes....
popup banner Popup Banner # Popup Banner is a package to show banner slider using modal...
flutter app update Chinese Doc # 一、Introduce # Android update use AppUpdate library
azlistview plus Language: English | 中文简体 azlistview # A Flutter sticky headers & index ListView....
form builder phone field Form Builder Phone Field # International phone number field for flutter_form_builder package.
separated column SeparatedColumn # Flutter package for rendering separated Column children. Also, give a try!
memoize Memoize # memoize returns cached result of function call when inputs were not changed from...
google translate Google translate # Google Translate API for Dart. Usage #...
zego uikit prebuilt live audio room If you find this package helpful, please help by giving it...
jverify JVerify Flutter Plugin # 安装 # 在工程 pubspec.yaml 中加入 dependencies github...
gdpr dialog GDPR dialog # "showDialog()" calling: gets native request to android/ios Consent Form dialog and...
ferry flutter Flutter widgets for executing GraphQL operations using the ferry client. NOTE: you may not...
flutter resizable container Flutter Resizable Container # Add flexibility and interaction to your UI with ease.
fluid dialog Fluid Dialog # A dialog that can switch between multiple contents...
flutter gherkin flutter_gherkin # A fully featured Gherkin parser and test runner. Works with Flutter and...
flutter map tappable polyline Flutter Map Tappable Polyline # A Polyline with onTap event...
blobs Create beautiful blob shapes with minimal code. Features # Generate...
flutter document reader core fullrfid Document Reader Core (Flutter) # Regula Document Reader SDK allows you...
sendbird sdk Sendbird Chat SDK for Flutter # Warning...
media picker widget media_picker_widget # A widget that picks media files from...
go sell sdk flutter go_sell_sdk_flutter # Flutter plugin compatible version of goSellSDK library for both Android...
build resolvers Provides an in-memory Resolvers implementation for use with package:build. This implementation does a monolithic...
form validation Table of Contents form_validation Using the library Validators
seo renderer SEO Renderer # A flutter plugin (under development) to render...
session storage session_storage # Getting Started # This is a very simple abstraction...
alipay kit ios alipay_kit_ios # The iOS implementation of [alipay_kit][1].
molten navigationbar flutter molten_navigationbar_flutter # An animated bottom navigation bar with a lot of attributes to...
scroll datetime picker Scroll DateTime Picker # Welcome to the...
android content provider android_content_provider # This plugin exposes ContentProvider and related ContentResolver APIs on Android....
flat flat # Take a nested Map and flatten it with delimited keys. Entirely based on...
vrouter A Flutter package that makes navigation and routing easy. Learn more at vrouter.dev Here...
gql code builder Dart code builders taking *.graphql documents and SDL to build useful classes. The...
fhir FHIR # A Dart/Flutter package for working with FHIR® resources. FHIR® is the registered trademark...
paged datatable PagedDataTable # Completely customisable data table which supports cursor and offset pagination,...
upi payment qrcode generator UPI Payment QRCode Generator. # This Plugin mainly focus on the generation...
sortedmap Contains a SortedMap and FilteredMap class, which hold a map of objects that can be ordered...
flutterwebapp reload detector FlutterWebApp Reload Detector # This library can tell if user clicks on the...
extended text library extended_text_library # library for extended_text and extended_text_field. extended_text #...
flutter native html to pdf Flutter Native HTML to PDF # This is a Flutter application...
basics This repository contains a collection of useful extension methods on the built-in objects in Dart,...
animated reorderable list animated_reorderable_list # This library is a powerful and easy-to-use solution for implementing animated...
saf Saf # Flutter plugin that leverages Storage Access Framework (SAF) API to get access and...
firebase core desktop Firebase Core for Flutter Desktop # A Flutter plugin to use...
animated svg Animated SVG | Flutter Package # Flutter package for displaying and animating Scalable Vector...
bounce Bounce # This package adds a new Bounce widget that applies a tap-triggered...
system clock system_clock # Flutter timekeeping facilities, powered by dart:ffi. support platforms: Android、iOS、Macos、Windows、...
semicircle indicator Semicircle Indicator # Using it to create a Semicircle Indicator easily. Three examples...
async queue Async Queue - ensure your list of async tasks execute in order # This...
