Plugin which allows to add custom links to Roundcube.
API client for Google's Gemini API
This extension adds the alternate hreflang tag for: Cms pages, products and categories.
Provides API to register wordpress hooks and actions using PHP8 Attributes and reflection API
Adds a new permission set to allow defined roles to view all unpublished nodes and alter node status.
SalesRender plugin pbx core
This is my package press
A framework library for Maliboot.
A event library for Maliboot.
Time-based objects application
Query the Hack AST in a light and portable manner.
Subscriptions is a flexible plans and subscription management system for Laravel, with the required tools to run your SAAS like...
Ibexa fieldtype to select an icon from a predefined set.
Creates SEPA XML files
Wizard for multi-stage interaction including Symfony Forms
Powerful GeoCoding library forked from anthonymartin/geo-location and actively maintained: Retrieve bounding box coordinates, distances between geopoints, point in polygon, get...
A PHP library to format bytes into human-readable format and vice versa.
Send emails from the Contao backend. Backend extension for the Contao Open Source CMS
An easy way to manage data in Google Sheets using PHP
PHP Client for the Chromadb Rest API
Set trusted proxies for Laravel
Statistics is a lightweight, yet detailed package for tracking and recording user visits across your Laravel application. With only one...
Attributes is a robust, intelligent, and integrated Entity-Attribute-Value model (EAV) implementation for Laravel Eloquent, with powerful underlying for managing entity...
Facebook SDK for PHP
First-class SVG handling for Silverstripe CMS & front-end
Assign roles and permissions visually using the Spatie Laravel Permission package
core: rooting & libraries
Yii2 xml request parser
The HtmlChars class converts letters and numbers into their respective HTML entities.
Symfony messenger implementation for rva-vzw/krakboem
Magento 2 SMS order notifications
What the Framework?! SQL
What the Framework?! DBAL
Create repositories and services of your model dynamically
A Laravel Nova field.
Headless inertia components
Library containing specialized pagination and search traits
WoollyM: PHP Data Analysis Library
Allows the Contao Crawler to be logged in as a front end member via Basic Authentication in order to index...
Excel Writer untuk PHP yang sangat cepat seperti Halilintar
Helper for heyaender/excelintar
Hack source code linters authored with portable-hack-ast.
Cliente para realizar la integración con los servicios web de API Gateway desde PHP.
Install framework
The ability to transfer data from sql db to sf project using doctine.
Codeception toolset for Drupal testing, fork.
Make guzzle non-blocking with amphp.
Captcha library for PHP
Filament starter kit include ready make Multi-Tenant, Filament Shield, Filament Exception, Customize Login Page
Static Files
jiny Laravel
Email Octopus SDK for PHP
Email Octopus SDK for Laravel
Automatic Drupal Settings.
TencentCloudApi php sdk svp
Include bin scripts in top level composer projects.
SnapAuth SDK
This WordPress plugin adds a Search Query block which renders the contents of the search WordPress query variable.
This WordPress plugin adds a Results Count block which renders a number of found posts.
This WordPress plugin adds a Meta Block which renders a selected post meta field.
An HTML DOM parser. It allows you to manipulate HTML. Find tags on an HTML page with selectors just like...
Laravel Package for godscodes/MediaEmbed With Thumbnail
Adds a page size selector to grid views and list views.
This Laravel/Voyager module adds VoyagerBulkUpdate support to Voyager.
This package makes the integration of Esewa payment gateway easier.
Yii2 helper module for user authentication
Provide a JSON serializer for Symfony Messenger messages
Laravel Request Forwarder allows you to forward incoming requests to another addresses.
Allows for multiple websites to be managed through a single site tree.
A Laravel package to add possibility to use global scopes with an or operation in Eloquent Models.
Library for hCaptcha.
Minify your blade views, html, css and js files on the fly for Laravel 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10
Remote specs testing suite
A lightweight system for rendering tokens in templated strings.
Library for email management and tracking in Laravel apps.
Simple command to create Service class in Laravel
Remove all Magento 2 import export modules.
Simple command to create actions in Laravel
OFX PHP parser library
An object-oriented wrapper around the password_hash & password_verify functions.
LibreNMS plugin that helps you to export devices data to an excel file.
Add hCaptcha to Flarum.
The library provides the generation of passwords.
Luminark URL package.