bugsnag flutter Bugsnag error monitoring & reporting for Flutter apps # The...
root root plugin # A Flutter Plugin to check Android device Root status and...
stacked hooks Stacked Hooks # This package contains widgets that allow you to use the Flutter...
iconsax flutter Iconsax Flutter # A Flutter package for Iconsax Icons. Usage #
flutter tags flutter_tags # Create beautiful tags quickly and easily.
simple animation progress bar simple_animation_progress_bar # This Flutter widget pack aims to show a reactive style...
webengage flutter WebEngage Flutter SDK # For more information checkout our website and documentation. More...
screenshot callback Screenshot Callback Flutter plugin that allows you to detect mobile screenshot and...
just waveform just_waveform # This plugin extracts waveform data from an audio file that can be...
redis Redis client for Dart # Redis protocol parser and client for Dart...
throttling THROTTLING DART LIBRARY # contain "throttling" and "debouncing" classes
indexed Indexed # its a widget allow you to order the items inside stack, sothing like...
device uuid device_uuid # A plugin to get device's UUID Getting Started # Add...
flutter automation Flutter Automation # This package contains various automation scripts that will help you automate...
flutter bmflocation bdmap_location_flutter_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
rubber An elastic material bottom sheet implementation for Flutter. This is still an early preview, some...
overlay tooltip Overlay_tooltip # A Package that helps display tooltips for onboarding certain features in your...
perfect volume control [中文文档] [English Docs] What is FlutterPerfectVolumeControl ? # Flutter volume control...
hotkey manager hotkey_manager # This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to defines system/inapp wide...
map Lightweight and powerful geographical Map widget for Flutter, supporting different layers and projections including EPSG4326/Mercator/WGS1984....
snippet coder utils snippetcoder_utils # SnippetCoderUtils is a Utility package built with Flutter SDK to make...
firebase auth mocks Firebase Auth Mocks # Mocks for Firebase...
google mlkit translation Google's ML Kit On-Device Translation for Flutter #
fpjs pro plugin Fingerprint Pro Flutter # Fingerprint is a device intelligence platform offering 99.5% accurate...
passcode screen Flutter - Passcode Lock Screen # A Flutter package for iOS and Android for...
google mlkit object detection Google's ML Kit Object Detection and Tracking for Flutter # ...
flutter paypal checkout 🎥 Flutter PayPal Checkout # ⚡ Best and easy way to INTEGRATE PayPal...
flex seed scheme FlexSeedScheme (FSS) # A more flexible and powerful version of Flutter's ColorScheme.fromSeed. Use...
clay containers Clay Containers # Easily create and customize beautiful, modern neumorphic containers for your Flutter...
kt dart kt.dart # This project...
flutter meta sdk Flutter Meta SDK # LinkedIn GitHub
galleryimage Gallery Image plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that list of images from URLs
objectbox generator ObjectBox generator for Dart/Flutter # This package provides code generation for the...
flutter overboard flutter_overboard # Onboarding widget for flutter to create beautiful onboarding slides with...
another carousel pro AnotherCarousel # Null safe version of Carousel Pro Package # Usage #
persian datetime picker 📆 A persian (farsi,shamsi) datetime picker for flutter, inspired by material datetime picker. #
turf A TurfJs-like geospatial analysis library written in pure Dart. ...
app review app_review # Online Demo: https://fluttercommunity.github.io/app_review/ Description # Flutter Plugin for...
flutter swiper null safety flutter3 3.0.0 版本需要flutter版本大于3.3.0才能用 # 轮播图组件,支持flutter3
open document open_document # Used to create a folder on the user's mobile phone and Desktop;
flutter insider flutter_insider # A Flutter Plugin For Insider SDK Getting Started # This...
flutter side menu Flutter Side Menu ...
customer io Customer.io Flutter Plugin # This is the official Customer.io Flutter plugin. Getting started...
glowy borders This package provides a wrapper widget to animate borders around your widgets. You can...
location geocoder location_geocoder # Flutter package to convert latitude/longitude to address and from address to latitude/longitude.
flutter app icons flutter_app_icons # Dynamic App Icon, with flutter. You can use this plugin to...
overlord An assortment of widgets that loom over your content. This project...
google speech Google Speech # This package allows the use of Google Speech Api with grpc...
flutter app version checker App Version Checker # this package is used to check if your...
miniplayer A lightweight flutter package to simplify the creation of a miniplayer by providing a builder function...
