dev Dev Tools # Dev tools and widgets for Flutter applications. How to...
google polyline algorithm google_polyline_algorithm # Dart...
dlibphonenumber What is it? # This is a Dart port of Google's libphonenumber library Google's...
flutter phosphor icons Flutter Phosphor Icons # Phosphor is a flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams,...
flutter pannable rating bar PannableRatingBar # Introducing a new and improved rating bar for Flutter, offering...
file selector ios file_selector_ios # The iOS implementation of file_selector. Usage # This package...
fullscreen window fullscreen_window # This plugin makes your window fullscreen. Platform Support #
zego uikit Quick start # UI Kit is a full-featured voice + video component, which enables...
appkit ui element colors appkit_ui_element_colors # A Flutter plugin that exposes AppKit’s “UI Element Colors” to...
cross connectivity cross_connectivity # A Flutter plugin for...
chopper generator chopper_generator # This package provides the code generator for the Chopper package.
circle nav bar Circle Nav Bar # Example style: # ./example
custom lint builder custom_lint_builder An package for defining custom lints. License
steel crypt Steel Crypt 3.0 (BETA) # A comprehensive library of high-level, cryptographic API's, either manually...
flutter dropdown alert flutter_dropdown_alert # A dropdown alert package for flutter Dropdown alert will help...
selectable autolink text Selectable Autolink Text # Generate inline links that can be selected...
ios insecure screen detector ios_insecure_screen_detector # A flutter plugin to detect the screenshot and screen recording...
google mlkit image labeling Google's ML Kit Image Labeling for Flutter # ...
flutter splash screen flutter_splash_screen # A...
device region device_region # A Flutter plugin which uses platform-specific API to return a SIM country...
chip list Features # Creates a list of ChoiceChips. Also allows for selecting multiple chips at...
need resume Need Resume # Need Resume is a package to implement onResume, onPause, onReady functionality...
drift sqflite drift_sqflite # drift_sqflite contains a drift database implementation based on the sqflite package.
awesome select About # SmartSelect allows you to easily convert your usual form select or dropdown...
scidart # SciDart is an experimental cross-platform scientific library for Dart. 🏹 Goals #...
flutter geocoder flutter_geocoder # Forward and reverse geocoding. Usage # Import package:flutter_geocoder/geocoder.dart, and use...
maplibre gl Flutter MapLibre GL # This Flutter...
masonry grid masonry_grid # Flutter Masonry Grid layout to create masonry, staggered items layout. Support...
audio service mpris audio_service_mpris # This platform interface allows you to use audio_service on Linux with...
intro views flutter IntroViews is inspired by Paper Onboarding and developed with love from scratch. Checkout our...
attributed text Easily add metadata to your Strings with the attributed_text package. ...
flutter skeleton ui Flutter Skeletons # Clone of skeletons A Flutter package for building custom...
airplane mode checker AirplaneModeChecker # A Flutter plugin allows you to check...
flutter custom dialog ✨ flutter_custom_dialog # [Language ~~] English | 中文文档 Global dialog...
dialog flowtter A Flutter implementation of DialogFlow, improved. Build your integrations with...
macos ui macos_ui # Flutter widgets and themes implementing the current macOS design language. Check...
arcore flutter plugin I'm working to a new sceneview_flutter plugin to implement all features available in sceneview.
flutter hsvcolor picker flutter_hsvcolor_picker # An HSV color picker designed for your Flutter app. Pickers:...
alphabet scroll view A Scrollable ListView Widget with the dynamic vertical Alphabet List on the Side which...
downloadsfolder Flutter Download Folder Plugin # A Flutter plugin for retrieving the path to the downloads...
oxidized oxidized # A Dart package with types similar to those found in Rust, such as...
spreadsheet decoder Spreadsheet Decoder # Spreadsheet Decoder is a library...
numeric keyboard numeric_keyboard # A simple numeric keyboard widget Installation # Add...
super text layout Configurable, composable, extensible text display for Flutter. Flutter lacks...
geofence service This plugin is a geofence service with activity recognition API. It does not use the...
flutter popup flutter_popup # The flutter_popup package is a convenient tool that enables you to display...
easy logger EasyLogger Getting Started # 🔩 Installation # Add to your...
route transitions Route transitions # Now supports latest dart null safety . This package...
media info media_info # Utilizes platform code to determine audio, video & photo properties.
solid bottom sheet Solid bottom sheet # A full customizable bottom sheet easy to...
easy loading button easy_loading_button # easy_loading_button...
