adaptive theme Adaptive Theme # Easiest way to add support for light and dark theme in...
animated toggle switch AnimatedToggleSwitch #
http interceptor http_interceptor # ...
fluro English | Português The brightest, hippest, coolest router for Flutter....
google places flutter google_places_flutter # Add dependency into pubspec.yml # dependencies: flutter: sdk:...
cloud functions web cloud_functions_web # The web implementation of cloud_functions. Getting Started # To...
animated flip counter animated_flip_counter # An implicit animation widget that flips from one number to another.
country pickers country_pickers # Countries, codes, flags and several way of picking them at your
multi dropdown MultiSelect Dropdown #
flutter zoom drawer Flutter Zoom Drawer # A Flutter package with custom implementation of...
responsive sizer Responsive Sizer # Responsive Sizer helps implement a responsive layout by providing helper widgets...
google ml kit Google's ML Kit for Flutter #
devicelocale devicelocale # Gets the device locale data, independent of the app locale settings. Please...
html editor enhanced Flutter Html Editor - Enhanced # Flutter HTML Editor Enhanced is...
flutter smart dialog Feature and Usage(Must read!):super detailed guide 功能和用法(必看!): 超详细指南 Language: English...
super tooltip super_tooltip # SuperTooltip It is super flexible and allows you...
boolean selector The boolean_selector package defines a simple and flexible syntax for boolean expressions. It can...
webviewx plus A feature-rich cross-platform webview using webview_flutter for mobile and iframe for web. JS interop-ready....
firebase ui auth Firebase UI Auth # Firebase UI Auth is a set of...
sembast sembast.dart # sembast db stands for Simple Embedded Application Store database ...
back button interceptor back_button_interceptor # In simple cases, when you need to intercept the Android back-button,...
reorderables ** Kindly submit PR if you encounter issues and please make sure you're using stable channel...
flutter modular Flutter Modular # Let's find out how to implement a Modular structure...
buttons tabbar Buttons TabBar # Buttons TabBar is an open-source Flutter package...
timer count down Simple Count Down # A...
expandable text This Flutter package includes the widget ExpandableText which you can use to initially only show...
simple gradient text gradient_text # Requires Flutter >=3.0.0 Create gradient texts simply and quickly....
blur blur # Blur is a wrapper widget that blur it's child. There are ImageBlur.asset and...
win32 Homepage | Documentation | Examples | Packages | Blog ...
test api A minimal package for writing tests. At this time this package is not intended...
dap This is a package of classes that are generated from the DAP specifications along with their...
random string random_string # Simple library for generating random ascii strings. Design goals and limitations...
toast Toast # A Flutter Toast plugin. How to Use # #...
built collection Built Collections for Dart # Introduction # Built Collections are immutable...
flutter blurhash Flutter BlurHash # Compact representation of a placeholder for an image. Generation #
quick actions quick_actions # This Flutter plugin allows you to manage and interact with the application's
matcher Support for specifying test expectations, such as for unit tests. The matcher library provides a...
flame A Flutter-based game engine.
settings ui Settings UI for Flutter # Overview: # Build the beautiful settings...
cookie jar CookieJar # A cookie manager for http requests in Dart,...
flutter branch sdk Branch SDK Plugin # This is a Flutter plugin...
stacked Stacked # Checkout out the new and improved Docs # Old doc can be...
popover Popover Popover for Flutter ...
jwt decode jwt_decode # A easy dart package to decode JSON Web Tokens, and to check...
flutter calendar carousel flutter_calendar_carousel # Calendar widget for...
flutter phone direct caller flutter_phone_direct_caller # A simple plugin to call number directly from app, without...
checked yaml package:checked_yaml provides a checkedYamlDecode function that wraps the the creation of classes annotated for...
new version plus Note Original repository: The problem with the original repository is that...
image picker ios image_picker_ios # The iOS implementation of image_picker. Usage # This package...
firebase storage web firebase_storage_web # The web implementation of firebase_storage. Getting Started # To...
