easy sidemenu Easy Sidemenu ...
libphonenumber libphonenumber # This is a Flutter implementation of libphonenumber. It includes only a few...
stream chat flutter Official Flutter SDK for Stream Chat # The official...
drift flutter drift_flutter # drift_flutter is a utility package for drift databases in Flutter apps.
appinio swiper appinio_swiper is a Flutter package for a Tinder Card Swiper. ✨ It allows swiping...
flutter sim country code flutter_sim_country_code # This is a simple plugin that gets the ISO country...
draggable float widget draggable_float_widget # This is a draggable and floating Flutter widget, which can control...
password strength Password Strength Estimator # A basic password strength estimator for Dart. Considers the length...
unicons Unicons # A Flutter library for Unicons. Note:...
form builder extra fields Form Builder Extra Fields # FormBuilder Extra Fields provides common ready-made form...
esc pos printer esc_pos_printer # The library allows to print receipts using an ESC/POS...
open file safe open_file_safe # A plug-in that can call native APP to open...
google identity services web google_identity_services_web # A JS-interop layer for Google Identity's Sign In With Google...
yandex mapkit yandex_mapkit # A flutter plugin for displaying yandex maps on iOS and Android....
flutter inset box shadow Flutter Inset Box Shadow # Flutter currently does not support the inset...
loadmore loadmore # A loadMore library Support ListView and SliverList...
system settings system_settings # Flutter plugin to open system and...
flutter tex flutter_tex # Contents # flutter_tex Contents
dependency validator Dependency Validator # A tool to help you find missing, under-promoted, over-promoted,...
unity ads plugin Unity Ads Plugin #
one of serializer TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
cached video player plus Cached Video Player Plus # The video_player plugin with the SUPER-POWER of...
keep screen on KeepScreenOn # This plugin disables automatic screen off and prevents the screen from...
ai barcode scanner ai_barcode_scanner # Screenshots # ...
reflectable Reflectable # A listing of known limitations is given at the end of this page.
gql A package for working with GraphQL documents. This package exports several libraries: ...
multiple localization multiple_localization # Support for multiple abr and messages...
weather weather # This package uses the OpenWeatherMAP API to get the current weather status as...
sticky grouped list A ListView in which list items can be grouped to sections. Based on scrollable_positioned_list,...
jose ❤️ sponsor Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) library Supports JSON Web Signature (JWS),...
glassmorphism Glassmorphic Container 🔨 A Flutter package for creating Glassmorphic UI designs in an...
open settings plus open_settings_plus # A comprehensive Flutter plugin to seamlessly navigate to various settings screens...
pedometer Pedometer # This plugin allows for continuous step counting and pedestrian status using...
clippy flutter clippy_flutter # Clip your widgets with custom shapes provided. #Arc, #Arrow, #Bevel, #ButtCheek,...
flutter reorderable grid view Package for having animated Drag and Drop functionality for every type of GridView...
sembast web Sembast for the web # sembast for the Web, NoSQL persistent embedded database for...
datetime picker formfield new DateTimeField # A TextFormField that emits DateTimes and helps show Material, Cupertino,...
flutter toggle tab Flutter Tab Toggle # A Beautiful and Simple Tab/Toggle switch widget....
one of OneOf #
timer builder TimerBuilder # A widget that rebuilds itself on scheduled, periodic, or dynamically generated...
responsive grid list Responsive Grid List # A Flutter plugin to create responsive grid lists using...
flutter device type flutter_device_type # Determine the type of handheld device on Flutter. Like if the...
dart des dart_des # This algorithm is a pure dart implementation of the DES and Triple...
flutter mailer flutter_mailer # Share email content via device Email Client - supports multiple...
one context One Context to rule them all OneContext provides a simple way to...
elegant notification Elegant Notification # An elegant notification to display...
android play install referrer android_play_install_referrer # A Flutter plugin for the Android Play Install...
stylish bottom bar A collection of stylish bottom navigation bars like animated bottom bar and bubble bottom...
newrelic mobile New Relic Flutter Agent # This agent allows you to instrument Flutter...
progress indicators Flutter progress indicators # With this project, we are aiming to provide some cool,...
nanoid nanoid # Dart implementation of ai/nanoid Installation # Add...
device information Device Information # A flutter plugin to get device information such as device IMEI...