appflowy editor AppFlowy Editor A highly customizable rich-text editor for Flutter Discord •
top modal sheet top_modal_sheet # Simple modal sheet that appears from the top of the screen
uri Utilities for working with URIs in Dart, mostly parsing and generating URIs. UriPattern #...
network to file image network_to_file_image # This package combines NetworkImage and FileImage to: ...
rational Dart Rational # This project enable to make computations on rational numbers....
hypersdkflutter Hyper SDK Flutter # Flutter plugin for HyperSDK which enables payment orchestration via different dynamic...
flutter remix FlutterRemix # The complete Remix Icon pack available as Flutter Icons. This package acts...
flutter test robots Simulate human interactions in your tests. This project is...
dio http cache lts dio-http-cache-lts # Dio-http-cache-lts is just a maintainance for the old...
device imei Device Imei # Flutter plugins to get real IMEI for Mobile Device
auto height grid view Bye ByeAspect Ratio, Welcome auto_height_grid_view 😎 Why auto_height_grid_view? # A Flutter...
swipable stack swipable_stack # ...
chuck interceptor Chuck # ChuckInterceptor is an HTTP Inspector tool for Flutter which helps debugging http...
hyperkyc flutter hyperkyc_flutter # Flutter Plugin for HyperKYC SDK # HyperKYC Flutter SDK can be...
mqtt5 client mqtt5_client # A server and browser based MQTT Version 5 client for...
geoflutterfire plus geoflutterfire_plus 🌍 # geoflutterfire_plus allows your Flutter apps...
pay with paystack Features # 🎉Mobile Money🎉 🎉VISA🎉 🎉Bank🎉 🎉Bank Transfer🎉 🎉USSD🎉
gradient widgets Gradient Widgets # As of ^0.5.0, shadowColor is available for gradient buttons...
location picker flutter map location_picker_flutter_map # A Flutter package that provides Place search and Location picker...
material material # Set of material design icons incluing 1070 outlined icons. Web...
singular flutter sdk singular_flutter_sdk # A Flutter plugin for Singular SDK. Table of...
ar flutter plugin ar_flutter_plugin # Flutter Plugin for (collaborative) Augmented Reality - Supports ARKit...
image compression Image Compression # A Dart Extension for image package to compress and resize the...
status bar control Status Bar Control # Since flutter_statusbar_manager is no longer maintained, this...
dio http formatter A simple Dio interceptor for pretty printing the HTTP request/response (using the awesome...
city pickers Language: English city_pickers # 中国的城市三级联动选择器 Demo # demo:
flutter local notifications linux Flutter Local Notifications Linux plugin # The Linux implementation of flutter_local_notifications....
disk space plus disk_space_plus # Get the information about free and total disk space for you...
steps indicator steps_indicator # A simple steps indicator widget Installation # Add...
slide to confirm slide_to_confirm # A customizable slider that will activate a callback when the user...
credit card scanner Fast, Accurate and Secure Credit & Debit card scanner for Flutter ...
open street map search and pick A flutter place search and location picker plugin that uses Open...
requests inspector requests_inspector 🕵 # A Flutter package for logging API requests (Http Requests...
statsfl statsfl - A simple FPS monitor for Flutter # 🔨 Installation #...
docx template docx_template_dart # A Docx template engine Generates docx from template file. In...
list counter A Counter class that follows the specification outlined at The CounterStyle class represents...
checkbox grouped checkbox_grouped # * grouped (checkbox/radioButton) * customisable grouped checkbox *...
device frame device_frame # ...
perfect freehand # Draw perfect pressure-sensitive freehand lines. 🔗 A port of the perfect-freehand JavaScript...
flutter oss licenses flutter_oss_licenses # Introduction # flutter_oss_licenses is a tool to generate detail and...
amplify core amplify_core # A core package containing base types, utilities shared across the amplify-flutter library.
glassmorphism ui glassmorphism_ui # Create glassmorphic design using GlassContainer having frosted glass effect. ...
transparent pointer transparent_pointer # TransparentPointer is a widget that is invisible for its parent to hit...
speed test dart speed_test_dart # Forked from speed_test_port Flutter package to test ping, upload, download...
flutter oss aliyun Language: 中文简体 | English flutter_oss_aliyun # 一个访问阿里云oss并且支持STS临时访问凭证访问OSS的flutter库,基本上涵盖阿里云oss sdk的所有功能。⭐ flutter pub:
xxtea XXTEA for Dart # Introduction...
linkedin login linkedin_login # (Implemented in version of 3.0.0 of this library)...
chat gpt flutter ChatGPT API implemented in Flutter Getting started #...
weather icons weather_icons # A Flutter library for using Weather Icons. ...