control style Applies additional appearance settings to Flutter text fields, buttons and other controls. Currently supports: outer...
sendgrid mailer sendgrid_mailer # sendgrid_mailer is a simple library for composing and sending emails using the...
quick actions ios quick_actions_ios # The iOS implementation of quick_actions. Usage # This package...
in date utils in_date_utils # Another utils for DateTime. Usage #
dio logging interceptor dio_logging_interceptor # An Dio interceptor which logs HTTP request and response data....
yandex mobileads Mobile Ads Flutter Plugin # Flutter plugin for the Yandex Mobile Ads SDK. The...
ini Dart INI # This library deals with reading and writing ini files. This implements the...
animated check animated_check # AnimatedCheck is a Flutter package with a simple implementation of...
implicitly animated reorderable list 2 Implicitly Animated Reorderable List # A Flutter...
apivideo live stream Flutter RTMP live stream client is the video infrastructure for product builders....
rating summary Rating Summary Widget # Create a summary statistic Widget to display the rating and...
flutter page indicator flutter_page_indicator # Page indicator for flutter, with multiple build-in layouts. Show cases...
flutter shaders flutter_shaders # A collection of utilities to make working with the FragmentProgram API easier.
scandit flutter datacapture barcode ScanditBarcodeCapture implements the barcode capture capabilities of the Scandit Data Capture SDK. It...
platform maps flutter platform_maps_flutter # A Flutter package that provides a native map to both Android...
jpeg encode JPEG encoder # Skia, the engine behind dart:ui has no support for JPEG, only...
material dialog material_dialog # A wrapper on top of alert dialog provided by flutter. Demo...
icloud storage icloud_storage # A flutter plugin for upload, download and manage...
animated card animated_card # Package to animate the initialization of any widget, with the possibility of...
flutter regex Flutter Regex Plugin # The flutter_regex plugin provides comprehensive support for a wide range...
yandex maps navikit Yandex MapKit and NaviKit SDK for Flutter # MapKit and NaviKit for Flutter...
audio wave Audio wave # A multi purpose simple bar graph with animation. It is highly...
typesense Typesense # Dart client library for accessing the HTTP API of Typesense search...
yaml writer yaml_writer # ...
bloc pattern Bloc Pattern # Package that helps you implementing BloC Pattern by Dependency...
chinese font library chinese_font_library 意在优化中文字体的跨平台渲染,目前支持: 多字重的渲染 动态加载字体 Features #...
transformer page view transformer_page_view # PageTransformer for flutter Very simple to use # import...
google mlkit smart reply Google's ML Kit Smart Reply for Flutter # ...
stack dart_stack # A dart package for stack datastructure ...
nm Provides a client to connect to NetworkManager - the service that manages network connections on Linux.
json This package supports easy encoding and decoding of JSON maps (maps of type Map<String, Object?>)....
esys flutter share esys_flutter_share # A Flutter plugin for sharing files & text with other applications.
buffer Buffer - Dart library for byte buffers and streams. # Utility functions and...
date utils date_utils # A Dart library to manipulate DateTimes. Useful for creating calendar...
sensors analytics flutter plugin 神策简介 # 神策数据 (Sensors Data),隶属于神策网络科技(北京)有限公司,是一家专业的大数据分析服务公司,大数据分析行业开拓者,为客户提供深度用户行为分析平台、以及专业的咨询服务和行业解决方案,致力于帮助客户实现数据驱动。神策数据立足大数据及用户行为分析的技术与实践前沿,业务现已覆盖以互联网、金融、零售快消、高科技、制造等为代表的十多个主要行业、并可支持企业多个职能部门。公司总部在北京,并在上海、深圳、合肥、武汉等地拥有本地化的服务团队,覆盖东区及南区市场;公司拥有专业的服务团队,为客户提供一对一的客户服务。公司在大数据领域积累的核心关键技术,包括在海量数据采集、存储、清洗、分析挖掘、可视化、智能应用、安全与隐私保护等领域。 More SDK 简介 #...
ed25519 hd key ed25519 HD Key # Key Derivation for ed25519 # Ported from ed25519-hd-key...
uiblock uiblock # Easiest...
o3d O3D - Model Viewer for Flutter # This is a Flutter widget for rendering interactive
scribble Scribble # Scribble is a lightweight library for freehand drawing in...
flutter simple dependency injection flutter_simple_dependency_injection # A simple dependency injection plugin for Flutter and Dart....
gesture password widget GesturePasswordWidget # English | 简体中文 A gesture-unlocking widget for Flutter that supports...
mix Mix is a simple and intuitive styling system for Flutter, enabling the creation of beautiful and...
simple moment simple_moment # A simple implementation of the Moment.js features for relative time in Dart.
searchbar animation Searchbar Animation # Searchbar Animation provides the horizontal slide animation...
slang build runner slang_build_runner # build_runner support for slang. Useful if you want to combine...
