Flexible user registration and authentication module for Yii3
A MongoDB cache driver for Laravel
Faker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you.
Hydra provides a simple and clean way to test Laravel and Lumen packages against multiple versions.
Find differences in tow databases
S1mple menu model.
Faker Markdown Generator
Cirsim server-side PHP support.
Zorto PWA Theme Simplife configuration extension
Core files for Extremis
A witty description goes here
register application in service discovery
Symfony2 Bundle that ease the use of AmCharts to display rich graph and charts in your app
State Management workflow for Laravel, this package is fork form RingierIMU/state-workflow
Template-driven docker-compose file generation
ImageAspect - A simple Image Aspect crop coordination generator.
Convert JSON files to Spatie DTO objects
This is a message center request composer plug.
一个基于thinkphp6 layui okadmin的 自己整的后台.test
activate or deactivate any model any time on demand.
Make Laravel Eloquent models Likeable & Dislikeable in a minutes!
Turkey tax number verification class.
A usefull form for Slim and Angular
Basic PHP REST API client for sevDesk accounting software
Base class for unix daemons.
Projeto - Formacao PHP
This repository contains the PHP-SDK to interact with Binance DEX. It's supported by mostly pure PHP code.
Utility manager for loading different settings files with different formats
Software de Gestión Escolar
Run your PHP application in any context
Run your PHP application behind a FastCGI proxy
library for common fiscal operations
authorize.net package for Kerigan Marketing Associates
An API to gather the latest info from your stocks
test library
PHP FFI bindings for FUSE
Run your PHP application as a console application.
Blog oparty o virtualne produkty
Zf2 sms service with changeable gateway support
PHP MVC Core Framework
A blog package for Laravel
Validation Abstraction Layer
Filter abstraction layer
MySQL migration plugin for iqomp/migrate
Mock Object library for PHPUnit
Wrapper around PHP's tokenizer extension.
CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due
Highlight PHP code in terminal
Provides a simple abstraction over streams of data
Print order PDF extension for Magento 2 provides clean print of order detail page without unnecessary header, footer & sidebar.
京东 SDK 封装, 调用简单、语义化增强。支持 Laravel/Lumen。
file generator for creating api in laravel
wlcb share config
wlcb resourcecatalog
wlcb portal config
Simple library for getting error message from Yii2 model
The Laravel Framework.
This package helps managing chat sessions in your apps
Japanese package for CodeIgniter
DotA 2 Web API PHP wrapper
A PHP parser written in PHP
This is a library that uses composer as the basis for generating email notifications
Sentry Auth Driver for Laravel
LeadVertex plugin logistic core
Set of quality tools for your application.
Jetstream Livewire translations (for blade template)
Export array to CSV
Handle translation operation with ease (download and upload).
PHP entity hydration
The OpxCore config environment interface.
zuobei PHP SDK
Plantilla per un projecte amb slim 3
Library for error logging in CodeIgniter with sentry.io
Override functions through aspects
PHP API client for SdI Shellrent Hub
project laravel 5x
A laravel package for resource filtering via request query string
Super simple data mapper ORM for PHP
WebMoneyMerchant payments for Laravel
Google services API library
li3_perf provides a toolbar for your Lithium application useful for debugging.
Package description here.
Using google translate to translate word
The liansu Framework.
puxt gql client library
A package to manage SEO (meta-tags, xml-fields, etc.)
Projeto de buscar os cursos no site da Alura