flutter foreground service Flutter Foreground Service # Setup # Step 1 # This plugin...
gbk codec The GBK (Chinese Internal Code Specification: China GBK 汉字内码扩展规范编码表) code converter library Created from...
smartech base Smartech-Base # Smartech is a omni channel platform that delivers everything you need to...
search map location search_map_location # search_map_location is a text search widget used to search geo location...
social share plugin Social Share Flutter Plugin # Developed with 💙 by
orientation orientation # A Flutter plugin for device's orientation Patch for issues:13238...
gettext parser Dart gettext mo/po parser # Parse and compile gettext po and mo files with...
linear step indicator linear_step_indicator # A Flutter package for adding beautiful step indicators in your apps.
thermal printer thermal_printer # A library to discover printers, and send printer commands....
weekly date picker Weekly Date Picker # A weekday picker where you can scroll between weeks.
alice lightweight Lightweight version of Alice: https://github.com/jhomlala/alice # Removed the following dependencies: flutter_local_notifications
isolate manager Isolate Manager # Features...
unifiedpush UnifiedPush flutter-connector # UnifiedPush is specifications and tools that let the user choose how push...
connecteo connecteo # A plugin that wraps connectivity_plus and adds some checks that guarantee connection to...
wc form validators Form Validators # A Flutter plugin which provides a set of validators that...
enough convert Support for character encodings / charsets / codecs missing from dart:convert. Supports the following...
u credit card uCreditCard 💳 # Credit Card UI as Flutter Widget 💎 #
openai dart OpenAI Dart Client # Unofficial Dart...
webfeed WebFeed # A dart package for parsing RSS and Atom feed.
sqfentity gen sqfentity_gen # This package required for sqfentity ORM for Flutter code generator Includes...
blinkid flutter BlinkID SDK Flutter plugin # AI-driven identity document scanning for Flutter apps. We...
blurhash blurhash # Compact representation of a placeholder for an image. Platform Support...
sqfentity sqfEntity ORM for Flutter SQLite (sqflite) # SqfEntity is based on SQFlite plugin...
amplify push notifications pinpoint amplify_push_notifications_pinpoint # The Amplify Flutter Push Notifications category plugin using the AWS...
khalti flutter Khalti Payment Gateway for Flutter
firebase dart ❤️ sponsor A pure Dart implementation of the Firebase client Currently supports the...
dart rss Dart RSS # A dart package for parsing and generating RSS1.0, RSS2.0, and Atom...
rich readmore rich_readmore # A widget that displays text with an option to show more or...
flutter inappwebview macos flutter_inappwebview_macos # The Apple macOS WKWebView implementation of flutter_inappwebview. Usage #...
rps Run Pubspec Script (RPS) # RPS is a dart script manager that allows you to...
titlebar buttons Titlebar buttons # A package which provides most of the titlebar buttons from windows,...
bloc presentation bloc_presentation # Extends blocs with an additional stream serving as...
tencent trtc cloud 简体中文 | English TRTC SDK(Flutter) # API OverView,API Detailed documentation Demonstrates...
material color generator material_color_generator # This package allows you to get a material color palette by...
universal ui Universal UI # Temporary fix for dart: ui Getting Started # This...
flutter bluetooth printer flutter_bluetooth_printer # A flutter plugin for print a receipt over bluetooth thermal printer.
iamport flutter iamport_flutter # 아임포트 플러터 모듈입니다. 목차 #
bidi Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm (UBA). Reference: https://unicode.org/reports/tr9/. Converts logical strings to their...
webcontent converter webcontent_converter # This plugin was made for developer to convert any webcontent, web uri...
image cropper platform interface Common platform interface for the image_cropper plugin.
cancellation token Dart Cancellation Token # A Dart utility package for easy async task cancellation....
flutter material design icons flutter_material_design_icons # This package provides over 7000+ material icons from the Material...
dash bubble Dash Bubble ...
isolated worker A singleton isolated worker for all platforms. On most platforms, it uses Flutter's Isolate, except...
multiselect dropdown flutter A simple multiselect dropdown which has Select All and Search options. You can...
laravel echo Laravel Echo for Flutter # Basically, this package is port of official Laravel Echo...
file sizes FileSize # Get the Human readable size of the file. It is...
remove emoji input formatter Features # Remove emoji or icon input formatter supports for TextField/TextFormField...
ai barcode ai_barcode # English Document
docx to text This is a small package that allows you to retrieve text (text only) from...
flutter randomcolor Random Color # A dart package...
platform detect platform_detect # A library for detecting browser and platform type and version. Usage...
