Gaseous is a simple and secure SEO-oriented Content Management System
A demo package
Remove browser cache on every pages of a symfony2 website.
Convert HAR files saved from Chrome developer tools to URL list
Uniqush API Client
Frontendediting for Contao 4
Extended exception with logging and translation
A skeleton PHP project based on the principles of functional programming and pure functions.
A lightweight front-end framework that provides functionality without the bloat.
A simple way to paginate manually eloquent collections.
A simple library to handle model slug.
Automagically route /:page style routes without any fuss in CakePHP
Classe para roteamento de requisições
FreeClimb is a cloud-based application programming interface (API) that puts the power of the Vail platform in your hands. FreeClimb...
SDK PHP (não oficial) para a API do (v1.0)
Helper tools to deploy TYPO3 CMS with TYPO3 Surf
Laravel 5 & 6 Captcha Package
Laravel SMS Notifications.
Uma framework criada para pessoas que querem aprender sobre o universo do backend, porém, possui somente os dias de domingo...
A powerful API request manager class.
dingding bot plugin
DOMPDF is a CSS 2.1 compliant HTML to PDF converter
A small class to include styles, scripts and images in Laravel
Provides access protection (known from modules and content elements) for form fields.
sija is an open source micro-framework to create RESTful services for JSON API via PHP.
Laravel helper for
wp vitara class
A package to easily make use of Popular Brand Icons in your Laravel Blade views.
Phpfastcache Bundle for Symfony integration
php prestodb client
Module for Magento2 add brand to the body class.
This package provides a flexible way to add Role-based Permissions to Laravel
Sends your message to aliyun log, and then via logstash into kafka.
Data cleansing, enrichment and suggestions via Dadata API
UVB API Connector
API lib used for internal projects
Assertions on arrays for PHPUnit-based tests
I18n provides tools for loading translation files and generating translated strings
Componente para validar CPF, CNPJ, telefone, e-mail e URL
Inheritance assertions for PHPUnit-based tests
OAUTH2 Revoking Token for Discord.
Assertions on object properties for PHPUnit-based tests
An experiment in making an 'immutable' wrapper for PHP's file functions.
Simple API Client with OAuth2 Auth handler
Fathom Analytics API
Foxdb query builder
ApiQL - Automated Rest API for MySql databases
Anax weather module.
This is a little neat helper for the ZipArchive methods with handy functions
Reusable Livewire components
Foundby select box antries for the Shop system extension
A package for building Slack messages.
PHP Framework for building REST API
Linker Project
Pure-PHP inotify bindind (FFI-based)
Generic PHP Library to Store Errors and return them as needed
A diagram workflow builder.
Jumpstart files for Eloquent/Slim projects
Blade component package
Symfony JsonRequest Bundle
Laravel Shoppingcart
Kamba core module for managing permissions
Homepage baners
CouchDB Client for PHP >=5.5
Novactive eZ Algolia Search Engine is an eZ Platform bundle to provide Algolia search integration.
Plugin for throttling access to resource.
Coinbase Pro client
The Laravel Framework.
Kamba fake authentication module for testing usage
Minecraft PHP Authentication for Mojang Yggdrasil authentication scheme.
A module to provide core functionality for working with Payment Sources in Craft Commerce projects.
The best library for CSV manipulation in the whole of Coleraine
Kamba core module that provides a wrapper to PuppetDB API
A library which adds some extra flavors to October CMS
bitrix local core
A dusk browser extension package for time traveling
Arc8 CLI is a pre-configured CLI Application code based on Laravel Zero that help developers to jumpstart quickly on CLI...
Laravel / Lumen package for Firebase Cloud Messaging
PHP7.4 country code model.
Send randomly generated email to a SMTP server for testing