xfcs 1.1.6 Extract metadata and data from FCS (3.0, 3.1) files. Data extraction supports...
xfcsdashboard 0.0.2 Create interactive plots for FCS file metadata (3.0, 3.1). Metadata plots are generated as...
xfds 0.3.0 Source Code: github.com/pbdtools/xfds Documentation: xfds.pbd.tools Do you have FDS installed on...
xfinityusage 3.0.1 Python/selenium script to get Xfinity bandwidth usage from Xfinity MyAccount website. Has an easily-usable...
xinputgui 0.3.1 xinput-gui A simple GUI for Xorg's Xinput tool.
xmlcoll 1.7.2 xmlcoll is a python package for working with collections of items. The items have...
xnd 0.2.0b2 Overview The xnd module implements a container type that maps most Python values...
xonshscrapytabcomplete 0.25 The author of this package has not provided a project description
xradios 0.0.1.dev6 xradios Search and play your favorite Internet radio station....
yaksh 0.7.0 Yaksh To get an overview of the Yaksh interface please refer to...
yaml2cli 1.0.3 Date: October 12, 2018 Organize cli args...
yandextank 2.0.9 The author of this package has not provided a project description
yarely 0.1.0 Yarely Yarely is a modular, extensible digital signage player currently designed to...
YARS 1.0 Author: W-Mark Kubacki <wmark+yars@hurrikane.de> Finds new files (called ‘items’) on a...
yarsync 0.2.1 Yet Another Rsync is a file synchronization and backup tool. It can be used...
ycchuangyeke2018zhongwenbiji 2024.3.5.0 YC 创业课 2018 中文笔记 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/yc-chuangye-ke-2018-zhongwen-biji docker run...
ycchuangyeke2019zhongwenbiji 2024.3.5.0 YC 创业课 2019 中文笔记 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/yc-chuangye-ke-2019-zhongwen-biji docker run...
yenepay 0.5.0a0 ᴘʏᴛʜᴏɴ sᴅᴋ | ᴜɴᴏғғɪᴄɪᴀʟ ...
yepcordserver 1.0.0b3 YEPcord server Unofficial discord backend implementation in python. Setup Requirements:
yetui 0.1.6 YET - Youtube export TUI yet is a console (kind of rss) application to...
yewtube 2.12.0 STOP GENOCIDE OF INNOCENT PEOPLE _ _ | | | |
ygojson 0.5.0 YGOJSON YGOJSON aims to be the ultimate Yugioh database - a set of machine-readable...
yifi 0.2.5 The author of this package has not provided a project description
yledl 20240927 Download videos from Yle servers Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Antti Ajanki,...
YNABWeekly 1.0.4 YNAB Weekly Spending Reports with Python If you want weekly mail with top 10...
yodapowers 1.0.1 Table of Contents About this package Install Global...
yoginth 2.1.1 Yoginth The Yoginth CLI Install $ pip install...
you 0.5.0.dev1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
youget 0.4.1730 You-Get is a tiny command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from...
yougetknifes 0.4.1555.2 You-Get is a tiny command-line utility to download media contents (videos, audios, images) from...
youkuupload 0.1.1 youku-upload Upload videos to Youku from the command line Install pip install...
youlive 1.1.4 you-live Live Recorder A live recorder focus on China mainland livestream...
youliveplus 2.0.0 you-live-plus Live Recorder A live recorder focus on China mainland livestream...
YouMP3 3.1.1 You-MP3 The tool for downloading music from YouTube The program is an abstraction...
yournotes 0.1 aa)
youtazhoulidaxuepythongdalkechengbiji 2024.3.5.0 犹他州立大学 Python GDAL 课程笔记 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/youta-zhoulidaxue-python-gdal-kecheng-biji docker run...
youtube2ipfs 0.3 youtube2ipfs Download videos from YouTube (and similar video platforms) and add them to IPFS.
youtube2mp3 2.0.7 youtube2mp3 A wrapper to simplify youtube downloads with yt-dlp Downloaded files will be...
youtubebatch 0.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
youtubedlhelper 0.0.16 Drag and drop URLs from your browser to this application to download YouTube videos...
YouTubeLoader 0.3 The author of this package has not provided a project description
youtubestream 0.0.14 Youtube Stream youtube-stream is a console app for...
ystafdb 0.6.0 YSTAFDB YSTAFDB creates turtle files of the instances of data based on an ontology.
ytplaylistsync 2024.6.2.3 yt-playlist-sync Sync a YouTube playlist to a directory on your system using yt-dlp....
yubicobitcoin 0.0.1 Yubico-bitcoin-python Python client library for communicating with the ykneo-bitcoin applet for the YubiKey...
yubikeymanager 5.5.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
yubikeyneomanager 1.4.0 This is the long description
yubioathdesktop 3.1.0 NOTE: Yubico Authenticator is not distributed on PyPi anymore, get the latest version here https://developers.yubico.com/yubioath-desktop/Releases/
yumee 0.0.3 Yumee Embed metadata into your music files, whatever the type Yumee stands for...
zencrc 0.8 ZenCRC A command-line tool for CRC32 stuff. Installation This program is packaged...
zhishitupufazhanbaogao2018 2024.3.5.0 知识图谱发展报告 2018 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/zhishi-tupu-fazhan-baogao-2018 docker run -tid -p...
zhuanweichengxuyuanbianxiedeyingyuxuexizhinan 2024.3.5.0 专为程序员编写的英语学习指南 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/zhuan-wei-chengxuyuan-bianxie-de-yingyu-xuexizhinan docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
zissou 0.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
zkpwgen 1.0 zkpwgen A tool for generating random passwords consisting of full-width Japanese and Roman...
zmk 0.1.1 ZMK CLI A command line program to help set up ZMK Firmware. ZMK...
