flutter map dragmarker flutter_map_dragmarker # A drag marker for flutter_map. See the example/lib/main.dart for usage,...
follow the leader Widgets following widgets. This project is a Flutter Bounty...
vimeo player flutter vimeo_player_flutter plugin # vimeo_player_flutter plugin provides vimeo player Flutter widget based on the...
amap flutter map amap_flutter_map # 基于高德开放平台地图SDK的flutter插件 Usage # 使用Flutter插件,请参考在Flutter里使用Packages, 添加amap_flutter_map的引用 准备工作 #...
flutter code editor Flutter Code Editor # Flutter Code Editor...
widget mask Use a widget to mask and blend another widget, for example to imprint text onto
flutter simple calculator flutter_simple_calculator # Flutter widget that provides simple calculator. You can easily integrate a...
language picker language_picker # Provides a dropdown and dialog to select a...
regexed validator Validating: phone name postalCode email url currency
social login buttons Flutter Social Login Button # Social Login Button is a flutter package to...
event Event # IMPORTANT: This version includes breaking changes. See CHANGELOG.md for...
wheel slider Wheel Slider # Wheel Slider offers a lot of customisation and enables you to...
flutter pretty dio logger flutter_pretty_dio_logger # Show the correct json format, cUrl, easy to copy and...
spider Spider # A small dart library to generate Assets dart code from assets folder. It...
flutter easy permission flutter_easy_permission # 中文文档 | English Permission plugin for Flutter.This is a wrapper...
animate icons Animate Any two icons with this plugin # Demo: # How...
flame tiled Adds support for Tiled's tile maps to your Flame games. ...
data connection checker tv data_connection_checker # A pure Dart utility library that checks for...
flutter guid flutter_guid # A flutter package that emulates the C# type Guid. Use this package...
tinycolor2 tinycolor2 # TinyColor is a small library for Flutter color manipulation and conversion
neat periodic task Neat Periodic Task Scheduling # When writing long-running processes such as a web-server...
board datetime picker board_datetime_picker # Picker to select date and time for Flutter. It is...
text to speech Text To Speech # A Flutter plugin provides TTS (Text-To-Speech) Service. This plugin...
huawei location Huawei Location Kit Flutter Plugin Huawei Location Kit...
flutter keyboard size flutter_keyboard_size # When the virtual keyboard is opened, we can get its height...
random avatar random_avatar # Flutter Wrapper for Multiavatar Multiavatar is a multicultural avatar...
chatview ChatView # A Flutter package that allows you to integrate Chat View with...
slide digital clock Slide Digital Clock Plugin # Usage # To use plugin, just import...
pixel snap PixelSnap - Sharp looking applications at any pixel scaling factor # If you have...
flutter lifecycle detector flutter_lifecycle_detector # A plugin flutter detect app entering background or foreground mode....
number inc dec number_inc_dec # A flutter widget that accepts numbers along with buttons to increment...
week of year week_of_year # Fast dependency-free extension methods to get the ISO 8601 week of...
timelines plus Note: this is just updated version of this package: https://pub.dev/packages/timelines ...
zego express engine zego_express_engine # English | 中文 ZegoExpressEngine Audio/Video Flutter SDK is a flutter...
neat cache Neat Cache # Abstractions around in-memory caches stores such as redis, with timeouts and
flutter aepedgeidentity flutter_aepedgeidentity # flutter_aepedgeidentity is a flutter plugin for the iOS and Android...
proj4dart PROJ4DART # Proj4dart is a Dart library to transform point coordinates from one...
flutter uploader Flutter Uploader # A plugin for creating and managing upload tasks. Supports iOS and...
syncfusion flutter treemap Flutter Treemap library # A Flutter Treemap library for creating interactive treemap to...
matomo tracker Matomo Tracker #
flutter neat and clean calendar flutter_neat_and_clean_calendar # Simple flutter calendar based on flutter_clean_calendar package.
shared preference app group Shared preferences with App Group # Shared preference supporting iOS...
libphonenumber plugin libphonenumber_plugin # Flutter plugin for Google libphonenumber. ⚠️ Notice # This plugin...
choice The successor to smart_select and chips_choice with cleaner, more flexible, and composable API for creating inline...
select form field select_form_field # A Flutter select field widget. It shows...
crypton Crypton # A simple Dart library for asymmetric encryption and digital signatures ...
openapi generator annotations This library is the dart/flutter implementation of openapi client sdk code generation. With...
share files and screenshot widgets share_files_and_screenshot_widgets # This pub lets you share any kind of files...
