XML parser
Adapters for the Sylius API client
Task runner
The Laravel Framework.
Blade support for inline Babel scripts
Прием ответов от Jivo, для передачи Email в DMP
Aldrumo Core
Bitwise checkbox`s list for Yii2
Token-based API service authentication & authorization for Laravel
Double opt-in management for Doctrine 2 entities
Livewire table component.
Busca de CEP online
a tiny cURL wrapper to handle get or post requests
With this library you can take url from Excel file and make page screenshot.
This Package creates a JWTToken for the Application and provides a middelware for Auth
Extendable SecurePassword rule for Laravel
A Craft CMS starter project by Sean Smith
Better names of classes in Nette 3.1
Busca de CEP on-line
This repository created to store JS Build of Monaco Editor for Composer package. Exact copy of build on official site,...
Instagram's private API for PHP
This will helps you with Client Base API.
Custom property getters on beans, better error reporting, sql-verbs as an API. And some other quality of life stuff.
DeftCMS Sitemap generator package
Executáel do adrianode moura
A simple laravel ServiceProvider class for standardized packages.
The Sura database.
A framework for serving GraphQL from Laravel
This will allow you to check your website in different views.
Extend Laravel's generators scaffold.
A small library for accessing and manipulating the Windows registry
A Laravel Nova tool.
Pejer API Wrapper For Laravel and Lumen
Audio Video Platform
Expose all models as CRUD, search and query API
laravel admin
Core MongoDB classes extended to use PhpRbac for fine-grained access control.
This will render website in iframe and auto resize according to the content.
PHP Encrypted transmission
Laravel High level Elasticsearch client for Laravel.
Integration API by Voice mailing
A back-end only authentication for Laravel applications.
OpenTracing API for PHP
CMS Seiten in Banner einfügen
ADN SMS gateway API package for Laravel.
My personal blog system.
Update Cloudflare DNS with new subdomain when create new Site for WordPress Multisite (multiple blogs).
Simple honeypot made for Laravel FormRequest
A simple to use PHP client for Bradypus API
PHP micro-functional helper.
Do Rabbaz in your house.
Biblioteca de integração com o gateway de pagamento PagSeguro.
File storage abstraction for PHP
Router component for web applications
Greek language pack for Flarum, bundled extensions and a number of external extensions.
Useful utilities DataMapper
This Package interacts with the DevStorm UrlToPdf Api
Timestamp behavior with the possibility of excluding columns
Save form templates to re-use them later
Emoji Parser for SilverStripe
thinkphp6 multi app support
指纹比对服务(Fingerprint matching)
Package to add priority to Laravel 5 routes
helper function
thinkphp jwt auth composer
Backpack interface for soufiene-slimi/laravel-form-template
Official Riak client for PHP
SDK for Paymaya using Laravel
Zend Framework 2 Module that provides versioning components for Athene2
A system for managing static site pages based on Laravel Admin
Laravel Utilities it's a package that includes common utilities for projects.
A PHP Package To Automatically Compose Route Parameters To Appropriate View In Laravel.
Vendfy for magento
Ajax loader area widget for Yii
The Sigmie Base package.
Exo theme for SilverStripe
PHP common library
Lightweight PHP library to perform a group of actions elegantly
A micro framework for SilverStripe
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.
Elastic APM for Doctrine DBAL
elfinder component for adfm
Pay iO Payment for Magento 2
PHP Library for RTF processing
User upvote/downvote behaviour for Laravel.
PHP abstract library for handle messaging
SEO Tools for Laravel and Lumen
Simple notification widget for Laravel ^8.0, ^9.0, ^10.0, ^11.0
A simple library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature
Simple API interface for editing Doctrine entities.
Extension of Baraja CMS by FontAwesome.