Task Manager in PHP A web-based application built using PHP to manage tasks and projects. Features include adding, editing,...
A simple yet effective online notice board system developed using PHP and MySQL. This project allows administrators to post notices...
A user-friendly bus reservation system built with PHP and MySQL. This project enables users to search for buses, view schedules,...
A simple yet powerful online polling system built using PHP and MySQL. This project allows users to vote on various...
A fully functional Blood Bank Donor website built using PHP and MySQL. This project enables users to register as blood...
An efficient online complaint management system built using PHP and MySQL. This project enables users to submit complaints, track their...
A dynamic job portal developed using PHP and MySQL, allowing job seekers to create profiles, search for job listings, and...
A complete Point of Sale (POS) and inventory management system built using PHP and MySQL. This project allows businesses to...
A user-friendly online course registration system developed using PHP and MySQL. This project allows students to browse courses, register for...
A robust leave management system for organizations, developed using PHP and MySQL. This project allows employees to apply for leaves,...
A streamlined result management system built using PHP and MySQL. This project enables administrators to input and manage student grades...
A comprehensive hostel management system developed using PHP and MySQL. This project allows administrators to manage room allocation, student records,...
A user-friendly Text to Speech (TTS) converter application built using PHP and a graphical user interface (GUI). This project allows...
A complete online bookstore application built using PHP and MySQL. This project enables users to browse books by category, search...
A dynamic news management system developed using PHP and MySQL. This project allows users to view, search, and categorize news...
An engaging e-commerce application for shoe enthusiasts, built using PHP and MySQL. This project enables users to browse a variety...
A fully functional e-commerce platform built using PHP and MySQL. This project allows users to browse products, add items to...
A feature-rich pharmacy management system developed using PHP and MySQL. This project enables efficient management of medicines, customer orders, and...
A complete online retail management system designed to streamline e-commerce operations. Built using PHP, HTML, and SQL, this project allows...
A fully functional car rental system developed using PHP and MySQL. This project allows users to browse available cars, book...
A beautifully designed responsive hotel website built using PHP, HTML, and CSS. This project features a user-friendly interface for browsing...
A comprehensive Tourism Management System built using PHP and MySQL. This project allows users to book tours, view packages, and...
The Simple Admin Panel is a web-based application developed in PHP that provides basic administrative functionalities. It allows admins to...
The Student Management System is a web-based application developed in PHP for managing student data efficiently. It allows administrators to...
The Chat System is a real-time web application developed in PHP that enables users to communicate via text messages. It...
The Travel Management System is a web-based application developed in PHP that simplifies the planning and booking of travel services....
The Hospital Management System is a web-based application developed in PHP that streamlines the management of hospital operations. It allows...
The Shopping Portal is a web-based e-commerce application developed in PHP that enables users to browse, search, and purchase products...
The Online Bike Renting System is a web-based application developed in PHP that allows users to browse and rent bikes...
The Simple Billing System is a lightweight web-based application developed in PHP, designed to manage billing processes for small businesses....
Job Board is a platform developed using PHP and JavaScript, designed to facilitate the creation and management of job sites....
This PHP script demonstrates how to make an API call to retrieve XML data using cURL, parse the XML response,...
The provided PHP code demonstrates an object-oriented programming (OOP) approach to creating a simple shopping cart system. This implementation encapsulates...
This PHP script provides a fundamental example of how to create a MySQL database, insert data into it, and retrieve...
This PHP script serves as a foundational example of how to connect to a MySQL database and present the connection...
The Laboratory Management System is a web-based application developed using PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. This project features an admin...
The Inventory Management System is a web-based application developed in Laravel, a PHP framework, with MySQL as the database. This...
Web app
Allows applications to have a URL parsed and retrieve information about it's components
Eloquent Model Generator
A resource wrapper to encapsulate paginated resource into REST-like API.
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TencentCloudApi php sdk emr
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Detecting based on header's charset and html meta charset. Automatically convert to UTF-8.
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TencentCloudApi php sdk hcm
TencentCloudApi php sdk habo
TencentCloudApi php sdk gs
TencentCloudApi php sdk gme
UIkit starter template for Laravel
TencentCloudApi php sdk sqlserver
Abstract project
The Syscodes Collections package.
An implementation of the php-extended/php-api-endpoint-http-interface library
A swagger library for Hyperf.
Simple read and write csv.
Arrays Component provide a fluent, object-oriented interface for working with arrays, allowing you to chain multiple arrays operations together using...