texture rgba renderer Texture Rgba Renderer # A general texture helper which brings both of high...
installed apps Installed Apps # The Installed Apps plugin for Flutter provides utility methods related to...
flutter state notifier Welcome to flutter_state_notifier~ This repository is a side-package that is destined to be...
flutter custom cursor flutter_custom_cursor # This plugin allows to create/set a custom...
circular menu A simple animated circular menu for Flutter, Adjustable radius, colors, alignment, animation curve and animation...
cached video player Cached Video Player # A flutter plugin that has been forked from the...
rounded loading button plus rounded_loading_button_plus # ...
desktop multi window desktop_multi_window # A flutter plugin that create and manager multi window...
keyboard attachable keyboard_attachable # A Flutter package to build widgets that can be attached to the...
razorpay web Flutter Razorpay Plugin
agora rtm AgoraRtm # This Flutter plugin is a wapper for Agora RTM SDK.
google static maps controller google_static_maps_controller # The package provides simple and declarative access to...
flutter notification channel flutter_notification_channel # https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_notification_channel This plugin is made to register notification channels with...
fade shimmer fade_shimmer # A fade shimmer library to implement loading like latest facebook loading effect.
snapping sheet Snapping Sheet # A...
flutter map tile caching flutter_map_tile_caching # A plugin for 'flutter_map' providing advanced offline functionality.
cloudinary public cloudinary_public # This package allows you to upload media files directly...
highlight highlight # Dart Syntax highlighting library. If you are looking for Flutter...
stroke text Stroke Text Widget # A simple flutter package to add stroke (border) style to...
image fade ImageFade # A widget for Flutter that displays a placeholder widget while a specified...
animated theme switcher animated_theme_switcher # Animated theme switcher. This library starts from Peyman's...
advance pdf viewer2 advance_pdf_viewer2 # A flutter plugin for handling PDF files. Works on both Android...
custom marker overview # A package to convert Widget, Local image, Netwok image, Svg file to...
duration picker Duration Picker for flutter # Fork from flutter_duration_picker. https://github.com/cdharris/flutter_duration_picker A little widget for...
aws s3 api AWS API client for Amazon Simple Storage Service # Generated Dart library from...
svgaplayer flutter SVGAPlayer-Flutter # 简体中文 支持本项目 # 如果 SVGA-Flutter 为您提供了便利与帮助,诚恳建议您通过以下方式支持作者、贡献者持续为该项目发电。 轻点...
dart code metrics presets DCM Presets # DCM is an advanced linter for Dart and Flutter...
nanoid2 nanoid2 # Dart implementation of ai/nanoid. This is a fork...
eraser eraser # A Flutter plugin that allows notifications and iOS badge counts to be dismissed...
downloads path provider 28 downloads_path_provider_28 # Flutter plugin to get the downloads directory. ...
get it mixin Hi my friends, I recently published my new package watch_it https://github.com/escamoteur/watch_it, an overhauled...
worker manager Worker Manager # Worker Manager is a powerful and easy-to-use library that helps you...
download Cross-Platform file downloader for Dart and Flutter projects. Demo # Web Demo
native dio adapter Native Dio Adapter #
marqueer Transform to "Marquee" from any widget. Marquee # ...
flutter loggy Loggy Flutter extension # Extension for loggy please go there for the documentation.
over react OverReact # A library for building statically-typed React UI components using Dart. This...
pro image editor The ProImageEditor is a Flutter widget designed for image editing within your application. It...
flutter echarts 中文
dbcrypt DBCrypt # Port of jBCrypt to Dart. This system hashes passwords using a version...
chart sparkline chart_sparkline # Beautiful sparkline charts for Flutter. Online Demo #...
modal progress hud modal_progress_hud # A simple widget wrapper to enable modal progress HUD (a modal...
group list view GroupListView package for Flutter. # A ListView that allows you to...
sp util sp_util # Flutter shared_preferences plugin util, support get default value, save object,...
scroll pos Scroll Position # Provides some additional functions to ScrollController to define item position...
svg flutter svg_flutter # Upgraded package for getting SVG Images with error handling. An upgrade to...
bluetooth thermal printer bluetooth_thermal_printer # The library allows printing receipts using a Bluetooth printer(Android...
animated background Animated Backgrounds for Flutter # Animated Backgrounds for Flutter. Easily extended to...
tab container Tab view/carousel widget with a beautifully animated indicator and simple usage. Just pass in...
kiwi kiwi # A simple yet efficient IoC container for...