pix flutter pix_flutter # Wrapper para usar o API PIX, compatível com...
charts painter Charts painter # Idea behind this lib is to allow highly customizable charts. By...
google maps utils An Android Google Maps Utils original java project port for Flutter # A...
notification center Notification Center # A notification dispatch mechanism that enables the broadcast of...
noise meter Noise Meter # A noise meter plugin for iOS and Android. Install #
native pdf view Plugin renamed and republished as [pdfx] # [pdfx] on pub.dev Some smaller...
bluetooth enable fork Introduction # BluetoothEnable is a Bluetooth plugin for Flutter, to programtically request turning...
keyboard height plugin Keyboard Height Plugin for Flutter # keyboard_height_plugin is a Flutter plugin for iOS...
geoflutterfire GeoFlutterFire 🌍 # GeoFlutterFire is an open-source library that...
otpless flutter OTPLESS Flutter SDK # Installation # You can checkout the complete...
buildbucket Dart Buildbucket # Dart LUCI buildbucket protobufs. Details # These protobufs are used...
progressive image Progressive Image # A flutter widget which progressively loads large images using Low Quality...
before after 👏 Before After # A flutter...
split view Splitter view plugin # A splitter view for flutter. Usage # To...
custom platform device id platform_device_id # get device id from android、ios、windows、linux、mac、web Description #
binary Binary # Utilities for accessing binary data and bit manipulation in Dart and Flutter....
interactiveviewer gallery interactiveviewer_gallery # 中文文档 A flutter library to show picture and video...
logging appenders logging_appenders # Native dart package for logging appenders usable with...
giphy picker giphy_picker # A Flutter package that allows you to pick animated GIF images from...
concentric transition Concentric Transition # A Flutter plugin to create views using Concentric Transition Clipper....
localstore Localstore # Between SQL or NoSQL, there's no one best database, there's the...
esc pos bluetooth esc_pos_bluetooth # The library allows to print receipts using a Bluetooth...
subtitle wrapper package subtitle_wrapper_package # Features #...
flutter tesseract ocr Tesseract OCR for Flutter # Tesseract OCR 4.0 for flutter This plugin...
ansi up ansi_up.js # ansi_up is an easy to use library that transforms text containing...
flutter color models flutter_color_models # A wrapper for the color_models plugin that implements Flutter's [Color] class.
flutter sms inbox Flutter SMS Inbox # Flutter android SMS inbox library...
unsplash client Unsplash provides free high-resolution photos. This is a client for their REST API....
faker dart generate massive amounts of fake data in Dart & Flutter Faker.dart is...
reactive date time picker reactive_date_time_picker # Wrapper around flutter date and time picker to use with...
scaled app Scale the entire UI design proportionally. Button, image, font, every widget is scaled simultaneously.
flutter idensic mobile sdk plugin Sumsub Flutter Plugin # Flutter plugin for the Sumsub Mobile SDK
super sliver list SliverList and ListView - Supercharged # See the live example of...
theme tailor annotation Annotations for ThemeTailor. This package does nothing without ThemeTailor.
system info plus system_info_plus # A Flutter plugin to get device Random Access Memory (RAM) size.
flutter hms gms availability flutter_hms_gms_availability # Based on the posting by @Salman Yakoob https://medium.com/@salman.yaqoob.1985...
sip ua dart-sip-ua # A dart-lang version of the SIP UA stack, ported from...
codicon codicon # codicon is an easy to use package that exposes vscode-icons for...
clear all notifications clear_all_notifications # A Flutter plugin for clearing all Android and iOS active notifications
smooth star rating A Star rating with touch and swipe rate enabled Read only...
outline material icons outline_material_icons # This package provides the 'outline' theme of icons on the Material...
code text field CodeField # A customizable code text field supporting syntax highlighting ...
appengine Dart support for Google AppEngine # This package provides support for running server applications written...
protocol handler protocol_handler # This plugin allows Flutter apps to register and handle custom...
device marketing names Device Marketing Names # A simple device name lookup package. Map e.g. 'iPhone13,4'...
vm service protos A library for decoding protos returned by a service implementing the Dart VM...
comment tree comment_tree # ...
flutter broadcasts Flutter Broadcasts # A plugin for sending and receiving broadcasts with Android intents and...
hugeicons Free Flutter Icons by Hugeicons # Welcome to Hugeicons Flutter Icons, your premier destination for...
bouncing widget bouncing_widget # A widget that enables you to add a bouncing animation on a...