A composer plugin for the Phel language.
Kmap server-side PHP support.
A package that helps you quickly and easily check the reCAPTCHA v2 user response token.
Simple unit conversion PHP package
Number of models and entities for AppImho project
Custom Package pragmarx/datatables Server-side handler of DataTables Jquery Plugin for Laravel 4
Client library for Avalara's AvaTax suite of business tax calculation and processing services. Uses the REST v2 API. Updated to...
Doctrine plugin for the Fernet framework
Custom package pragmarx/tracker A Laravel Visitor Tracker
PHP Helper Library for TSheets API
RESTful API serving the leaderboards and reporting the scores to your client app.
Create laravel modular app using laravel modular plugin
aliyun oss filesystem storage for laravel 5+
Laravel Pagetables is a Server Side Adapter for Datatables using the default Laravel Pagination.
A pz module for PHP Composer - Dependency Management for PHP
Laravel framework boilerplate.
easyswoole component
The ECJia App Maintain package.
captcha for PHP
calculate distance between 2 geolocations using haversine formula
Packagist Test
Upload and download POEditor translations
Laravel Package for integrating Tabler template and this package is Laravel Mix friendly.
CuongDev Laravel Abstraction for starter project
Simple DTOs factories
简单的 jwt 实现
It is the basis for the creation of html pages
The bundle to load Progressive, the library to progressively, quickly and simply enable new features
A gateway to listen WeatherFlow stations on a local network and write weather data in InfluxDB 2.
Convert docx and xlsx files templates into PDF.
Improvements to built-in Magento 2 reviews
Laravel-Paypal is simple package help you process direct credit card payments, stored credit card payments and PayPal account payments with...
Cargomart.ru API client
Paquete de pruebas para el framework de Laravel
This package contains aspect-oriented interfaces to read / put / compare config values.
Integration with Shipcloud
Query a collection of text files like a document database in PHP.
Advanta sms sdk for laravel
hik sdk
Kafka client for laravel that can easily handle producing and consuming messages
PHP backend implementation for the Editor.js
Simple system for parsing CSV-files row by row and sending the data to a callback
Automatic migrations for your Laravel models.
SaaS style recurring plans for Laravel.
HTML minifier and indenter that works on the DOM tree
Simple Object to Easily Create JSON Output
Factory classes for namespaced PSR-6 CacheItemPools
Manage your users and accounts inside this package
Invisible reCAPTCHA For Laravel.
Used to define a tables schema and to create the table in most SQL database.
A simple PHP Library to interact with the screensnaps.io service
A collection of classes to QR enccode strings and render them as PNG, TIFF and vectorized EPS.
A react PHP implementation for inotify, an filesystem change monitor
A cache warmer for Craft 5
A snippet for sending users' feedback messages to a required email, slack and telegram chats or SMS through sms.ru. It...
HTML class helper
Laravel package to validate CPF (Brazilian taxpayer identification number) and CNPJ (national registry of legal entities in Brazil)
Aimeos sw-sociallogin extension
Aimeos sw-sardes extension
Conditional CMS info boxes.
Library Form Builder
Symfony core bundle
A collection of classes to provide second factor authentication like Yubico OTP (Yubikey), Oath (TOTP, HOTP, GoogleAuthenticator) server-side.
Modified Smarty for Rudrax
Versioning pages with Pushword CMS.
This bundle to generate PDFs optionally with css styling.
Sample Schema
Fast IP to country lookup based on Maxmind Lite database, with no requirement for extension or binary database
This is a package to quickly create a simple blog application
Weekly updated database of IP CIDR to Country codes, indexed by the first 1/4th of the IP address
The Unofficial Telegram Bot API PHP SDK
Scaffold for Manipulating Custom Forms for umΩ Apps
A robust Laravel backend for handling FilePond uploads with large file chunking support
The Nette adapter for Inertia.js.
This will sent email to admin and save details in database.
Browse for content elements and other records via CLI
This package provides menu generator for modules in laravel apps.
Apollo Client Of PHP Laravel Framework
Modules system for laravel
Javascript Minifier built in PHP
HelloFlex API Client
extension to manage workflow tests for TAO
This package allows you to execute artisan commands in a simple way using the browser window. If you don't have...
A Laravel Package Skeleton, a quick start for new laravel Packages
The Awesome Set of Packages for Laravel.
A Laravel Nova field.
Simple web routing library for php, similar to express framework
A very thin OOP cURL wrapper with runtime cookie persistence
Implementation of Binance trading API for Laravel