spring A simple & powerfull pre-built animation kit. 🔨 Installation # dependencies:...
airship flutter Airship Flutter # A Flutter plugin for Airship's iOS and Android SDK. Resources...
storage space Storage Space # Get the free, available and total disk space for the device.
contentsize tabbarview ContentSizeTabBarView # A Flutter package that combines the functionalities of autoscale_tabbarview and expandable_page_view to...
flutter shakemywidget flutter_shakemywidget - Shake your widget # flutter_shakemywidget - Enables you to shake any widget...
jitsi meet wrapper jitsi_meet_wrapper # Jitsi Meet Plugin for Flutter. Wrapping JitsiMeetSDK for Android...
native pdf renderer Plugin renamed and republished as [pdfx] # [pdfx] on pub.dev Some smaller...
cupertino modal sheet cupertino_modal_sheet # English, 日本語 Shows a modal iOS-style sheet that...
qr bar code qr_bar_code # Simple and fast QR code and Barcode generator and scanner with...
colorfilter generator ColorFilter generator and presets to use with ColorFiltered widget. Installation # First, add...
smartech push Smartech-Push # Smartech is a omni channel platform that delivers everything you need to...
passwordfield A simple and easy to use flutter package to add a passwordfield to your Flutter project.
gzx dropdown menu gzx_dropdown_menu # 这是一个Flutter自定义功能强大的轻量级下拉筛选菜单Package,它支持iOS和Android。
firebase ui oauth facebook Firebase UI OAuth Facebook # Getting Started # To get started...
cupertino back gesture cupertino_back_gesture # A Flutter package to set custom width of iOS...
flutter scroll shadow flutter_scroll_shadow Scroll Shadow # ...
flutter toastr flutter_toastr # Flutter Toastr is a Flutter package for non-blocking notifications. You can show...
drag select grid view drag_select_grid_view # A grid that supports...
notification listener service notification_listener_service # A flutter plugin for interacting with Notification Service in Android....
punycode punycode # Direct translation of the C algorithm in RFC 3492 to dart. Stringprep...
pattern lock Pattern Lock # Pattern Lock as Flutter widget. Demo web-site. #
flutter cupertino date picker Flutter Cupertino Date Picker # [pub packages] | 中文说明 Flutter...
nonce nonce # [Nonce] contains a static generator that generates random alphanumeric strings,...
flutter icmp ping flutter_icmp_ping # Flutter plugin that sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST. Supported platforms...
audiofileplayer audiofileplayer # A Flutter plugin for audio playback. Supports Reading audio...
flutter qr reader flutter_qr_reader # QR code (scan code / picture) recognition (AndroidView/UiKitView) DEMO #
flutter inappwebview ios flutter_inappwebview_ios # The Apple iOS WKWebView implementation of flutter_inappwebview. Usage #...
flutter lyric lyric_reader # Feature # ✅...
i69n Simple internationalization (i18n) package for Dart and Flutter. Supports:
icon badge Icon with badge for notifications How to use This widget can be used...
dart casing dart_casing # The dart_casing package provides various casing utilities to convert strings...
version check version_check # Check iOS/Android/Mac store app version and provide update alert if...
flat buffers FlatBuffers for Dart # This package is used to read and write FlatBuffers....
encryptor Encryptor # Super easy Encrypt decrypt high level API for Flutter APPs ...
memory info memory_info # Get device memory info(ram&rom) Getting Started # This project is...
pointer interceptor ios pointer_interceptor_ios # The iOS implementation of pointer interceptor. Usage # This...
google maps widget GoogleMapsWidget For Flutter # A...
jhijri picker JHijri Picker Package # Just An Amazing Hijri Date Picker Widget With Many Customizable...
logman Logman # A simple yet powerful logging package for Flutter apps with an integrated UI...
flutter inappwebview android flutter_inappwebview_android # The Android WebView implementation of flutter_inappwebview. Usage # This...
dart format dart_format # A formatter for Dart....
pinyin dart-pinyin (Dart package for converting Chinese characters to Pinyin and Zhuyin) # pinyin is a...
native video player native_video_player # A Flutter widget to play videos on iOS and...
flutter scalable ocr Flutter Scalable OCR # v1.0.1 Flutter scalable OCR package is a wrapper...
environment config Environment Config Generator # Environment specific config generator. Allows to specify...
searchable dropdown searchable_dropdown # Widget to let the user search through a keyword string typed on...
pdf thumbnail Pdf Thumbnail # Thumbnail viewer for pdfs...
json dynamic widget json_dynamic_widget # Table of Contents Live...