tiengviet tiengviet # Convert vietnamese sign to unsign easily like eat 🥞🥞🥞.
sign button Sign In Button # A Flutter plugin for generating sign in buttons for different...
flutter baidu mapapi map flutter_baidu_mapapi_map # A new Flutter plugin for BaiDuMap. Getting Started #
root jailbreak sniffer root_jailbreak_sniffer # Flutter plugin to detect jailbreak on iOS and root detection (Magisk...
cronet http An Android Flutter plugin that provides access to the Cronet HTTP client. Cronet...
qr code dart scan QRCodeDartScan # A QR code scanner that works on both iOS and...
datetime setting datetime_setting # Flutter plugin to get information about auto time and auto timezone. Open...
flutter neumorphic plus flutter_neumorphic_plus # A complete, ready to use, Neumorphic ui kit for Flutter, fork...
osm nominatim A library to perform OSM Nominatim searches also supporting reverse searches. The documentation comments...
multi image picker view Multi Image Picker View Flutter # ...
jitsi meet flutter sdk Jitsi Meet Flutter SDK # The Jitsi Meet...
moengage geofence MoEngage Geofence Plugin # Geofence Plugin for MoEngage Platform SDK Installation #...
dropdown plus dropdown_plus # Simple and easy to use Dropdown in forms with search, keyboard navigation,...
aws signature v4 AWS Signature Version 4 # An HTTP request signer for AWS Signature Version...
country state city country_state_city # A flutter package to display list of world wide...
timezone to country timezone_to_country # Library for translation Time Zone...
file selector web file_selector_web # The web implementation of file_selector. Usage # This package...
fbroadcast fbroadcast The complexity is simplified and easy to manage. FBroadcast helps developer...
json view json_view # A json preview package...
dart json mapper This package allows programmers to annotate Dart objects in order to Serialize /...
payu checkoutpro flutter Flutter wrapper for PayU CheckoutPro SDK # This is flutter wrapper built upon...
time ⏰ Time # With shiny extensions, if you have ever written something like...
zego uikit prebuilt live streaming If you find this package helpful, please help by giving it a...
flutter sequence animation flutter_sequence_animation # Features # No need to use intervals and...
card loading # A Flutter package to create easy create...
google maps cluster manager 2 Flutter Cluster Manager for Google Maps # A Flutter...
easy search bar Easy Search Bar # A Flutter plugin to help you handle...
fresh dio fresh_dio 🍋 # A...
dartssh2 DartSSH 2
image watermark Image Watermark # Languages # Image watermark is flutter pacakge to...
draggable home Draggable Home # A draggable Flutter widget that makes implementing a Sliding up and...
sanitize html HTML Sanitizer for Dart # When embedding HTML from untrusted source in a website...
qr mobile vision QR Mobile Vision # Reading QR codes and other barcodes using...
animated segmented tab control A customizable segment tab control. Can be used with or without TabView....
current location SimpleInAppWebView # Android IOS...
shared value Shared Value # A wrapper over InheritedModel, this module allows you to easily...
flutter naver login flutter_naver_login # A...
footer Flutter Footer Widget # A new Flutter package which helps developers in creating Customisable Footer...
pocketbase PocketBase Dart SDK # Official Multi-platform Dart SDK for interacting with the PocketBase Web API.
textfield search flutter_textfield_search # FTFS is a Flutter package which uses a TextField Widget...
patterns canvas Patterns Flutter library to draw patterns like stripes or dots on Canvas elements or...
rsa encrypt rsa_encrypt 1.0.5 # RSA encryption package. Getting Started # RSA keys generator,...
flutter svprogresshud flutter_svprogresshud # A clean and lightweight progress HUD for flutter app, based...
wiredash Wiredash SDK for Flutter # ...
flutter fadein Flutter Fade-In # Simple Flutter widget to fade-in your widgets once they are mounted.
macos window utils English | 简体中文 macos_window_utils is a Flutter package that provides a set of...
cropperx CropperX # A cropper package made fully in Flutter.
swipeable button view swipeable_button_view # You can create ripple animated pages with...
flutter html iframe flutter_html_iframe # Iframe widget for flutter_html. This package renders iframes using the...
simple logger simple_logger # Provides super simple APIs for logging. The log also includes caller info...
webview universal Webview Universal # Webview universal yang mudah di gunakan Tested On #...
connectivity wrapper connectivity_wrapper # This plugin allows Flutter apps provide feedback on your app when it's...