http parser http_parser is a platform-independent package for parsing and serializing various HTTP-related formats. It's designed...
responsive framework Responsive Framework # Responsiveness made simple #...
scroll to index scroll-to-index # This package provides the scroll to index mechanism for fixed/variable row...
supabase flutter supabase_flutter # Flutter Client library for Supabase....
retry Retry for dart # This package provides an easy way to retry asynchronous functions. This...
flutter linkify flutter_linkify # Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for...
flutter mobx flutter_mobx # ...
intl phone number input Intl Phone Number Input # A simple and customizable flutter package for...
syncfusion flutter calendar Flutter Calendar # The Flutter Calendar widget has built-in configurable views such as...
git Exposes a Git directory abstraction that makes it easy to inspect and manipulate a local...
syncfusion flutter sliders Flutter Sliders library # The Flutter Sliders package is written natively in Dart...
flutter staggered animations Flutter Staggered Animations # Easily add staggered animations to your ListView, GridView, Column...
logging Initializing # By default, the logging package does not do anything useful with the log
web socket channel package:web_socket_channel provides cross-platform StreamChannel wrappers for WebSocket connections. Docs and Usage #
calendar date picker2 CalendarDatePicker2 # A lightweight and customizable calendar...
async Contains utility classes in the style of dart:async to work with asynchronous computations. Package...
extended image extended_image # Language: English| 中文简体 A powerful official extension library of...
sms autofill sms_autofill # Flutter plugin to provide SMS code autofill support. For iOS, this...
flutter widget from html core Flutter Widget from HTML (core) #
plugin platform interface plugin_platform_interface # This package provides a base class for platform interfaces of federated...
record Audio recorder from microphone to a given file path or stream. No external dependencies:...
grouped list Grouped list package for Flutter. # A flutter...
excel Excel #
change app package name Change App Package Name for Flutter # Change App Package Name with...
video thumbnail video_thumbnail # This plugin generates thumbnail from video file or URL. It returns image...
flutter tts Text To Speech # A flutter text to speech plugin (Swift,Kotlin)...
razorpay flutter Razorpay Flutter # Flutter plugin for Razorpay SDK. Getting...
flutter timezone flutter_timezone # A flutter plugin for getting the local timezone of the OS....
flutter colorpicker flutter_colorpicker # HSV(HSB)/HSL/RGB/Material color picker inspired by all the good...
flutter speed dial Flutter Speed Dial Flutter package to render a Material Design Speed...
wakelock plus wakelock_plus # A continuation of the original wakelock Flutter Plugin...
dotted line About # This package allows you to draw dotted lines with Flutter.
ffi Utilities for working with Foreign Function Interface (FFI) code, incl. converting between Dart strings and...
rive Rive Flutter # Rive Flutter is a runtime library for Rive, a real-time...
timezone TimeZone # This package provides the IANA time zone database and time zone aware...
dots indicator dots_indicator # Widget to display dots indicator to show a position (for a PageView...
app tracking transparency app_tracking_transparency # This Flutter plugin allows you to display ios 14+...
country picker Country picker # A flutter package to select a country from a...
another flushbar another_flushbar # Use this package if you need more customization when notifying your user....
window manager window_manager # This plugin allows Flutter desktop apps to resizing and repositioning...
card swiper card_swiper # Swiper/Carousel for flutter, with multiple layouts, infinite loop. Compatible with Android &...
fixnum A fixed-width 32- and 64- bit integer library for Dart. Provides data types for signed...
riverpod annotation Riverpod annotation # This is a side package for riverpod_generator, exposing annotations See...
map launcher Map Launcher #
intl phone field International Phone Field Package # ...
freezed English | 한국어 | 简体中文 Welcome to...
animate do animate_do # Null-Safety, Dart 3, with zero external dependencies # IOS, Android, Linux,...
awesome notifications Awesome Notifications for Flutter - Year 2 # ...
