dropdown model list Flutter DropDown Model List Features # Flexible DropDown Model List works with...
tcard TCard # Tinder like cards. TCard Install
graphite Graphite # ➡️...
circle progress bar circle_progress_bar # An animated progress bar with text inside and customizable style....
proste indexed stack Englist | 中文 Introduce # The indexedstack component provides lazy loading function....
colornames Color Names # Get a name for given Color See working Online Demo...
crisp Flutter Crisp # ...
root checker plus root_checker_plus # Plugin used for detecting root device in android and jailbreak detection...
metadata fetch Metadata Fetch # A dart library for extracting metadata in web pages. Supports OpenGraph,...
background location tracker background_location_tracker # A new Flutter plugin that allows you to track the background...
future loading dialog Future Loading Dialog # Easy to use adaptive loading dialog to visualize a...
mic stream mic_stream: 0.7.1 # [Flutter Plugin] Provides a tool to get the microphone input...
one clock Flutter One Clock Widget # Clean and fully customizable clock widget....
country ip With country_ip you can find users' country (and nothing else) from their IP address....
clickable list wheel view clickable_list_wheel_view # Simple wrapper for ListWheelScrollView that allows children to respond on...
cloud firestore odm Cloud Firestore ODM for Flutter # A package that provides generated Cloud Firestore...
reactive forms annotations reactive_forms_annotations # Annotations for reactive_forms_generator Getting Started # This project is...
lunar lunar # lunar是一款无第三方依赖的日历工具,支持公历(阳历)、农历(阴历、老黄历)、道历、佛历,支持星座、儒略日、干支、生肖、节气、节日、彭祖百忌、吉神(喜神/福神/财神/阳贵神/阴贵神)方位、胎神方位、冲煞、纳音、星宿、八字、五行、十神、建除十二值星、青龙名堂等十二神、黄道日及吉凶、法定节假日及调休等。 自v1.2.22起,最低要求flutter 2.0.0、dart 2.12.0。 示例 #...
gradient circular progress indicator Gradient Circular Progress Indicator # A customizable circular progress widget for Flutter,...
barcode scanner Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK for Flutter # Add enterprise-grade barcode scanning to your app...
number display number_display # Display number smartly within a certain length. final display = createDisplay(length:...
flutter google street view flutter_google_street_view # A Flutter widget plugin to provide google street view. (Web,...
loading overlay pro loading_overlay_pro # A simple widget wrapper set of loading animations for Flutter projects.
ngdart AngularDart is an open-source web framework focused on productivity, performance, and stability. Originally developed by...
vibration web Vibration # The web implementation of vibration. Usage # Once you have...
file icon File Icon for Flutter # File Icon for Flutter, port of Seti...
requests a dart library to make HTTP requests (inspired by python requests module). It comes with JSON...
easy web view easy_web_view # Easy Web Views in Flutter on Web, Mobile and Desktop*!...
flutter charset detector flutter_charset_detector # Automatically detect and decode the charset (character encoding) of text bytes.
rxdart ext rxdart_ext # Author: Petrus Nguyễn Thái Học #
date count down flutter_countDown # A new Flutter package that provide already made Count down functionality
read more text A super fast lightweight easy to use package to implement read more functionality in...
animated button Animated Button # A very simple and customizable animated button. Providing simple animation,...
jwt decode full JWT Decode Full # A JWT decoder that allows you to...
flutter stepindicator FlutterStepIndicator (0.1.7) # FlutterStepIndicator is a versatile Flutter widget designed...
http2 This library provides an http/2 interface on top of a bidirectional stream of bytes. Usage...
simple pip mode A complete Picture-In-Picture mode plugin for android API level 26+ (Android Oreo). Provides...
contentful rich text Contentful Rich Text Renderer for Flutter # Rich Text renderer that parses Contentful...
stripe sdk Flutter Stripe SDK # A native dart package for Stripe. There are various other...
fab circular menu plus FAB Circular Menu # ...
secure shared preferences Features # Simple to use yet powerful package to encypt shared...
image cropper for web Web implementation for the image_cropper plugin.
flutter summernote Flutter Summernote # Text Editor in Flutter for Android and iOS to help free...
delta to html Delta_To_HTML # This library helps you to convert Delta to HTML. Usage...
apple sign in safety Clarification # This plugin is a copy of the apple_sign_in plugin -...
oidc oidc # An OpenId Connect...
quick actions android quick_actions_android # The Android implementation of quick_actions. Usage # This package...
usage stats usage_stats # Query Android Usage Statistics...
