This is a repo for the learning modules on the Coderz Youtube channel teaching HTML, CSS, and Tailwind.
This is a portfolio website built with Tailwind CSS and HTML.
Online Ticketing System Responsive Using HTML and CSS A responsive web application for booking tickets, designed with HTML and...
Online Restaurant in HTML and CSS A visually appealing website for a restaurant designed using HTML and CSS. Features...
Online Music Player Using HTML and CSS A web-based music player built with HTML and CSS. Features include a...
Art Photo Gallery with HTML CSS JavaScript A visually appealing photo gallery that showcases art pieces. Features include dynamic...
A complete online retail management system designed to streamline e-commerce operations. Built using PHP, HTML, and SQL, this project allows...
The Food Website Template is a visually appealing and responsive web template built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is...
The Online Ticketing System is a lightweight web application designed for booking tickets for events, movies, travel, or other services....
The Sports Clothing Store is a modern, responsive e-commerce website built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It offers a user-friendly...
SimpleDiscussion is a Ruby on Rails gem designed to create forums seamlessly within Rails applications. It powers the GoRails Forum...
Web app
A fast and efficient URL-shortening application built using Node.js, integrated with Firebase Database for real-time data synchronization. This tool allows...
This web application allows users to share their favorite recipes with family and friends in a collaborative and interactive environment....
This Python code snippet defines a simple web application using Flask, which allows users to send emails through a web...
Imagine a world where spoken words are instantly transformed into written documents—effortlessly, accurately, and in real-time. This Flask-based application, powered...
The Ebook Landing Page HTML Template is a professionally designed and fully responsive landing page aimed at promoting and selling...
The Health Center HTML Template is a modern, responsive, and feature-rich design, crafted for health-related websites. It includes two essential...
Welcome to the GitHub repository for Fiq-mart, an E-Commerce Website project built with Next.js and React.js....
The "Clinic Portfolio Website" is a web-based application developed to showcase a clinic's services, team, and other relevant information. This...
The "QR Code Generator" is a web-based application designed to create QR codes easily and efficiently. Developed using PHP and...
The "Bookstore Management System" is a web-based application designed to streamline the operations of a bookstore. Developed using PHP and...
The "E-Voting System" is a web-based application developed using pure HTML and PHP to facilitate secure and efficient electronic voting....
This is a customized bootstrap checkout page built with HTML and Bootstrap.
This is a simple border animation with html and css.
The SaaS-Saifi platform offers a sleek and intuitive dashboard interface designed to enhance user management and data insights. It is...
Python Cheatsheet is a repository designed to be a handy reference for Python developers. It includes a collection of Python...
如果你跟我一樣,每次看到網頁上的中文字和英文、數字、符號擠在一塊,就會坐立難安,忍不住想在它們之間加個空格。這個外掛(支援 Chrome 和 Firefox)正是你在網路世界走跳所需要的東西,它會自動替你在網頁中所有的中文字和半形的英文、數字、符號之間插入空白。
漢學家稱這個空白字元為「盤古之白」,因為它劈開了全形字和半形字之間的混沌。另有研究顯示,打字的時候不喜歡在中文和英文之間加空格的人,感情路都走得很辛苦,有七成的比例會在 34 歲的時候跟自己不愛的人結婚,而其餘三成的人最後只能把遺產留給自己的貓。畢竟愛情跟書寫都需要適時地留白。
A search tool helps dev to solve the naming things problem.
Search over projects from Github, Bitbucket, Google...
Chrome extension
Screenity is a powerful privacy-friendly screen recorder and annotation tool to make better videos for work, education, and more. You...
React Navigation is a popular library for managing navigation and routing in React Native applications. It provides a set of...
React Demos is a collection of simple and practical examples demonstrating various concepts and techniques in React.js. This repository serves... is a friendly community where you can learn to code for free. It...
Machine learning
This is a cafe menu I made for freeCodeCamp.
This is a Ferris Wheel project for freeCodeCamp.
This is a palindrome checker I made for freeCodeCamp.
This is a simple music player made with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
This is a 2d Platformer Game made with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
This is a city skyline made with CSS and HTML.