MagicQuery plugin for CakePHP
A PHP 7.1 value objects helper library.
PHP library for the Spotify Web API
Shopify package for Laravel to aide in app development
Enables/Disables user preferences for alerts, emails and etc. after a `new user registration` and after any `login` attemp.
Symfony2 Client Credentials Grant Type Bundle for OAuth2 Server Bundle
Manipulate pdf file (merge, separate, convert...) with PHP (wrapper for poppler-utils)
Drupal module for setting up the Vonage PHP SDK
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay API in your PHP projects.
Laravel + Livewire + Bootstrap auth UI & CRUD scaffolding.
pkframe is a php version detector in php files.
Laravel wrapper for the Coinbase Commerce API
Brings Laravel Tinker to Flarum
It is a Laravel package for easy retrieval and execution of SQL files and more.
Allow for Laravel Controller method injection of *any* object type.
Doctrine Entity Manager wrappers for various purposes
Anax weather module.
A Symfony2 bundle for working with Mollie
Magento 2 Store Reviews extension
learn how to use package
Seo Analyzer updated
user_hub usefull lib
Magento module responsible for interaction with Survease (c) app
basic yii2 extension to create sites with simple set of pages
Add declaration of strict_types in empty class
Library that enables displaying data in the form of a table. Own and external data filtering and sorting.
Utilize SweetAlert for dynamic notifications in Symfony with PHPFlasher. Bring engaging user alerts and confirmations to Symfony apps.
A Laravel payment package For Emergent payment gateway
A quick skeleton project starter with frequently needed boiler-plate setups (ci, badges, etc.)
Response is an helper class which handles HTTP response, status codes and messages returned from different functions. Useful for unifiying...
A simple WP-CLI command to query posts for their content and set the first found image as the post thumbnail.
The Hyperf notification package.
a way to look into the soul
Basic resolver for Advent Of Code (aoc) challenge
Connect to snapd instance and perform actions
Read '.env' file to an array.
Laravel localization
A PThreads pool like implementation using parallel.
Tags Scaffold For umΩ Apps
Media Scaffold For umΩ Apps
Foundation for umΩ Apps
Authentication & Authorization Scaffold For umΩ Apps
Core Library for the Nuclear CMS
Adds a /me endpoint to retrieve current user info
Laravel Revisionable
Create default directories
The crust for the cheesecake
AtPay API bindings for PHP
Hackable REST framework
A PHP 8.0 value objects helper library.
A simple fast and stateless download micro-service
Laravel web installer
Composer project template for comodojo/dispatcher.framework
Generic Wallet manager for 7 OS
A PHP library for validating podcast feeds
PhalApi 2.x扩展类库,基于PHP-IMAP的邮件接收。
Provides automated listing component for Tide Drupal 8 distribution
Test service bundle for comodojo/dispatcher.framework
Default service bundle for comodojo/dispatcher.framework
test mylib-composer
Validate credit card number, expiration date, cvc
Test bundle to practice making a Symfony bundle.
An eBay SDK for PHP. Use the eBay API in your PHP projects. Compatible with PHP 7
A simple, bootstrap-based template for comodojo/dispatcher.framework
Service performance plugin for comodojo/dispatcher.framework
Demo content, tests and more for comodojo/dispatcher.framework
Kit used by Ahrefs Seo plugin.
Command line interface for ploi.
Zugriff auf den DSB-Ergebnisdienst für Contao 4
Laravel subscription module
A sub grid for laravel-admin grid.
Polymorphic and multilingual CMS powered by Laravel.
Vietnamese language pack for Flarum
iTop rest client bundle for symfony
ramsey/uuid argument resolver bundle for Symfony
A Laravel package to add query filters to your Eloquent models with ease
All the messages (events and commands) concerning comments
Доставка boxberry для SkeekS CMS
Extension mechanism for spitfire, base package for applications wishing to implement exensions
Define routes by PHP8 attributes
Swift Transport implementation for API.