scroll snap list scroll_snap_list # A wrapper for ListView.builder widget that allows "snaping" event to an...
detectable text field detectable_text_field # Text widgets with...
pdf viewer plugin Pdf Viewer Plugin # A Flutter plugin for IOS and Android...
awesome card Awesome Card A flutter package to create a Credit Card widget in your application.
dynamic height grid view dynamic_height_grid_view # GridView with dynamic height. No need to use...
cli pkg Dart CLI Packager # This package provides a set of Grinder tasks that make...
golden toolkit Golden Toolkit # This project contains APIs and utilities that build upon...
feedback A Flutter package for obtaining better feedback. It allows the user to provide interactive feedback...
easy mask Easy Mask # Easy way to apply a mask to Flutter's TextFields and on...
fraction A package that helps you work with fractions and mixed fractions. ...
flutter uxcam flutter_uxcam # UXCam plugin for Flutter. Installation # Open the pubspec.yaml file...
flutter floating bottom bar Floating Bottom Bar A flutter package which allows to show a floating...
image network 🌐 Image Network # Image Network is a...
drag and drop lists drag_and_drop_lists # Two-level drag and drop reorderable lists. Features #...
page view dot indicator Page view dot indicator # This lib draws a simple...
shared preferences windows shared_preferences_windows # The Windows implementation of shared_preferences. Usage # This package...
flutter verification code flutter_verification_code # A Flutter package that help you create...
new version New Version Plugin 🎉 # A Flutter plugin that makes it possible to:...
queue queue # Easily queue futures and await their values. This library allows...
flutter rating stars Flutter Rating Stars # A Flutter package to create Rating Stars bar. It...
wifi scan | wifi_scan ...
blue thermal printer blue_thermal_printer # A new Flutter plugin for connecting to...
flutter braintree Braintree for Flutter # A Flutter plugin that wraps the native Braintree SDKs....
string similarity string-similarity # Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which...
flutter fortune wheel Flutter Fortune Wheel # This Flutter package includes wheel of fortune widgets, which...
image pickers image_pickers # image_pickers支持本地图片多选,本地视频多选,支持将网络图片保存到相册,支持截图保存到相册,支持将网络视频保存到相册,支持预览视频和预览图片功能,支持主题颜色设置 image pickers support multi-selection of local pictures, multi-selection of local...
mapbox search About # Note: Breaking Changes in 4.x.x # PlaceSearch and ReverseGeoCoding...
flutter keychain flutter_keychain # A Flutter plugin for supporting secure storage of strings via Keychain and...
webview windows webview_windows # A Flutter WebView plugin for Windows built on...
fancy shimmer image Introduction # Package created for the purpose of uploading images from the internet,...
giphy get giphy_get # Overview # This...
zxing2 zxing-dart # ZXing ("zebra crossing") is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library....
flutter overlay loader flutter_overlay_loader # A simple Flutter package for managing loader when fetching remote...
lint Lint for Dart/Flutter # lint is a hand-picked, open-source,...
flutter esc pos utils esc_pos_utils # Base Flutter/Dart classes for ESC/POS printing. Generator class generates ESC/POS...
blurhash dart BlurHash Dart # A pure dart implementation of BlurHash. Supports both encoding and decoding....
responsive grid responsive_grid # Responsive Grid Layout, List and many Utilities for Flutter, to...
super clipboard Clipboard access for Flutter # Features # Comprehensive clipboard functionality for...
syncfusion flutter datagrid export Flutter DataGrid Export Library # Syncfusion's Flutter DataGrid export library is used...
latlng Geodesy and Geographical calculations for Dart. Provides LatLong and Mercator projection (EPSG4326). Getting Started #
document file save plus document_file_save_plus # Save bytes data into Download folder (Android), or show save...
animated snack bar AnimatedSnackBar # A Flutter package to show beautiful animated snackbars directly using overlay.
action slider If you like this package, please leave a like there on pub.dev and star on...
blurrycontainer blurrycontainer # Introduction # A Flutter...
markdown widget Language:简体中文 | English 📖markdown_widget # A simple and easy-to-use...
label marker A package to create and use Google Maps marker with label text; the easiest and...
video trimmer A Flutter package for trimming videos Features # Customizable video trimmer.
d chart d_chart # Simple way to show and use chart for Flutter with many option.