bubble bottom bar bubble_bottom_bar / BubbleBottomBar # BubbleBottomBar is a Flutter widget designed by cubertodesign and...
pagination flutter pagination_flutter # Getting started # Installation # dependencies: pagination_flutter: ^0.0.8...
talker riverpod logger talker_riverpod_logger # Lightweight and customizable Riverpod state management library logger on talker base.
install referrer install_referrer # A Flutter plugin that allows you to detect how your...
property change notifier property_change_notifier # A drop-in replacement for ChangeNotifier for observing only certain properties of...
scroll to hide ScrollToHide Flutter Package # The ScrollToHide package is a Flutter plugin designed to...
dash painter dash_painter # a package for flutter canvas paint dash line path easily. 1....
flutter pos printer platform image 3 sdt flutter_pos_printer_platform # A library to discover printers,...
flutter keyboard visibility macos Flutter Keyboard Visibility Web # macOS support for Flutter Keyboard Visibility...
deepgram speech to text A Deepgram client for Dart and Flutter, supporting all Speech-to-Text and Text-to-Speech features...
image card Image Card # Customize a card with image by 2 type: fill or transparent
nes ui Nes # UI library inspired by...
flutter map supercluster Flutter Map Supercluster (previously flutter_map_fast_cluster) # Two different Marker clustering layers for flutter_map:
nine grid view Language: English | 中文简体 NineGridView # Similar to Weibo dynamics,...
visibility aware state visibility_aware_state # A state for StatefulWidgets that is aware of its visibility....
pedantic mono pedantic_mono # [mono edition] Recommended lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins to encourage...
flutter calendar week Flutter calendar week # Flutter calendar week UI package IOS | Android:
screen Screen # A Flutter plugin to manage the device's screen on Android and...
flutter keyboard visibility windows Flutter Keyboard Visibility Windows # Windows support for Flutter Keyboard Visibility...
whatsapp This Flutter package allows you to integrate the WhatsApp Business API into your Flutter applications, enabling...
dashboard Dynamic dashboard widget that allows your users to create their own layouts. Rezise, move, indirect resize/move,...
public ip address Public IP Address # \ This package allows you to...
hmssdk flutter 100ms Flutter SDK 🎉 #
architecture linter architecture_linter # Package architecture_linter helps you to keep your project right order. You can...
floating bottom bar floating_bottom_bar # This package will animate a floating action button at the center...
observable ish observable_ish # Write elegant reactive cross-platform client side application using observable states and event...
gauges gauges # Note: This project serves as a training exercise for myself in...
keyboard visibility keyboard_visibility # Notification service for soft-keyboard visibility Usage # Add the dependency...
im animations im_animations # About #
prompt dialog Prompt Dialog # Prompt Dialog Widget for Flutter(JS-LIKE). https://pub.dev/packages/prompt_dialog Installation...
k chart k_chart # Maybe this is the best k chart in Flutter.Support drag,scale,long press,fling.And easy...
story time story_time # A fork of story. Instagram stories like UI...
xterm xterm.dart #
spotify sdk spotify_sdk # ...
cometchat chat uikit CometChat Flutter Chat UIKit # The CometChat Chat UIKit provides a pre-built user...
date range picker [Deprecated] Date Range Picker # Currently Flutter has supported date range picker, so...
widgetbook generator Widgetbook Generator # widgetbook_generator allows to generate and setup code for widgetbook which simplifies...
image sequence animator image_sequence_animator # A...
flutter full pdf viewer null safe flutter_full_pdf_viewer_null_safe # PDF viewer for flutter , this repo is...
icons flutter English icons_flutter # The Flutter icon package provides you 14k+ additional...
advanced in app review advanced_in_app_review # Description # A Flutter plugin that lets you show...
switcher button switcher_button # Switcher button. Flutter switch button with minimal design and material animation...
hasura connect Hasura Connect - Connect your Flutter/Dart apps to Hasura simply. ...
windows notification A library for sending notifications on Windows using Flutter Features # ...
webview all Webview for All Flutter Platform # English Doc 中文文档 a webview widget with...
zego zimkit ZIMKit(ZegoCloud In-App Chat UIKit) # 🥳beta support: Create peer-to-peer chat /...
filepicker windows A package that provides a friendly Dart API for file and directory selection for...
