Yii2 Asist BT SMS Service Component
Backup Laravel application
Library for Base32 encoding and decoding
A Patch for Rest Patch
A JsReport client written in PHP
A simple package manager for laravel apps.
Generate beautiful API documentation from your Laravel application
This is a library
A sample application skeleton using Doctrine 2
Sql formatter for laravel
Pacote simples exibindo como é feito um CRUD usando Laravel + Vue.js.
PHPSpreadsheet - Read, Create and Write Spreadsheet documents in PHP - Spreadsheet engine PHP 5.5.9
PHP Class for working with matrices supporting PHP 5.5.9
A PHP utility class that helps with common file tasks
A service made to provide, set up and use the library from influxdata influxphp in Laravel.
my mongo db db files i use in multiple packages
Laravel GreatCode Team
Initial package
cURL wrapper for PHP. Supports parallel and non-blocking requests. For high speed crawling, see stil/curl-robot.
Bank of Georgia Merchant Console OpenAPI Helper
Nette control for managing meta data and canonical link in HTML header.
Library for creating cli commands
Onlineparcel API Client
The library creates a snapshot of the project file system and calculates the checksum.
Anonymize sensitive datas in test database
Yii 2.0 telegram log target, send logs to the telegram chats or channels
ESL OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite
A simple PHP REST API to access data stored in the filesystem
Remove AWS brand in your Acelle application
Handlers for locked operations
Fake SMS (as email during development) integration for Symfony Notifier.
ABANDONED - use the postcodes.io web service or self-hosted project
PHP classes to help create json schemas
PHP class that allows you interact with ZK Time & Attendance devices.
Doofinder search for magento1
Slack driver for BotMan
CSS only toggle that re-styles checkboxes in the admin
Php client for DebugHost API
A better Slack client, with RTM API support
Your Package Description here
PHP library for interacting with the Mindbody Online API
For all Ezpizee utility classes
Support creating repository.
A Yii2 extension for tracking anonymous users.
this is json code info
Automatic package installer for Laravel 4
It's a test
Wenn man die Benutzergruppen bei der Registrierung zur Auswahl stellt, wird bei der Aktivierung der Account in den in der...
Adds a system of integrations with other services for Laravel
service components
google search console agent
A simple key/value store with namespace support and backends for memcached, apc, and more.
This bundle provides integration with the Slack API library, allowing you to interact with the Slack API from within your...
Get Start With Ready Made Admin Panel
xy-imframe kernel
LTI Tool Provider Library.
Track activity for Laravel
Get an overview of the latest issues or get the issues from a specific project.
mengambil data dari midtrans tanpa perlu terlalu banyak konfigurasi pada class , helper dan lainnya
String Enums for Laravel
A Simple library to communicate with kuda openapi
Unofficial deployer recipes for Uberspace interacting with Neos CMS
martdb driver connneter
A ready-to-use framework to write web applications in PHP
Teste DealerSites
Test bundle to practice making a Symfony bundle.
MvcCore Example - CD collection - classic CRUD example with default SQLite database.
MvcCore Example - Blog.
Simple XML Log Merger for overtrue/phplint xml reports
Cached version of spatie/valuestore
Laravel adapter for data-locker library
MobilPay driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library
Laravel Sms Management Package based on multi sms providers
Static build of FFprobe for AWS Lambda
Wrapper class for the Twitter oAuth API
WordPress plugin pushing posts from parent site to child sites
Makes changes on .json and .yml files.
Post Scriptum Server RCON library
Laravel wrapper for textcus sms api
thrift dependent martdb
A php package for simply call php service into Javascript code.
A composer file modifier based upon Laravel
Add GraphQL types and mutations for spatie/laravel-permission
This is a the codebase to generate a SDK for Open Platform Marketplace
Build db query from params
Vercel resources for laravel
This library provides a means to do large batch processing when unix cron jobs aren't necessarily available. This is useful...
Logger Service Client API
Parse and validate domain names.