flutter search bar Archive Notice # This repository is archived. 3.0.0 is the last version that...
flustars flutter3 Language: English | 中文简体 Flutter常用工具类库 # flustars依赖于Dart常用工具类库common_utils,以及对其他第三方库封装,致力于为大家分享简单易用工具类。如果你有好的工具类欢迎PR. 目前包含SharedPreferences Util, Screen...
vector map tiles vector_map_tiles # A plugin for flutter_map that enables the use of vector tiles...
encrypt shared preferences Shared preferences are a simple key-value storage mechanism that can be used to store...
eventify EventEmitter # EventEmitter for dart. This can be used in any application to register for...
events emitter Event Emitter # An Event-based system, highly inspired by NodeJS's Event Emitter. This implementation...
flutter triple flutter_triple # Implementation of the Segmented State Pattern, nicknamed Triple. Documentation...
flutter beacon Flutter Beacon # Flutter plugin to work with iBeacons. An hybrid...
svg path parser svg_path_parser # A Flutter/Dart utility to parse an SVG...
flutter highlighter flutter_highlighter # Syntax highlighter for Flutter. Usage # import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
pinenacl PineNaCl # PineNaCl is a Dart implementation of the TweetNaCl the world's first...
r dotted line border r_dotted_line_border # A Flutter decoration box package about dotted line...
flutter document reader api Regula Document Reader plugin for Flutter # Regula...
stream video flutter Stream Video Flutter # Official Flutter package for the Stream Video SDK...
fluentui icons fluentui_icons # Icon package from Flutter based on fluentui-system-icons from Microsoft. Icon List...
swipe image gallery Swipe Image Gallery # A scrollable, dismissable by swiping, zoomable gallery...
azblob A trivial Azure Blob Storage client. Usage # A simple usage example:
flutter download manager Flutter Download Manager # | Overview...
holding gesture holding_gesture # A customized GestureDetector that acts on holding a determined Widget. Getting...
flutter expandable table flutter_expandable_table Expandable Table # ...
proximity sensor proximity_sensor # https://pub.dev/packages/proximity_sensor simple and easy to use flutter plugin package for proximity...
matrix Matrix SDK # Matrix (matrix.org) SDK written in dart. Native libraries # For...
social media recorder social_media_recorder # A Flutter package for both android and iOS which provides Audio...
flutter gifimage flutter_gifimage # We should know that in order to achieve Gif in flutter, we...
circular bottom navigation Circular Bottom Navigation (or maybe a tab bar). # ...
fancy password field Introduction # FancyPasswordField is a widget that acts as a password validation field....
tdesign flutter Tencent TDesign UI component library of Flutter, suitable for use in mobile projects. 中文文档
smooth sheets smooth_sheets # smooth_sheets offers modal and persistent sheet widgets for Flutter apps....
aws s3 upload aws_s3_upload # A simple, convenient package for uploading to S3. Heavily inspired...
keyboard avoider keyboard_avoider # A lightweight alternative to the Scaffold widget for avoiding the on-screen software...
f logs FLogs Advance Logging Framework # FLog is an Advanced Logging Framework develop in flutter...
flutter advanced segment flutter_advanced_segment # An advanced segment widget, that can be fully customized with bunch...
firebase phone auth handler FirebasePhoneAuthHandler For Flutter # ...
scrollable table view This is a multi axis scrollable data table, that allows you to scroll on...
flutter glow Flutter Glow package # complete and easy to use flutter glow ui...
water drop nav bar Design Credit & screen recording # Animated Tabbar by Cuberto
flutter full pdf viewer PDF viewer for flutter # Android and iOS working pdf viewer!...
file manager File Manager # FileManager is a wonderful widget that allows...
gaimon 🧐 What is it ? # Gaimon is a very simple & easy to use...
alipay kit alipay_kit # Flutter 版支付宝SDK 相关工具 # ...
dart rfb dart-rfb # Implementation of The Remote Framebuffer Protocol (RFC 6143, aka VNC protocol)....
is lock screen is_lock_screen # Detects if device is locked. Useful for determining whether app entered...
spotify spotify-dart # A dart library for interfacing with the Spotify API. Usage #...
http client helper http_client_helper # A Flutter plugin for http request with cancel and...
amplify analytics pinpoint amplify_analytics_pinpoint # The Amplify Flutter Analytics category plugin using the AWS Pinpoint provider.
flutter context menu Flutter Context Menu A Flutter library that provides a flexible and...
full screen image null safe Full Screen image # Full screen photo viewer. It shuts off...