youtube parser Dart YouTube Parser # A tiny Dart library that extracts YouTube video IDs from...
flutter advanced avatar flutter_advanced_avatar # An advanced avatar provides a rich API for widget customization that...
neopop NeoPOP # NeoPOP is CRED's inbuilt library for using NeoPOP components in your app....
minio MinIO Dart This is the unofficial MinIO Dart Client SDK that provides simple...
extended image library extended_image_library # package library for extended_image extended_image #
pointer interceptor web pointer_interceptor_web # The web implementation of pointer interceptor. Usage # This...
syncfusion officechart Syncfusion Flutter OfficeChart # Syncfusion Flutter OfficeChart is a feature rich and high-performance non-UI...
flutter activity recognition This plugin is used to recognize user activity on Android and iOS platforms. To...
time picker widget time_picker_widget # It is a custom showTimePicker to allow you set a selectableTimePredicate...
fancy bottom navigation FancyBottomNavigation # Getting Started # Add the plugin (pub coming...
dashbook Dashbook # Dashbook is a UI development tool for...
onfido sdk Onfido # Table of contents # 1....
editable Editable # ⚡️A highly customizable, editable table package for Flutter projects. Specs #...
dio logger dio_logger # Simple logging interceptor for Dio. Usage: # final dio =...
permission handler web permission_handler_web # Web part for permission_handler This plugin almost do nothing as...
intl generator Intl_generator # This is a fork of intl_translation to have an up to date...
layout Layout # Following the Material Design Guidelines, Layout encourage consistency across...
dashed circle dashed_circle # A flutter package for drawing dashed circles. Can also be used with...
to csv You can create and download a CSV/Excel file with much less code. Do not forget...
nylo framework Nylo Framework # Nylo is a micro-framework for Flutter which is designed to help...
flutter dropdown dropdown # This does make Flutter Framework complicated dropdown button less complicated. Simple...
no context navigation No Context Navigation # No Context Navigation Package - pub.dev Instead of...
flare splash screen flare_splash_screen # Facilitator for having a Splash screen with a Flare...
cr file saver cr_file_saver # Cleveroad introduces file saver for Flutter # Features:...
redacted A package that automatically generate a loading widget from your own widget.
gql transform link GQL Link to transform Requests and Responses. May be used to update context,...
volume watcher Language: English | 中文简体 volume_watcher # Support ios and android real-time...
sass builder sass_builder # Transpile sass files using the build package and the dart...
webcrypto Cross-Platform Web Cryptography Implemenation # This package provides a cross-platform implementation of the Web...
motion Motion for Flutter widgets # This package adds a new Motion widget that...
fast image resizer fast_image_resizer # This package uses native implementations to resize an image. It should...
gql link A modular AST-based GraphQL request execution interface. Setting up a link #
ordered set ordered_set # A simple implementation for an ordered...
unico check Unico Check # Esta biblioteca visa implementar a tecnologia Unico para prova de vida...
admob flutter Looking for Maintainers. # Unfortunately I haven't been able to keep up with demand...
flutter html audio flutter_html_audio # Audio extension for flutter_html. This package renders audio elements using...
firestore chat Firestore Chat🔥💬 # ⛏️ Getting started # To get started with Firebase, please...
bluetooth low energy bluetooth_low_energy # A Flutter plugin for controlling the bluetooth low energy, supports central...
country country # Generated country class with country_generator using countries. This plugin is using countries...
cloudinary cloudinary # A dart package for to integrate Cloudinary API into your dart and flutter
rate limiter Rate Limiter # [ Built with ♥ at Stream ]
thumbnailer thumbnailer # A Flutter plugin that is able to generate thumbnails for images,...
proste bezier curve English | 中文 Introduction # The control points of Bezier curve are...
circular chart flutter Circular Chart Flutter # This package is based and forked from flutter_circular_chart...
flutter datawedge flutter_datawedge # A Flutter package to communicate with Zebra DataWedge scanners....
dart quill delta Dart Quill Delta # A port of quill-js-delta from typescript to dart
flutter app name Flutter App Name # A command-line tool that makes it trivial to set...
dart eval dart_eval is an extensible bytecode compiler and interpreter for the Dart language, written in...
grouped buttons grouped_buttons # A set of Flutter widgets that makes grouping Checkboxes and...
painter painter # A simple flutter widget to paint with your fingers. Features #...
oidc default store Oidc Default Store # The default OidcStore...
flutter rounded progress bar Flutter Rounded Progressbar # Custom Progressbar Installing #...