sunmi printer plus sunmi_printer_plus # This is a fork from sunmi_printer , but i implemented a...
remixicon Remix Icon For Flutter # Simply Delightful Icon System and Easy to use in flutter,...
el tooltip ElTooltip - a smart positioned tooltip Why el_tooltip? # ...
path parsing path_parsing # Split from the Flutter path drawing library to create a pure Dart...
circular profile avatar circular_profile_avatar # CircularProfileAvatar is a Flutter package which allows developers to implement circular...
node interop Node Interop # Write applications in Dart, run in NodeJS. What...
expressions ❤️ sponsor expressions # A library to parse and evaluate simple expressions.
cpf cnpj validator CPF/CNPJ Validator # A Flutter plugin to validate CPF/CNPJ numbers from Brazil....
dotted dashed line About # This package allows you to draw a horizontal or vertical dashed...
credit card type detector credit_card_type_detector | Credit Card Type Detector # A Dart package that detects...
pip view pip_view # Widget to allow the presentation of a widget below a floating one....
mobkit dashed border Mobkit Dashed Border # The Mobkit Dashed Border is a border that provide...
dart mappable builder Builder for dart_mappable
infinite listview Flutter Infinite ListView # ListView with items that can be scrolled infinitely...
anim search bar Anim Search Bar #
datepicker dropdown Date Picker Dropdown # A Date picker Dropdown for Flutter with customizable...
camera windows Camera Windows Plugin # The Windows implementation of camera. Note: This plugin is...
get time ago get_time_ago # A Flutter package to convert and format DateTime object into get_time_ago...
system info2 system_info2 # A fork of system_info as the original maintainer no longer wishes to...
flutter pin code fields Flutter Pin Code Fields # A Flutter package to generate...
native exif native_exif # A simple EXIF metadata reader/writer for Flutter using native functions from iOS...
amap flutter location 前述 # 高德定位Flutter插件 登录高德开放平台官网分别申请Android端和iOS端的key 如需了解高德定位SDK的相关功能,请参阅Android定位SDK开发指南和iOS定位SDK开发指南 使用高德定位Flutter插件...
ua client hints User-Agent Client Hints for Flutter #
flutter locales flutter_locales # Localize your Flutter app to multiple locales within seconds Why Flutter...
disk space disk_space # Get the information about free and total disk space for you device.
photo gallery Photo Gallery # A Flutter plugin that retrieves images and videos from...
local auth windows local_auth_windows # The Windows implementation of local_auth. Usage # This package...
build Defines the basic pieces of how a build happens and how they interact. Builder #
launch at startup launch_at_startup # This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to Auto launch...
fwfh svg SvgFactory # WidgetFactory extension to render SVG with...
model viewer plus 3D Model Viewer for Flutter # https://pub.dev/packages/model_viewer - Fork from a package that...
drop down list Dropdown List Choices # Highly versatile Widget to search through a single or...
flutter dialogs flutter_dialogs # A lightweight and platform-aware plugin for showing dialogs and alerts for both...
navigation history observer Flutter Navigation History Observer # A flutter navigation observer that adds access to...
number text input formatter Number Text Input Formatter # Number Text Input Formatter for Flutter....
country calling code picker Country Calling Code Picker # Searchable country picker widget ready to use...
fimber fimber # Extensible logging for Dart and Flutter. Package is based on famous Android...
flutter native timezone updated gradle flutter_native_timezone # A flutter plugin for getting the local timezone of...
inview notifier list inview_notifier_list # A Flutter package that builds a ListView or CustomScrollView...
appinio social share appinio_social_share supports sharing files to social media (Facebook, Instagram, Instagram Story, Messenger, Telegram, WhatsApp,...
charset converter Charset converter # Encode and decode charsets using...
azure application insights Azure Application Insights # What?...
time range picker Time Range Picker # A time range picker for flutter. Getting Started...
corsac jwt Lightweight implementation of JSON Web Tokens (JWT). Usage #...
flutter drawing board Flutter Drawing Board # A Flutter package of drawing board. Flutter artboard
flutter progress hud Flutter Progress HUD # Highly customizable modal progress indicator with fade animation....
fwfh cached network image CachedNetworkImageFactory # WidgetFactory extension to render...
flutter local notifications platform interface flutter_local_notifications_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the flutter_local_notifications plugin....
lazy load indexed stack lazy_load_indexed_stack # A package that extends IndexedStack to allow for lazy loading.
boxy About # Boxy is a Flutter package created to overcome the limitations of built-in layout...