gal Gal Dart3 plugin for saving image or video to photos gallery
validators validators # String validation and sanitization for Dart. Dart 2-compatible version of...
scan scan # scan qrcode & barcode in widget tree. decode qrcode &...
image picker android image_picker_android # The Android implementation of image_picker. Usage # This package...
mqtt client mqtt_client # A server and browser based MQTT client for...
flick video player Flick Video Player # Flick Video Player is a video player for flutter.
bloc test A Dart package that makes testing blocs and cubits easy. Built to work with bloc...
dio cache interceptor Dio HTTP cache interceptor with multiple stores respecting HTTP directives (or not). HTTP...
amplify flutter amplify_flutter # The top level module for Amplify Flutter. Category / Platform Support...
localstorage LocalStorage # LocalStorage for Flutter. Important LocalStorage is not intended to...
pay A plugin to add payments to your Flutter application. Platform Support # ...
google generative ai The Google AI Dart SDK enables developers to use Google's state-of-the-art generative AI...
month picker dialog month_picker_dialog # Internationalized material style dialog for picking a...
dds A package used to spawn the Dart Developer Service (DDS), which is used to communicate with...
story view story_view # Story view for apps with stories.
browser launcher Provides a standardized way to launch web browsers. Currently, Chrome is the only supported...
external app launcher Overview # A Flutter plugin which helps you to open another app from...
convex bottom bar English | 简体中文 The official BottomAppBar can only...
desktop drop desktop_drop # A plugin which allows user dragging files to your flutter...
rally assets
easy stepper About # ...
platform device id platform_device_id # get device id from android、ios、windows、linux、mac、web Description # ...
pointycastle Pointy Castle # A Dart library for encryption and decryption. In this release,...
flutter displaymode Flutter Display Mode # A Flutter plugin to set display mode in...
phone numbers parser Phone Numbers Parser # Dart library for parsing phone numbers. Inspired by Google's...
syncfusion flutter core Syncfusion Flutter Core # Syncfusion Flutter Core is a dependent package for the...
diacritic Dart diacritic library # Removes common accents and diacritical signs from a string by...
flutterwave standard Flutterwave Flutter SDK (Standard) # The Flutter library helps you create seamless payment experiences...
syncfusion flutter pdf Flutter PDF library # Flutter PDF is a feature-rich and high-performance non-UI PDF...
floor See the project's website for the full documentation. Floor provides a neat SQLite abstraction for...
webview flutter web webview_flutter_web # This is an implementation of the webview_flutter plugin for web....
flutter gen The Flutter code generator for your assets, fonts, colors, … — Get rid of all...
realm Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables. This repository...
line icons LineIcons 2.0.3 # Just another bunch of beautiful icons to use # I...
flex color picker FlexColorPicker # FlexColorPicker is a customizable color picker for Flutter. The ColorPicker can...
top snackbar flutter Made in If you need to show the user some...
faker faker # A library for Dart that generates fake...
flash Flash # ⚡️A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Flutter. Website:...
grpc The Dart implementation of gRPC: A high performance, open source, general RPC framework that puts...
flutter webrtc Flutter-WebRTC # WebRTC plugin for Flutter Mobile/Desktop/Web ...
characters [Characters][Characters] are strings viewed as sequences of user-perceived characters, also known as [Unicode (extended)...
amplify auth cognito amplify_auth_cognito # The Amplify Flutter Auth category plugin using the AWS Cognito provider.
battery plus battery_plus # A Flutter plugin to...
rename Rename CLI Tool v3 # Warning #
rate my app Rate my app ! # This plugin allows to kindly ask users to...
flutter vector icons flutter_vector_icons # Customizable Icons for Flutter. Port of react-native-vector-icons.
ionicons Ionicons # This package includes 1332 icons of Ionicons...
dio smart retry Dio Smart Retry # Flexible retry library for Dio package. This is a...
flutter google places flutter_google_places # Google places autocomplete widgets for...
flutter udid flutter_udid # Plugin to retrieve a persistent UDID across app reinstalls on...