ZMS3 3.3.4 ZMS3 This package is a meta package to allow to install ZMS as ZMS3.
zoid 0.2.3 Zoid is a set of command line tools for easy hosting of one or more...
zone3kcsvconverter 0.9.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
zoocli 0.2.2 UNKNOWN
zourite 0.4.0 Zourite is a client for professional Network like LinkedIn. You can stay connected to your...
zrtool 0.2.0 zrtool zrtool is a little cli tool that let you do some actions on...
zshcompose 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
zssget 1.1.4 UNKNOWN
ztranslator 1.0.0 ztranslator Simples tradutor de linha de comando. Você pode configurar uma combinação de teclas...
zulipterm 0.7.0 Recent changes | Configuration | Hot Keys | FAQs | Development | Tutorial
zuoxiangqicheng 2024.3.5.0 坐享其成 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/zuoxiangqicheng docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
zwende 20190716.1 Sometimes it is beneficial to hide a ‘plain text’ message within plain text. This module...
zx 0.7.0 zx ZX Spectrum Emulator written in a mix of Python and C++.
zxpm 1.0 Python Module from ZHRXXgroup to install ZXpackages
zzimgcaption 0.0.3 ZZ-Image-Caption Image captioner CLI using BLIP and BLIP2 models Installation Requirements:...
zzpix 0.0.9 PIX A simple image manipulation tool...
insoundzcli 0.1.21 insoundz-cli Package A simple CLI which is used to give the client an easy...
influxsi 7.0.4 influx_s and influx_i are programs designed for flux and metabolite concentration estimation based on labeling...
influxio 0.5.0 » Documentation | Changelog | PyPI | Issues | Source code
inbac 2.1.0 inbac Description inbac is an interactive batch cropper made...
ImgurDownloader 1.0 Download Imgur albums, with optional discovery of new albums based on image text descriptions.
imaxtml 0.0.2 # IMAXT Machine Learning IMAXT Machine Learning
imaprelay 0.0.5 imaprelay is a simple tool designed to scratch a very specific itch. Presented with...
imgdups 0.1.6 imgdups Most image duplicate checkers can find duplicates within a single folder....
imaginepy 2.0.1 ImaginePy
idiotic 0.2.0 The idiotic distributed internet of things inhabitance controller (idiotic), aims to be an extremely...
idbadapter 2.4.3 Adapter for database access
ical2vdir 1.0.0 ical2vdir 📅 Convert /...
ical2org 1.2 ical2org is a command line tool for exporting data from the Mac OS X...
ical2notion 0.3.1 ical2notion ICal2Notion is a simple command line tool that is used to update a...
icoextract 0.1.5 icoextract icoextract is an icon extractor for Windows PE files (.exe/.dll/.mun), written...
icepaposc 0.10.4 Python application to monitor and tune IcePAP based systems.
icepap 3.11.2 Python IcePAP Extension for Win32, Linux, BSD, Jython
ice 0.0.2 Ice is a Python module with a WSGI microframework meant for developing small web...
iacprotocol 0.301 IAC protocol The IAC (inter-application communication) protocol enables inter-application communication and scripting. Have...
ianesbbbdl 0.7.9 Big Blue Button (BBB) Downloader Downloads a BBB lesson as MP4 video, including presentation,...
i3workspaceswap 1.1.0 i3-workspace-swap A utility for the i3 tiling window manager, which allows to swap the...
i3workscreen 1.0.1 This utility is for users using i3wm on their laptops who frequently jump between multiple...
i3switch 1.2.4 i3-switch i3 script to switch between windows in history. This script...
hyvr 1.1.0 HyVR: Turning your geofantasy into reality! The Hydrogeological Virtual Reality simulation package (HyVR) is...
hyperledgerfabricyuanmashendujiexi 2024.3.4.0 Hyperledger Fabric源码深度解析 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/hyperledger-fabric-yuanma-shendu-jiexi docker run -tid -p...
hybridvut 0.1.4 hybridvut This package provides functionalities to deal with hybrid IO-LCA based on the Make...
hurm.fe 0.10 author: Lele Gaifax contact: lele@metapensiero.it license:...
humanhash3 0.0.6 humanhash provides human-readable representations of digests. ...
hubblepy 1.0.0 # Hubblepy - Python wrapper for the Hubblesite.org API[](https://travis-ci.org/aschleg/hubblepy)[](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/aschleg/hubblepy)[](https://coveralls.io/github/aschleg/hubblepy?branch=master)[](https://www.codacy.com/app/aschleg/hubblepy?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=aschleg/hubblepy&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade)[](https://hubblepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest)`hubblepy`...