Adcell tracking integration for oxid eshop
An easy to use Slim 4 starter app. Comes with a DI container, Eloquent ORM, Twig for templating, VueJS and...
Auto-format YAML files with refs
Türk lira sına karşılık gelen para değerlerini geriye dündürür
A simple and lightweight PHP router, with JWT support.
This library allows you to access various merchant service provided by MTNL Mumbai.
Base32 utility for url IDs
Generating API documentation from the Laravel routes
Data Access Bridge with API and Data Base
Create exportable components.
A Laravel Nova field.
YRl feed generator
PHPUnit helper classes
Integrates YMLP API for Symfony
Result provides an alternative error handling mechanism, avoiding throwing exceptions and a better data flow control.
Lottery poetry - Jin Qian Gua(金錢卦)
Simple PHP MVC Library
PHP collections library
PHP-клиент веб-сервиса "Морфер" 3.0
Firework framework dependency
This package provides Slack notification contracts implementation.
Integrates PHPUnit with PHP-VCR.
Apidae Metadata API
Google Places API library
Lib of codes - Dextak
Laravel Crud Generator - Adap. Dextak
Classic SEO is the first SEO plugin built specifically to work with ClassicPress. A fork of Rank Math, the plugin...
Client for the ShoutIRC socket server
Extension for yii2 with mongodb, that allows to manage image galleries
php utilities
Handlebars templates for XP web frontends
Symfony2 OAuth Server Bundle
Analyzes Age of Empires 2 recorded game files.
Easily manage inheritance with Eloquent ORM
Saru Application
This is phpQuery, a PHP port of jQuery selectors, super useful for DOM traversal and functional testing. Originally by Tobiasz...
Flare bug tracking for Craft CMS
extension that gather developement tools for TAO
PHP wrapper for dog.ceo API
Logic operations
Authentication abstraction and services for your PSR-7 application
Huawei Cloud SDK for PHP
CoreUI UiKit
PhpOffice/Spreadsheet utils
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devleti Şehirlerini; İl, Plaka, Telefon veya İlçe bilgisinden bulun..
System of accounting user profiles
a library for generate sudoku
Api Wrapping
Laravel Vue SPA - A php library to setup a Laravel Vue SPA project environment by couple of small commands
Log messages, usually error messages, only once and optionally get notified. No more flood of error logs with the same...
Binance API Like the official document interface, Support for arbitrary extension.
Coinbase API for PHP.
Magento 2 Product Quick View
License management toolkit for Pluggable plugins
�� • An extended Laravel Installer CLI that gives you the power to scaffold a new Laravel project with some...
Symfony Basics Bundle
Just Laravel Jetstream with companies instead of teams.
Lint is a wrapper to `PHP -l` command.
A WordPress theme boilerplate
A WordPress plugin boilerplate
Show product Shipping price in Magento2
PHPSandbox Echo package
42 Intranet OAuth 2.0 support for the PHP League's OAuth 2.0 Client
CakePhp DebugKit error log panel
Declarar los comprobantes electrónicos o físicos a Sunat
verify phone with firebase
Library to send Text SMS via various Channels
This project is made for studying purpose, it is a homework for OTUS php course
Traduccion para FOF.
A Neos CMS plugin which enables login with Google, Github and Facebook to the Neos CMS backend.
Jackin framework for simple http or console requests with advanced custom routing
Spoiler BBCode for Flarum (BBCodeDetails of fof but with another bbcode)
Manage your supervisor instance with PHP..
DCE, A network programming framework with sharding middleware
Say hello to Otus
Get all senegal regions and departments
Web framework built on top of Slim
Package for item ratings + optional microdata format.
Api con data para el ubigeo
Firebase Cloud Messaging integrated with Laravel based on kreait/laravel-firebase
PHP Wrapper for the Okta API
Psr Compliant HTTP suite for Hackers
Api para la parte de inventario
Api facturador
Api para la parte de clientes
U2F support for laravel 6