openinstall flutter plugin openinstall flutter plugin # openinstall插件封装了openinstall平台原生SDK,集成了 渠道统计,携带参数安装,快速安装与一键拉起 功能,目前渠道支持 H5渠道,广告平台渠道 以及 Apple Search Ads (ASA)...
dio cache interceptor db store dio_cache_interceptor_db_store # Drift cache store implementation. Android -...
string contains string_contains # Package provides...
qlevar router Qlevar Router (QR) # ...
reading time Reaqding time # A small dart library that predicts (...
secure dotenv 🚨WARNING: YOUR SECRETS ARE NOT SECURE🚨 If you are using one of the following...
sim data Sim plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to retrieve Sim cards data -...
positioned tap detector 2 positioned_tap_detector_2 # Flutter widget allowing to receive...
audiotagger audiotagger # This library allow you to read and write ID3...
flutter inappwebview internal annotations Internal annotations used by the generator of flutter_inappwebview plugin.
flutter face core basic Face SDK Core (Flutter) # Regula Face SDK is used for face...
tencent cloud chat uikit Tencent Cloud Chat UIKit Globally interconnected In-App Chat,...
mdi Material Design Icons for Flutter # Material Design Icons generated using @mdi/util provided...
circular countdown circular_countdown # A package that represents a circular countdown that you can use for...
fl toast fl_toast
veriff flutter veriff_flutter # Flutter plugin for Veriff. Requirements # Integration with Veriff Flutter...
pwa install PWA Install # A small Flutter package that allows you to prompt mobile web...
vs story designer vs_story_designer 1.5.1 # flutter story designer # This is a package created...
shelf plus Shelf Plus # Shelf Plus is a quality of life addon for your server-side...
animated icon button animated_icon_button 😊 Flutter package to create custom animated IconButton. 😵...
redux persist flutter redux_persist_flutter # Flutter Storage Engine for redux_persist. Can either save to your...
bottom bar matu A beautiful and animated bottom navigation bar. Here are some supported style:...
sms Flutter SMS # This is an SMS library for flutter. It only support Android...
flutter html video flutter_html_video # Video extension for flutter_html. This package renders video elements using...
animated button bar animated_button_bar # AnimatedButtonBar is a flutter library that allows you to create a...
swipe to action swipe_to_action # A widget which can be used to call functions when the...
checkbox formfield checkbox_formfield # A few kinds of checkbox that can be used as...
dart frog auth Header Authorization support for Dart Frog. Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures...
flutter awesome select About # SmartSelect allows you to easily convert your usual form select or...
odoo rpc Odoo RPC Client Library # Odoo RPC Client Library for Dart. Features #
smtc windows SMTC_Windows # Windows SystemMediaTransportControls implementation for Flutter. This is the windows equivalent...
test cov console Flutter Console Coverage Test # This small dart tools is used to generate...
cell calendar cell_calendar # Modern calendar widget with useful features. Enables to...
agconnect crash AppGallery Connect Crash for Flutter # Introduction # The AppGallery Connect Crash service...
twilio programmable video twilio_programmable_video # Flutter plugin for Twilio Programmable Video, which enables you to build...
countries world map countries_world_map # This package provides an easy to implement World Map (or any...
openfoodfacts Open Food Facts - Dart #
flutter file view Flutter File View # Language: 中文 | English ...
toggle list An easy-to-use and highly customizable expandable list widget for your Flutter application. ...
relative time relative_time # A Flutter package to express a DateTime object relative to the current...
google tag manager google_tag_manager # Dart wrapper around google tag manager js api Usage #
nepali utils Nepali Utilities for Dart # A...
flame bloc Offers a simple and natural way to use flutter_bloc inside Flame.
moyasar Moyasar Flutter SDK # Easily accept payments through Apple Pay or Credit Card (with managed...
flutter sensors flutter_sensors # Simple sensor event listener plugin for flutter(Android & iOS). Installation #
bson bson # Bson library for Dart programming language Version 5.0.0 has breaking API changes....
arabic numbers arabic_numbers # Easily convert to Arabic numerals Getting Started # Create an...
pdf compressor pdf_compressor # A plugin to compress pdf files locally works for android only....
lorem ipsum lorem_ipsum # Lorem Ipsum, it is a package to generate random text easily, quickly...