cast cast # Dart package to discover and connect with Chromecast devices Installation #...
flutter bootstrap flutter_bootstrap # A partial implementation of Bootstrap Grid system in Flutter for Responsive Layout.
flutter baidu mapapi base flutter_baidu_mapapi_base # 百度地图flutter_base组件. Getting Started # This project...
flutter super html viewer Flutter Super HtmlViewer # A Flutter plugin that provides a HtmlViewer widget...
photo editor sdk Flutter plugin for PhotoEditor SDK # System requirements # Flutter:...
morphable shape morphable_shape # A Flutter package for creating various shapes that are responsive and...
auto start flutter auto_start_flutter # A flutter plugin for enabling auto-start for background services in...
awesome circular chart Awesome Circular Chart # Fork from Flutter Circular Chart A library for...
flutter olm flutter_olm # This package builds the olm library for android and ios to be...
custom check box custom_check_box # A custom check box widget with custom active and inactive color...
stream chat persistence Official Chat Persistence Client for Stream Chat # The official Chat...
search cep Pacote criado para ser uma abstração e facilitar o uso da API via_cep ou da...
aes crypt null safe aes_crypt # Note # This package is a fork of...
flutter painter v2 Flutter Painter 🎨🖌️ # A pure-Flutter package for painting. Summary...
dart emoji dart_emoji # 👉 A light-weight Emoji 📦 for Dart & Flutter with all up-to-date...
myfatoorah flutter myfatoorah_flutter # 📘 Flutter SDK New Version Starting from version '3.0.0',...
fvm fvm #
radio player Radio Player # A Flutter plugin to play streaming audio content with background support...
mockingjay 🕊 mockingjay # Developed with 💙 by Very Good Ventures 🦄
reactive dropdown search reactive_dropdown_search # Wrapper around dropdown_search to use with reactive_forms Docs in progress....
gradient icon Gradient Icon # A Flutter package that provides gradient icons,...
flutter custom tab bar custom_tab_bar # Vertical Round Indicator Example Standard Indicator Example
weekday selector weekday_selector # A collection of Flutter widgets and classes to help you...
float column float_column # Flutter FloatColumn widget for building a vertical column of widgets...
text marquee Text marquee #
app install date A flutter plugin that helps to get date of the app installation
optimize battery optimize_battery # Check for application battery optimization status and open settings or disable it
salesiq mobilisten Zoho SalesIQ Mobilisten Flutter Plugin # Connect with customers at every step of their...
simple connection checker Simple Connection Checker # A simple package to check when the device is...
inspection Inspection # With Inspection you can validate your inputs in Flutter & Dart like Laravel...
ndef ndef # ndef is a Dart library to decode & encode...
load switch Examples # bool value = false; Future<bool> _getFuture() async {...
flutter esc pos network flutter_esc_pos_network # The library allows to print receipts using an ESC/POS thermal...
croppy croppy # A fully customizable image cropper for Flutter, with built-in Material and...
lecle flutter absolute path lecle_flutter_absolute_path # A Flutter project to get the absolute path of a...
emoji regex emoji_regex # emoji-regex offers a regular expression to match all emoji symbols and sequences...
web smooth scroll Web Smooth Scroll # A package to help you provide a smoother and...
country code List of ISO 3166-1 assigned country codes. Features #...
flutter custom month picker Flutter Custom Month Picker # A Flutter package for selecting a month...
motion tab bar v2 Motion Tab Bar v2, with null-safety support # ...
rudder sdk flutter What is Rudder? # Short answer: Rudder is an open-source Segment alternative...
pushy flutter pushy-flutter # The official Pushy SDK for Flutter apps. Pushy is...
getuiflut Getui Flutter Plugin # 1、引用 # getui-flutter-plugin 增加依赖: flutter pub...
network logger Network Logger # Network logger with well designed user interface to inspect network traffic...
flutter box transform Flutter Box Transform # Flutter Box Transform is a Flutter package
overlay loading progress overlay_loading_progress # A flutter widget of overlay loading progress Indicator. You can easily...
function tree Function Tree # Welcome to function_tree, a simple library for parsing strings into...
geojson Geojson # Utilities to work with geojson data in Dart. Features:
l [L]ogger #
flutter security checker This plugin provides the ability to verify rooting and integrity on Android and iOS...
powersync PowerSync SDK for Dart/Flutter # PowerSync is a Postgres-SQLite sync layer, which helps developers to...
agora chat sdk Get Started with Agora Chat # Instant messaging connects people wherever they are...