seo flutter_seo # Flutter package for enabling SEO (meta, body tag) support on Web....
epub view epub_view # Pure flutter widget (non native) for view EPUB documents on all platforms....
sliding switch sliding_switch # Sliding Switch - A simple switch widget. It can be fully customized...
elementary Elementary # # #
tflite flutter helper plus TensorFlow Lite Flutter Helper Library # TFLite Flutter Helper Library brings TFLite...
light Light # A Flutter plugin for collecting data from the ambient light sensor...
smart select Important Hi everyone, I'm sorry to announce that I'm no longer maintaining the...
time picker spinner time_picker_spinner # Time Picker with spinner instead of a default material time picker....
amap flutter base amap_flutter_base # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
radio group v2 Radio Group # A widget that groups radio buttons so they can work...
flutter openssl crypto flutter_openssl_crypto # This package provides libcrypto from OpenSSL for Android and iOS...
is lock screen2 is_lock_screen2 # original link : Detects if device is...
openvpn flutter Connect OpenVPN service with Flutter, Issues and PRs are very welcome! Android Setup #
result dart RESULT_DART This package aims to create...
flame svg Adds support for rendering SVG (using the flutter_svg library) to your Flame games.
appdynamics agent AppDynamics Flutter Plugin # Extension of the AppDynamics SDK that allows you to instrument...
geolocation geolocation # Flutter geolocation plugin for Android API 16+ and iOS 9+....
connectycube sdk Flutter Getting Started # ConnectyCube helps you implement real-time chat, video chat, push notifications...
google map polyline new Gives polyline coordinates to set polylines in Google Map. google_map_polyline_new...
shake animation widget flutter_shake_animation_widget # Flutter抖动动画组件,FLutter颤动动画 1 抖动效果 ///构建抖动效果 ShakeAnimationWidget buildShakeAnimationWidget()...
combine This plugin Combines Isolate, MethodChannel and Thread Pool. In other words it provides a way...
flutter facebook app links Flutter Facebook App Links # Flutter plugin for Facebook App Links SDK....
babstrap settings screen Babstrap settings screen # This project allows you to create an intuitive and...
flutter conditional rendering flutter_conditional_rendering # A flutter package which enhances conditional rendering, supports if-else and switch...
langchain openai 🦜️🔗 LangChain.dart / OpenAI #
regexpattern RegexPattern # Flutter collection of regex pattern for string validation. Getting Started #...
ably flutter Ably Flutter Plugin # ...
flutter luban flutter_luban # An image compress package like Luban for Dart, based on...
loading gifs Loading GIFs # High quality Android and iOS...
favicon Scrapes a website for favicons and orders them by image dimensions, or just return the best...
stacked card carousel stacked_card_carousel # A widget for creating a vertical carousel with stacked cards....
check vpn connection check_vpn_connection # A simple and lightweight Flutter package that...
iconsax plus Iconsax Plus # Iconsax Plus is an enhanced version of the original Iconsax package,...
flutter inappwebview platform interface flutter_inappwebview_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the flutter_inappwebview plugin. This...
drop cap text This Flutter plugin aims to achive drop cap in text capitalization. Usage #
what3words w3w-dart-wrapper # A Dart library to use the what3words v3 API. API methods are...
flutter syntax view flutter_syntax_view # Flutter Syntax Highlighter Usage # String code = """
flutter alice Alice # Alice is an HTTP Inspector tool...
firebase ml model downloader Firebase ML Model Downloader for Flutter # A Flutter plugin...
sheet Sheet Package # A fully customizable draggable bottom sheet for Flutter Sheet...
flutter launch Flutter launch WhatsApp # A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android to open whatsApp.
yandex maps mapkit lite Yandex MapKit Lite for Flutter # MapKit Lite for Flutter allow you...
random name generator This package creates random people names to be used in Dart/Flutter apps. The generation...
vertical scrollable tabview vertical_scrollable_tabview # A Flutter widget which synchronize a ScrollView and a custom tab...
cross scroll Cross Scroll # A CrossScroll is a flutter Package that permits it’s child views...
get thumbnail video video_thumbnail # This plugin generates thumbnail from video file or URL. It returns...
ping discover network forked ping_discover_network # Dart/Flutter library that allows to ping IP subnet...
shelf multipart shelf_multipart parses multipart and multipart/form-data requests for shelf handlers. Handling multipart requests #...
thingsboard client ThingsBoard API client library for Dart developers. Provides model objects and services to communicate with...
async redux Async Redux | state management # Simple to learn and easy to...
speech balloon speech_balloon # A flutter widget that emulates a speech balloon. This widget is...
mac address mac_address # A new Flutter plugin to get MAC Address of Android and iOS...
fwfh chewie ChewieFactory # WidgetFactory extension to render VIDEO with...
smooth star rating nsafe A Star rating with touch and swipe rate enabled Supports...
empty widget Empty Widget #