Goldeimer's WordPress utility library
Goldeimer's PHP utility library
This is a child of Wave Theme for Oxid eShop 6
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Vegas CMF Forms
Vegas CMF Filter
Converts PNGs to ZPL internal graphic format for printing.
For Laravel framework. Adds helper function to access static data kept in data directory.
api client for url shortener kurzelinks.de
An admin panel built with UIKit for Laravel applications.
Into Film SDK for PHP
Goldeimer's "Toilet Paper Calculator" as a WordPress plugin
Goldeimer's WordPress theme
Installs Goldeimer's WordPress plugin(s) and theme(s), either into an existing WordPress installation's root, or stand-alone, including a fresh WordPress core.
NetGSM Provider for Laravel Notification Channels
Joomla Virtuemart cms payment gate library
Yii2 Widget gallery
Cleans up all the crappy markup when word outputs HTML
Site Map magento2
A beautiful dashboard for your Laravel Dusk tests
Package Eduzz Activity History
Auth Middleware for apis
Push content to Apple News.
Cliente em PHP para integração server-side com APIs Moip v2
Client package for connecting to a compatible RPC server using a custom authentication protocol
Firebase Dynamic Links for Php and Laravel
This will create a contact form which will send email to admin and save contact data in the database
Http Message for Swoole
Biblioteca com boletos para o laravel
strongly opinionated Contao tooling for shared DB management + deployment
Vegas CMF Validation
Fast, simple and practical php framework
Supervisor module for Zend Framework 2 based on supervisord
Laravel TaxJar Wrapper
Laravel deploy thingy
Base api methods. User registration, login, logout, profile. User roles.
Croogo Gallery Plugin
An Ansi helper that includes a fluent Ansi string builder.
FileReader helper
A PHP library to interact with trusuggest apis
Render Blade templates from Eloquent Model Fields
Base for laravel
Easily generate and manage collections of Variants from their field types and values.
Use md5 mark file full path.
Flexudy PHP REST API Client. Generate summaries and flashcards automatically. Visit flexudy.com to learn more.
Auditable Values
oss upload
Custom Forms for the Polaris ILS
The ECJia Bootstrap package.
Managament of simple pages
WordPress Learning Tools Interoperability Integration
2021最新脚手架:cnbbx V8.0 你值得信赖的PHP框架
A unified database connectivity libriary
Generate slugs when saving Eloquent models
Assistant package
Blueimp file upload widget for the Yii framework
Rockads Marketing Api PHP-SDK.
CargoKing Laravel 8 - Repositories to the database layer
Collection of helpers and macros for laravel
VV Core Bundle
App to find images in several public repositories
Make all the languages talk to each other
A unified form input validation libriary
A Passable class for Laravel's Pipeline
Elastic PHP
UserDefinableSchedule allows you to create user defined schedule tasks
Helper for ACF
Avalachepay API
Render content in fusion as esi:include
Library to parse data
Lightweight validator supporting Language Independent Validation Rules Specification (LIVR)
php Quick print extension Library
Mercure twig component.
Laravel N+1 Query Detector
Kamba core module for authentication
Enjaz Sms service provider wrapper with notification channel support