google ml vision Google ML Kit Vision Plugin # ( A Flutter plugin to use...
multi value listenable builder MultiValueListenableBuilder # A widget to listen to multiple ValueListenables in Flutter....
flutter sslcommerz Welcome to SSLCommerz Flutter Plugin! # This is the official SSLCommerz flutter plugin for...
comment box comment_box # A simple Flutter comment box for posts and products. Youtube Preview...
charset charset # cp series,win series,iso series,gbk,euc-kr,euc-jp,shift-jis,cp437,utf-16 and utf-32 Encoding and Decoding Library for...
fc native video thumbnail fc_native_video_thumbnail # A Flutter plugin to create video thumbnails via...
overflow view overflow_view # A widget displaying children in a line with an overflow indicator at...
animated search bar AnimatedSearchBar # A Beautiful and Simple SearchBar widget with animation transition. It can...
arkit plugin Note: ARKit is only supported by mobile devices with A9 or later processors (iPhone 6s/7/SE/8/X,...
flutter keyboard visibility web Flutter Keyboard Visibility Web # Web support for Flutter Keyboard Visibility...
bubble box English 中文 bubble_box # A powerful bubble box, which implements basic bubble, border,...
flutter rating Flutter Rating # The Flutter Rating widget is a highly customizable and easy-to-use widget...
theme manager theme_manager # A theme manager for light, dark, and system themes. #
moengage inbox MoEngage Inbox Plugin # Inbox Plugin for MoEngage Platform SDK Installation #...
password strength checker password_strength_checker # Generate secure passwords, check for exposed passwords, get visual...
centrifuge Websocket client for Centrifugo server and Centrifuge library. There is no v1 release of this...
avatars avatars # A complete avatar widget with a priority & fallback system which...
linkable linkable # A Flutter widget to add links to your text. By default, the Text...
entry Entry ...
strings The Strings package is an evolution of the work originally produced by Andrew Mezoni. The...
measured size measured_size # A flutter widget that calculates the size of it's child in runtime.
talker logger talker_logger # Logger. Easy, customizable, extensible logging, lightweight with filters, formatters, custom logs, log...
mmkv MMKV is an efficient, small, easy-to-use mobile key-value storage framework used in the WeChat application. It's...
real volume real_volume # A Flutter audio/volume plugin which provides easy access to volume/audio related info...
icon decoration icon_decoration # Add decoration capabilities to the Icon...
custom searchable dropdown custom_searchable_dropdown # Widget allows user to search from a dynamic list of data...
hexagon Hexagon # A widget in a shape of hexagon. Inspired by fantastic hexagons analysis...
matrix gesture detector matrix_gesture_detector # MatrixGestureDetector detects translation, scale and rotation gestures and combines them...
modal side sheet Side Sheet # A package to use Material side sheet into your Flutter...
kiosk mode kiosk_mode # Provides helper methods for working with Lock Task mode on Android and...
flutter form bloc form_bloc # Package Pub
drop shadow DropShadow # Drop shadow effect for any widget in flutter
puppeteer Puppeteer in Dart # A Dart library to automate the Chrome browser over the DevTools...
zendesk messaging Zendesk Messaging # Messaging is a "user-based" chat Live...
instant Instant # A library for manipulating and formatting DateTimes in Dart. Dates and times...
pixel perfect pixel_perfect # ...
number to character number_to_character # this plugin is build to convert number to text Getting...
awesome extensions Awesome Extensions # Let...
json table Json Table Widget # This Flutter package provides a Json Table Widget for directly...
map picker Map Pin Picker # A Vendor-free map Library for Easy and Quick Usage....
async button builder async_button_builder # AsyncButtonBuilder offers a simple way to extend any type of button...
timer button Timer Button # A versatile Flutter package that provides a...
dropdown below Flutter Dropdown_Below # A Flutter Dropdown library which is customize flutter dropdownbutton widget....
serverpod auth server Serverpod # This package is a core part of Serverpod. For documentation, visit:...
flutter multiselect flutter_multiselect # Flutter package for multi-select UI widget Android and iOS...
pluto menu bar PlutoMenuBar for flutter - v3.0.1 # PlutoMenuBar is a horizontal menu bar for...
opencv dart opencv_dart # OpenCV Bindings for Dart Language. Support both asynchronous and synchronous!
ulid Ulid implementation in Dart # Lexicographically sortable, 128-bit identifier (UUID) with 48-bit timestamp and 80...