gql dio link Similar to gql_http_link, This is a GQL Terminating Link to execute requests via Dio...
image picker windows image_picker_windows # A Windows implementation of image_picker. Limitations # is...
kakao flutter sdk kakao_flutter_sdk # This document introduces how to use the Kakao SDK for Flutter...
flutter spinbox SpinBox for Flutter # ...
custom timer Custom Timer ⌛ # A Flutter package to create a customizable timer.
analyzer plugin A framework for building plugins for the analysis server. Usage # Note: The...
paytm paytm # A Flutter plugin to use the Paytm as a payment gateway for accepting...
better open file better_open_file # NOTICE: This package is forked from here to remove...
my fatoorah my_fatoorah # My Fatoorah Payment Screenshots in Test mode # <td>Payment methods</td>
truncate truncate # String truncation library supporting multiple predefined and custom truncation strategies...
filesystem picker FileSystem Picker # FileSystem file or folder picker dialog. Allows the user to...
tap debouncer Description # Tap debounce simplifying widget. Wrap your button widget in TapDebounce widget and...
dart ping ios This package adds iOS support to the dart_ping package via registration. The dart_ping...
dart jts Dart JTS # dart_jts is an ongoing effort to port...
tiktoklikescroller tiktoklikescroller # A vertical fullscreen scroll implementation that snaps in place, similar to the TikTok...
money2 Money2 # This is a Dart implementation of Money and Currency classes Overview #
date time format date_time_format # A utility class, and extension methods, for formatting Dart's...
usb serial usb_serial # An Android USB Serial Flutter Plugin This plugin allows Flutter code...
flutter material pickers Flutter Material Pickers #
base32 dart-base32 # Simple base32 encode/decode following RFC4648. Can handle base32 for OTP secrets also....
saver gallery saver_gallery # We use the image_picker plugin to select images...
feather icons feather_icons # Flutter package for Feather Icons Getting Started # ...
build verify Test utility to ensure generated Dart code within a package is up-to-date when using...
image editor plus ImageEditor # Image Editor Plugin with simple, easy support for image editing using...
multi split view Multi split view # A widget to provides horizontal or vertical multiple split...
custom clippers custom_clippers # custom_clippers is a package that contains multiple custom clippers and different types...
animated tree view animated_tree_view # A flutter package that provides a heirarchial Tree like data structure...
defer pointer An alternative to Overlay which allows you to easily render and hit test a widget...
share handler Share Handler plugin for Flutter # A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android to...
flutterflow paginate firestore Pagination in Firestore For FlutterFlow #
assorted layout widgets assorted_layout_widgets # I will slowly but surely add interesting widgets, classes and methods...
delayed display delayed_display # A widget that enables you to display a child after a delay...
scroll date picker Scroll Date Picker # A customizable and easy-to-use date picker library for Flutter.
vector graphics compiler vector_graphics_compiler # A compiler for package:vector_graphics. This package parses SVG files into...
widget zoom The WidgetZoom enables you to zoom on your images. Either zoom directly on the...
flutter libserialport Serial Port for Flutter # flutter_libserialport is a simple wrapper around the libserialport...
flutter dynamic icon flutter_dynamic_icon # A flutter plugin for dynamically changing app icon and app icon...
bcrypt Hash your passwords with BCrypt algorithm, this is a jBCrypt modified code to work with Dart.
web socket client WebSocket Client # A simple...
flutter charts Table of Contents # Examples with code ex10RandomData_lineChart...
highlight text Highlight Text Plugin # A flutter package to highlight words from a text....
video player web hls video_player_web_hls # Supports hls on chrome and other browsers....
talker bloc logger talker_bloc_logger # Lightweight and customizable BLoC state management library logger on talker base.
firebase pagination Firebase Pagination # A simple and effective way to Paginate Firebase related data....
vsc quill delta to html VSC Quill Delta to HTML Converter # Converts Quill's Delta format...
flutter audio waveforms A UI library for easily adding audio waveforms to your apps, with several customization...
hijri Hijri # Hijri Calendar Converter Usage //Suppose current gregorian data/time is: Mon May...
material segmented control Material Segmented Control # A material segmented control like the one for iOS,...
streaming shared preferences streaming_shared_preferences # A reactive key-value store for...
lecle downloads path provider lecle_downloads_path_provider # A Flutter plugin to get the downloads folder directory on...
