flashy tab bar2 flashy_tab_bar2 # THIS IS A FORK OF flashy_tab_bar by leesnhyun...
cinetpay đ Paiement par CinetPay đ # Ce package vous...
grinder Dart workflows, automated. Grinder consists of a library to define project tasks (e.g....
credit card validator credit_card_validator | Credit Card Validator # A Dart package that validates credit card...
mobile number mobile_number # This is a FLutter Plugin to get the device mobile number....
loading more list loading_more_list # A loading more list which supports ListView,GridView,WaterfallFlow and Slivers.
stripe android This is an implementation of the stripe_platform_interface package for Android. Usage # With...
flutter paytabs bridge Flutter PayTabs Bridge # Flutter paytabs plugin is a wrapper for...
currency formatter currency_formatter # A package to easily format money. It supports setting a custom currency...
http proxy http_proxy # http_proxy get the proxy settings of mobile device automatically,and set up proxy...
zoom tap animation Zoom Tap Animation # Zoom Tap Animation is is a package that allows...
place picker Flutter Place Picker # The missing location picker made in Flutter for Flutter. With...
flutter document picker flutter_document_picker # Allows user pick a document. Picked document is copied to app...
simple tooltip simple_tooltip # A plugin for creating tooltips with shape of a balloon You...
pkce pkce_dart # A library for generating code verifier and code challenge pairs for PKCE (Proof...
conditional builder null safety conditional_builder_null_safety # This is package its purpose show UI elements according for...
drift db viewer drift_db_viewer # This package allows us to view our database in...
floor generator Floor # The typesafe, reactive and lightweight SQLite abstraction for your Flutter applications (iOS,...
open file manager A flutter plugin to open the default file manager app. Support #...
lucide icons lucide_icons # Lucide Icons (lucide.dev) for Flutter. Visit the website for the full list...
linear progress bar linear_progress_bar # Advanced linear progress indicator like Native Android Progress Bar
bip39 BIP39 # Dart implementation of Bitcoin BIP39: Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys Convert...
flutter logs flutter_logs # A file based advanced logging framework for Flutter Apps (Android & iOS).
vector graphics codec vector_graphics_codec # An encoding library for package:vector_graphics. This package intentionally creates a...
store checker StoreChecker # This Flutter plugin is useful to find the origin of currently installed...
pausable timer pausable_timer # ...
flutter google maps webservices flutter_google_maps_webservices # ...
stripe js Stripe.js bindings for dart2js # This package is in a very early stage so...
measure size measure_size # A stateful widget that measures the size of a child widget immediately...
uri to file uri_to_file # A Flutter plugin for converting supported uri to file....
flutter share me flutter_share_me # Flutter Plugin for sharing contents to social...
flutter pw validator Flutter Password Validator # Flutter Password Validator...
scoped deps Scoped Deps # A simple dependency injection library built on Zones. Quick Start...
qr A QR code generation library for Dart and Flutter. ...
custom radio grouped button custom_radio_grouped_button # Custom Radio Buttons and Grouped Check Box Button
freshchat sdk Freshchat Flutter SDK (BETA) # Integration steps # Flutter SDK Integration Guide...
animated widgets animated_widgets # Easily add animations on your screen with AnimatedWidgets. Optimized for MVVM...
time machine The Dart Time Machine is a date and time library for Flutter, Web, and...
on audio query on_audio_query # Flutter Plugin used to query...
sentry dart plugin Sentry Dart Plugin # A Dart Build...
dio http cache dio-http-cache # ä¸æäģįģ Dio-http-cache is a cache library for Dio...
insta image viewer InstaImageViewer # A simple widget to display image in a full-screen, swipe it...
draggable scrollbar Draggable Scrollbar # A scrollbar that can be dragged for quickly navigation...
get cli Documentation languages pt_BR en_US - this file
build version Include the version of your package in our source code. ...
image picker linux image_picker_linux # A Linux implementation of image_picker. Limitations # ImageSource.camera is...
image picker macos image_picker_macos # A macOS implementation of image_picker. Limitations # ImageSource.camera is...
moment dart moment_dart # Inspired by moment.js...
flutter web frame Flutter Web Frame # Make the frame max width / size...
flutter expanded tile flutter_expanded_tile # An Expansion tile similar to the list tile supports leading widget,and...
rotated corner decoration Pay attention! # If you need a regular (not rotated) text at the...
flutter link previewer Flutter Link Previewer # Customizable link and...
mapbox gl Flutter Mapbox GL # Please note that this project is community driven...