reactive phone form field reactive_phone_form_field # Wrapper around phone_form_field to use with reactive_forms Docs in...
marquee list A Flutter Marquee list widget to display a list of items in a marquee...
piped client Piped.dart # Simple api client for piped.video, an alternative frontend for YouTube Supports...
dash flags Dash Flags ...
msgpack dart msgpack_dart # MessagePack implementation for dart. Clean, simple, fast and with sane API...
date format field A Textfield supporting automatic date formating. Features # This textfield supports four...
finbox dc plugin Flutter DeviceConnect # The plugin can be used to integrate mobile apps with...
masked text masked_text # A package for masked texts, so if you want a mask for...
google mlkit digital ink recognition Google's ML Kit Digital Ink Recognition for Flutter # ...
color Color # A simple Dart package exposing a Color class which can be used to...
native image cropper native_image_cropper # A Flutter plugin...
json diff Generate a diff between two JSON strings. Usage # Here's a basic example...
search highlight text Simple Inherited Widget to highlight text in a search result, with custom highlight Color...
overlay loader with app icon Overlay loader with app icon # A clean and light-weight package...
x509 ❤️ sponsor x509 # Dart library for parsing and working with X.509 certificates....
alh pdf view With this widget, you can display a PDF with bytes or a path....
serverpod auth client Serverpod # This package is a core part of Serverpod. For documentation, visit:...
themed themed # The Themed package: Lets you define a theme with const...
fluid bottom nav bar Fluid Navigation Bar # Many thanks to gskinner for "The...
jiosaavn JioSaavn # A Dart package for interacting with the JioSaavn API.
vexana vexana # Vexana is easy to use network process with dio. You can do dynamic...
shrink sidemenu Liquid Shrink Side Menu # A Side Menu plugin for flutter and compatible with...
metadata god Metadata God # A flutter plugin for retrieving and writing audio tags/metadata from audio...
sliver snap Sliver Snap ...
another audio recorder another_audio_recorder #
flutter bugfender flutter_bugfender # A Bugfender Wrapper plugin (implementing native code) for Flutter Projects. Note:...
cart stepper cart_stepper # A fully customizable Flutter Widget to get count. It can...
avoid keyboard avoid_keyboard # The avoid_keyboard package includes...
import lint Why import_lint? # The import_lint package defines rules to restrict imports and performs static...
firebase core dart Firebase Core for Dart # A pure Dart implementation for Firebase...
page flip Page Flip Widget # A flutter package which will help you to add page...
wikipedia api Wikipedia API (Generated using OpenAPI Generators) # This API provides cacheable and straightforward access...
flutter keyboard visibility linux Flutter Keyboard Visibility Linux # Linux support for Flutter Keyboard Visibility...
webdav client webdav_client # A dart WebDAV client library(support null-safety), use dio as http client....
ed25519 edwards Ed25519 # Dart port of ed25519 from Golang ed25519 Pub package Usage...
rounded background text rounded_background_text ...
mrx charts Charts Flutter # Simple and beautiful smooth animated charts. Supported charts #...
flame behaviors Flame Behaviors #
flutter analog clock Flutter Analog Clock # A simple, highly customizable analog clock widget.
ferry hive store A Store implementation that uses hive to persist data.
ribbon widget ribbon # A Ribbon decoration on a widget. use a Ribbon...
firebase cached image Firebase_Cached_Image # Cache Manager and Cached ImageProvider for Firebase Cloud Storage Objects....
day picker Day Picker # A Flutter widget library which helps us to select days in...
flutter password strength flutter_password_strength # A password strength checker for flutter. Features #
progressive time picker progressive_time_picker #
jhijri JHijri Package # An Amazing Hijri Date Converter That Converts Date From Gregorian to Hijri...
font awesome icon class font_awesome_icon_class # This package help solve the problem of not being able...
sliver app bar builder Developed with 💚 by netglade
reorderable tabbar reorderable_tabbar # Reorderable TabBar package for Flutter Example Video # ...
cbor cbor # Documentation This package provides an encoding/decoding package for...
fcm config fcm_config # What can this packge do # Show fcm notification...
us states us_states # Simple Dart library to deal with state names and abbreviations.
anchor scroll controller flutter anchor_scroll_controller # This package implement a ScrollController which supports anchor. That is,...