gms check gms_check # This tiny plugin simply checks if Google Services is available on the...
system theme system_theme
flutter lorem flutter_lorem # A Flutter package for generating random sentences and paragraphs. The output looks...
emoji flag converter 🏴 emoji_flag_converter 🏳️ # A simple dart package to convert alpha 2 country...
flutter parsed text 🔗 Flutter Parsed text A Flutter package to parse text and...
smart auth Flutter Smart Auth From Tornike & Great Contributors ...
bluetooth print Introduction # BluetoothPrint is a bluetooth plugin for Flutter, a new mobile SDK to...
otp pin field otp_pin_field # A flutter package which will help you to generate pin code...
flutter animated dialog flutter_animated_dialog # A new Flutter dialog with a series of beautiful animations, slide...
community material icon community_material_icon # A community material design icon as set of Flutter Icons...
jaguar jwt jaguar_jwt # JWT utilities for Dart and Jaguar.dart This library can be used...
flutter cupertino date picker fork Flutter Cupertino Date Picker # [fork packages flutter_cupertino_date_picker] Solve the...
json theme Table of Contents json_theme Live Example Decoding Schema Validation
asn1lib ASN.1 Parser for Dart # Encodes & decodes ASN1 using BER encoding. Samples #
flutter slider drawer Flutter slider drawer # A Flutter package with custom implementation of...
flutter neumorphic flutter_neumorphic # A complete, ready to use, Neumorphic ui kit for Flutter
webviewx ARCHIVED This package has been archived and will not be maintained anymore. There are several...
agora uikit Agora VideoUIKit for Flutter #
flutter fancy tree view flutter_fancy_tree_view # A Flutter collection of widgets and slivers that...
voice message package Voicey - Flutter voice message player # ...
cunning document scanner Cunning Document Scanner # Cunning Document Scanner is a Flutter-based document scanner application...
sqflite common sqflite common # This package is not intended for direct use. ...
story Instagram stories like UI with rich animations and customizability. Usage # StoryPageView...
show up animation show_up_animation # A flutter package to simplify the implementation of "show up" animation
openid client ❤️ sponsor openid_client # Library for working with OpenID Connect and...
haptic feedback haptic_feedback # A haptic feedback plugin for both iOS and Android. While it...
ndialog NDialog 4.x # Customize your dialog's style much...
github GitHub for Dart # This is a library for interacting with...
dynatrace flutter plugin Dynatrace Flutter Plugin # The Dynatrace Flutter plugin adds the Dynatrace OneAgent for...
flutter js Flutter JS plugin # A Javascript engine to use with flutter. Now it is...
ota update ota_update # Flutter plugin implementing OTA update. On Android it downloads...
cupertino http A macOS/iOS Flutter plugin that provides access to the Foundation URL Loading System....
flutter map marker popup flutter_map_marker_popup # Makes adding marker popups to flutter_map easy. If you...
i18n extension Translate your app! # "Thank you for making the i18n_extension plugin....
rating dialog rating_dialog # A beautiful and customizable Rating Dialog package for Flutter! Supports all platforms...
info popup Introduction # The info_popup package allows you to easily show a simple, customizable popup...
flutter lazy indexed stack Lazy Indexed Stack 😴🥞 #
flutter image Image utilities for Flutter # NetworkImageWithRetry # Use NetworkImageWithRetry instead of to...
images picker images_picker # Flutter plugin for selecting images/videos from the Android and iOS...
flutter barcode listener flutter_barcode_listener # Listen for any hardware barcode scanner Problems with barcode scanning...
custom date range picker custom_date_range_picker # custom_date_range_picker Usage # ... floatingActionButton:...
talker Advanced error handler and logger for dart and flutter apps Log your app...
loggy Loggy # Highly customizable logger for dart that uses mixins to show all...
background location Background Location # A Flutter plugin to get location updates in the background for...
propertylistserialization iOS compatible plist serialization and deserialization library for Dart # This library is open source...
inspireui FLuxstore # Common library from InspireUI company Fluxstore...
beamer ...
countup Flutter Countup # A Flutter package that helps you create animated Text widgets for Android...
focused menu Focused Menu # This is an easy to implement package for adding Focused Long...
signalr core Introduction # ASP.NET Core SignalR is an open-source library that simplifies adding real-time web...