uni links desktop uni_links_desktop # A desktop (supports macOS and Windows) implementation of uni_links...
isar generator Code generator for the Isar Database please go there for documentation. #
datadog tracking http client Datadog Tracking HTTP Client Plugin # A plugin for use...
livekit client LiveKit Flutter SDK # Use this SDK to add realtime video, audio...
fijkplayer fijkplayer (Video player plugin for Flutter) Flutter åĒäŊææžå¨ # ⨠æææå¸ĻäŊ å Flutter įŗģįģéŗéæäģļ ⨠Flutter...
skeleton loader skeleton_loader # A Flutter Package which provides a fully customizable loading skeleton for your...
onboarding onboarding # Onboarding is a sample flutter onboarding plugin you can use to attract first-time...
matrix4 transform matrix4_transform # Have you noticed the transform parameter in the Container and Transform widgets,...
zego uikit signaling plugin Quick start # Run the following code in your project root directory:
oauth2 client oauth2_client # Simple Flutter library for interacting with OAuth2 servers. It provides convenience classes...
local notifier local_notifier # This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to displaying local notifications.
flutter reaction button Flutter reaction button # Flutter Reaction Button is a customizable Flutter package that...
colorful safe area ColorfulSafeArea # A more customizable replacement for the SafeArea widget. It...
jpush flutter JPush Flutter Plugin # flutter 3.0 č¯ˇåæĸčŗ dev-3.x åæ¯ã ...
envied generator Envied_Generator # This package contains the generator for Envied. See the Envied package for...
flutter gif flutter_gif # We should know that in order to achieve Gif in flutter, we...
animated digit English | ä¸æįŽäŊ animated_digit # Scroll animation numbers widget, any number...
liquid progress indicator v2 liquid_progress_indicator V2 # Liquid progress indicator for Flutter. This version fix...
push Push # Push is a flutter package designed to handle push notifications - including background...
install plugin install_plugin # We use the install_plugin plugin to...
alarm đ Winner of the 2023 OnePub Community Choice Awards. Alarm plugin for iOS and Android...
routemaster Routemaster # Hello! Routemaster is an easy-to-use router for Flutter, which wraps over Navigator 2.0......
file selector linux file_selector_linux # The Linux implementation of file_selector. Usage # This package...
flutter snake navigationbar SnakeNavigationBar # A new Flutter SnakeNavigationBar widget package....
serverpod flutter Serverpod # This package is a core part of Serverpod. For documentation, visit: https://docs.serverpod.dev.
full screen image Full Screen image # Full screen photo viewer. It shuts off when scrolling...
applovin max AppLovin MAX Flutter Plugin # AppLovin MAX Flutter Plugin for Android and iOS....
flutter volume controller Flutter Volume Controller # A Flutter plugin to control system volume and listen...
html2md English | įŽäŊä¸æ html2md # A library for converting HTML...
sqflite common ffi web sqflite_common_ffi_web # sqlite Web implementation (experimental). Features: Persistency (in...
file selector macos file_selector_macos # The macOS implementation of file_selector. Usage # This package...
geocoder geocoder # Forward and reverse geocoding. Usage # Import package:geocoder/geocoder.dart, and use the...
flutter paypal native Native Paypal integration with Flutter # A Flutter plugin that provides...
contextmenu contextmenu # Display a beautiful material context menu using pure Flutter. It...
flutter date range picker Date Range Picker đ Date Range Picker is a user-friendly and simple...
fwfh url launcher UrlLauncherFactory # WidgetFactory extension to launch A...
flutter material color picker Flutter Material Color Picker # Material Color picker is a Flutter widget,...
splashscreen Splash Screen # A splashscreen package to be used for an intro for...
fluster Fluster = Flutter + Cluster A geospatial point clustering library for Dart (Flutter not actually...
awesome dio interceptor Awesome Dio Interceptor # A simple dio log interceptor (mainly inspired by the...
file selector windows file_selector_windows # The Windows implementation of file_selector. Usage # This package...
flutter reorderable list Reorderable List in Flutter # iOS-like proof of concept reorderable list with animations
bordered text BorderedText # Adds Stroke to a Flutter Text widget ...
styled widget Simplifying your widget tree structure by defining widgets using methods. ...
diffutil dart diffutil.dart # Calculate the difference between two lists.
flutter iconly flutter_iconly # Flutter package for Iconly 2.3 Essential Icons. Flutter iconly is package of...
purchases ui flutter purchases_ui_flutter # purchases_ui_flutter allows to use RevenueCat's paywalls in your Flutter application. Check...