rnd rnd package # Makes working with random values in Dart / Flutter easier:
screen retriever screen_retriever # This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to Retrieve information about...
easy sticky header easy_sticky_header # English...
signal strength indicator 📶 Signal strength indicator widget # Customizable...
star menu StarMenu Easy and Fast Way to build Context Menus ...
responsive table responsive_table # Responsive Data table is a highly flexible tool built upon the foundations...
super context menu Context Menu for Flutter # Features # Single...
singleton singleton # Why create this library # Singleton is useful...
sliding clipped nav bar How to use? # Add sliding_clipped_nav_bar: to your pubspec.yaml dependencies then run...
context plus context_plus # This package...
cached network svg image CachedNetworkSVGImage( imageUrl: 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/02/SVG_logo.svg', placeholder: const CircularProgressIndicator(color: Colors.green), errorWidget: const Icon(Icons.error,...
collapsible sidebar collapsible_sidebar # A collapsible sidebar for Flutter apps implementing the Material Design.
flutter html all flutter_html_all # All optional flutter_html widgets, bundled into a single package. This...
wheel picker Wheel Picker # A superset version of original ListWheelScrollView for easily creating wheel scroll...
flutter tags x flutter_tags_x # Create beautiful tags quickly and easily. Forked from Dn-a/flutter_tags (Not...
build config Customizing builds # Customizing the build behavior of a package is done by creating...
solana Dart library for Solana # Implements the following features: Complete implementation of...
toml toml.dart # This package provides an implementation...
file selector android file_selector_android # The Android implementation of file_selector. Usage # This package...
extra alignments extra alignments # Why should Center get all the love? This package adds...
bitmap Flutter Bitmap # A minimalist Flutter package to perform fast bitmaps operations....
app set id app_set_id # A tiny Flutter library to retrieve a vendor-specific privacy-friendly...
flutter cart Empower your Flutter app with seamless cart management using this powerful package. This comprehensive Flutter...
sendbird chat sdk Sendbird Chat SDK for Flutter # Table of contents...
desktop lifecycle desktop_lifecycle # Allow your flutter desktop application to perceive whether the window...
bip32 bip32 # A BIP32 compatible library for Flutter writing in Dart. Inspired by bitcoinjs
linkfy text linkfy_text # Lightweight flutter package that detects linkable patterns(urls, emails, hashtags, etc) in a...
qr bar code scanner dialog QR/Bar Code Scanner Dialog # Plugin to show a simple scanner...
remove emoji Remove Emoji 😢 Dart package accurately replace/remove emojis in text. Remove-emoji heavily inspired by...
flutter to pdf The FlutterToPDF package lets you export any Flutter widget to PDF Documents and is...
redux logging redux_logging # Connects a Logger to a Redux Store. Can also simply...
flutter map math Map related Calculations Package for Flutter # This package provides a set of...
apple maps flutter apple_maps_flutter # A Flutter plugin that provides an Apple Maps widget.
lecle yoyo player YoYo Video Player # Lecle YoYo Video Player is a HLS(.m3u8) video player...
connection notifier Connection Notifier # A simple way to notify your user about the connection status...
launch app store launch_review # A Flutter plugin to assist in leaving user reviews/ratings...
flutter hls parser flutter_hls_parser # dart plugin for parse m3u8...
live activities A Flutter plugin to use iOS 16.1+ Live Activities & iPhone 14 Pro Dynamic Island...
flutter speech flutter_speech_recognition # Based on rxlabz plugin Objective C and Java Flutter plugin....
api cache manager api_cache_manager # API Cache Manager is a Utility package built with Flutter SDK...
auto updater auto_updater # This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to automatically update themselves...
platform device id v3 platform_device_id # get device id from android、ios、windows、linux、mac、web Description #
flutter aepassurance flutter_aepassurance # flutter_aepassurance is a flutter plugin for the iOS and Android...
flutter list view Flutter List View # Enhance list view to support scroll to index, jump...
flutter initicon flutter_initicon # Initicon are used to show the initials of...
location web location_web # The web implementation of location. Usage # Import the package...
swipe refresh Swipe Refresh #
games services A Flutter plugin to support game center and google play games services. Screenshot #
flutter settings screens flutter_settings_screens # This is a simple flutter plugin for...
vs scrollbar vs_scrollbar # Customizable ScrollBar that can be dragged for quick navigation supporting both Horizontal...
supabase auth ui flutter-auth-ui 📱 # A simple library of...
giffy dialog Giffy Dialog # A...
rrule 🔁 Recurrence rule parsing & calculation as defined in the iCalendar RFC