test test provides a standard way of writing and running tests in Dart. Using package:test #
build runner Standalone generator and watcher for Dart using package:build. ...
speech to text speech_to_text # A library that exposes device specific speech recognition capability.
csv Specify (at least a major) version when adding this project as dependency. Whenever the API has...
form builder validators Form Builder Validators # Form Builder Validators set of validators for any FormField...
retrofit Retrofit For Dart # retrofit.dart is a...
injectable Injectable ...
flutter switch flutter_switch # An easy to implement...
gap Gap # Flutter widgets for easily adding gaps inside Flex widgets such as Columns and...
socket io client # Port of awesome JavaScript Node.js library - v2.0.1~v3.0.3 - in...
firebase app check Firebase App Check for Flutter # A Flutter plugin to use...
hooks riverpod A reactive caching and data-binding framework. Riverpod makes working with asynchronous code a...
readmore readmore # A Flutter plugin that allows for expanding and collapsing text with the added...
flutter hooks English | Português | 한국어 | 简体中文 Flutter...
jwt decoder JWT Decoder # This is a small library for decoding a json web token...
url strategy url_strategy # Package for Flutter apps that allows setting the web URL strategy with...
vibration Vibration # A plugin for handling Vibration API on iOS, Android, and web....
flutter downloader Flutter Downloader # A plugin for creating and managing download tasks. Supports...
jiffy Jiffy # Jiffy is a...
petitparser PetitParser for Dart #
auto route Introduction Installation Setup and Usage Generated...
json serializable Provides Dart Build System builders for handling JSON. The builders generate code when they...
universal html Introduction # A cross-platform dart:html: Eases cross-platform development ...
date format date_format # A simple API to format dates. Usage # Use formatDate...
loading animation widget How to use # Installation Add loading_animation_widget: to your pubspec.yaml dependencies then...
flutter polyline points flutter_polyline_points # A flutter plugin that decodes encoded google polyline string into list...
mime type MIME type # Library to get MIME type from a file name or a...
crypto A set of cryptographic hashing functions for Dart. The following hashing algorithms are supported:...
meta This package defines annotations that can be used by the tools that are shipped with...
mime Package for working with MIME type definitions and for processing streams of MIME multipart media...
country code picker LinkedIn LinkedIn country_code_picker # A flutter package for showing a country...
upgrader Upgrader #
onesignal flutter OneSignal Flutter SDK # ⚠️ Migration Advisory for current OneSignal customers...
bloc A dart package that helps implement the BLoC pattern. Learn more at! This...
latlong2 This is a fork of The goal is to keep it up to date...
from css color From CSS Color # A package that creates Flutter Color instances from CSS...
modal bottom sheet Flutter Modal Bottom Sheet # Create awesome and powerful...
open filex open_filex # A plug-in that can call native APP to open files...
in app purchase A storefront-independent API for purchases in Flutter apps. This plugin supports...
device preview Approximate how your app looks and performs on another device. ...
csslib A Dart CSS parser. Usage # Parsing CSS is easy! import 'package:csslib/parser.dart';...
flutter form builder Flutter Form Builder # This package helps in creation of data collection forms...
flutter localization Flutter Localization # Flutter Localization is a package use for in-app localization with Map...
youtube player flutter Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame Player...
platform A generic platform abstraction for Dart. Like dart:io, package:platform supplies a rich, Dart-idiomatic API for
googleapis Generated Dart libraries for accessing Google APIs. To use these APIs from Flutter, see...
pretty dio logger pretty_dio_logger # Pretty Dio logger is a Dio interceptor that logs...
easy debounce easy_debounce # An extremely easy-to-use method call debouncer and throttler package for Dart/Flutter....
image gallery saver image_gallery_saver # We use the image_picker plugin...
flutter pdfview flutter_pdfview # Native PDF View for iOS and Android ...
scrollable positioned list scrollable_positioned_list # A flutter list that allows scrolling to a specific item in...
expandable Expandable # A Flutter widget that can be expanded or collapsed by the user....