araugment 1.0.0 araugment Version 1.0.0 Augment Arabic data for deep learning tasks There are...
archinfo 9.2.117 archinfo archinfo is a collection of...
archey4 Archey4 is a maintained fork of the original Archey Linux system tool. The original...
aqualityseleniumcore 0.0.4 Core functionality for python based aquality selenium libraries
archerdfu.core 1.0.2 archerdfu.core pydfuutil binds for archerdfu library [NOTE!] This package is...
archerdfu.construct 1.0.0 archerdfu.construct construct extension for archerdfu library [NOTE!] This package is...
archan 3.0.0 Archan Analysis of your...
ArcDLNexus 0.1.5 PayNexus 目次 プロジェクトについて インストール方法 環境 モジュールについて
arcdico 1.0.0 ArC Digital Control Module This is a Python wrapper for the ArC Digital Control...
appleupscale 0.1.1 Unconstrained Channel Pruning · Paper UPSCALE: Unconstrained Channel Pruning @ ICML 2023 Alvin...
applepaybianchengzhinan 2024.3.3.0 Apple Pay 编程指南 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/apple-pay-biancheng-zhinan docker run -tid...
applecatalog 2.0.5 Description Simple library for automating downloads of updates from Apple's servers. Use this simply...
applaud 0.9.4 Applaud Applaud is a Python client library for accessing App Store Connect API, generated...
aprssreader 0.0.3 AP RSS-reader ...
aprsdircextension 0.0.5 WB4BOR What is it? This is a pypi package...
aprsd 3.4.0 APRSD is a Ham radio APRS message command gateway built on python. ...
appicon 1.1.5 AZ App Icon config [[TOC]] Intro When you want to publish your...
appglobal 1.0.0 app_global From "The canonical way to share information across modules within a...
appsurifytestbraincontrib 2024.1.23 Appsurify Testbrain Contrib Package with paython libraries for Testbrain
appsurifytestbraincli 2024.1.26 Appsurify Script Installation Index Installation Instructions Requirements...
appstreampython 0.8.1 appstream-python A library for dealing with Freedesktop Appstream data. This lib is currently in...
appstrap 0.1.0 appstrap AppStrap provides a configuration interface for Python applications Objectives and Stretch Goals*
approvalutilities 14.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
approvaltestsminimal 14.0.0 ApprovalTests.Python Contents What can I use ApprovalTests for?...
approvaltests 14.0.0 ApprovalTests.Python Contents What can I use ApprovalTests for?...
apparse 0.1.0 ap-parse Parser for iw and iwinfo on OpenWrt devices. Currently supports only device list...
apollon 0.1.5 Apollon Apollon is a Python framework for audio feature extraction and music similarity...
appmail 1.3 Django-AppMail Django app for managing transactional email templates. Compatibility This...
applysubs 0.5.5 apply-subs A...
apmultitool 0.1.7 Multitool multiTool is a command line...
apapi 0.5.0 APAPI APAPI is an unofficial library that allows you to connect to Anaplan APIs...
apap 0.0.0b3 What apap makes you can ap ply RESTful ap i to your client handy.
apacheserver24zhongwenwendang 2024.3.4.0 Apache Server 2.4 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/apache-server-2-4-zhongwen-wendang docker run...
apachehive311zhongwenwendang 2024.3.4.0 Apache Hive 3.1.1 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/apache-hive-3-1-1-zhongwen-wendang docker run...
apachefreemarker2328zhongwenwendang 2024.3.4.0 Apache FreeMarker 2.3.28 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/apache-freemarker-2-3-28-zhongwen-wendang docker run...
apacheflume190zhongwenwendang 2024.3.4.0 Apache Flume 1.9.0 中文文档 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/apache-flume-1-9-0-zhongwen-wendang docker run...
apacheairflowprovidertransfers 0.1.0 Universal Transfer Operator transfers made easy
apistats 0.4.1 APIStats Simple django module with a middleware to track calls to django backend....
apistarwebsocket 0.1.2 API Star WebSocket A WebSocket Component for easily using WebSockets...
apistar session cookie 1.0.0 Cookie based persistent Sessions Component for Apistar.
apistarmsgpack 1.5.0 Apistar MessagePack Renderer and Parser pluggable components for Python3+.
apistarmongoengine 0.0.6 Shameless bootleg copy of flask-mongoengine for API Star, modified for personal taste. Contributions are most...
apistarautoapp 0.6.1 API Star AutoApp Easily manage and compose API Star projects
apistar 0.7.2 🛠 The Web API toolkit. 🛠 ...
apiron 7.1.0.post3 apiron apiron helps you...
aovec 1.2.1 aovec Make Word2Vec from...
api hour 0.8.2 API Hour API-Hour is a lightweight daemon framework, that lets you write powerful...
aop2db 0.3.1 Package for compiling the adverse outcome pathway (AOP) data into a relational database. The data...
aoe2aifmt 0.2 Age of Empires 2 AI Rule Formatter This project provides a script that allows...
aodhclient 3.5.1 Python bindings to the OpenStack Aodh API This is a client for OpenStack Aodh...
aodh 18.0.0 Aodh is the alarming service for OpenStack. Documentation Documentation...
aoctomarkdown 0.2.3 Parses Advent Of Code problem statement to markdown with option to also download the input...
aocstarter 0.2.0 Advent of Code Framework A framework for implementing Advent of...
aoauthlib 3.2.2 A generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic for Python 3.8+...
anys 0.3.0 GitHub | PyPI | Issues | Changelog anys provides matchers for...
anymailhistory 0.1.8 anymail-history - Email History (database storage) for Django Anymail
anyfile 0.0.1 anyfile Work in progress,...
antcal 0.0.22 AntCal
anta 1.0.0 Arista Network Test Automation (ANTA) Framework Code...
ansiblevariables 0.7.0 ansible-variables The Ansible inventory provides a very powerful...
ansiblenavigator 24.8.0 ansible-navigator A text-based user interface (TUI) for Ansible. A demo of the interface...
ansiblemockable 1.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
ansiblelint 24.7.0 Ansible-lint ansible-lint checks playbooks for practices and behavior that could potentially be improved....
ansiblekeyring 1.2.7 Python CLI: Ansible Keyring - A System Keyring Integration CLI A Python CLI created...
ansiblegalaxyoutdated 1.2.1 ansible-galaxy-outdated ansible-galaxy-outdated shows currently...
ansibledevtools 24.8.0 Ansible Development Tools (ADT) The ansible-dev-tools python package provides an easy way to install...
ansibledevenvironment 24.7.0 ansible-dev-environment A pip-like install for ansible collections. Features Promotes an...
ankdown 0.7.1 Ankdown A simple way to write Anki decks in Markdown. What This Is
anixart 0.2.1 Anixart API wrapper Описание Враппер для использования Anixart API. Библиотека создана только...
anplusb 0.1.0 ANPlusB This tiny package provides a handy parser for parsing the CSS <An+B>...
anotherpdfmerger 0.0.8 anotherpdfmerger This is a small program to concatenate PDFs and add bookmarks where the
anonymizationsdk 0.0.0 Anonymization SDK
anonsdk 0.0.3 Anon SDK
anintroductiontodatascience 2024.3.3.0 An Introduction to Data Science 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/an-introduction-to-data-science docker...
animeapipy 3.4.0 animeapi-python is a Python wrapper for the AnimeAPI made by nattadasu. The...
androidsdkyuanmajiexi 2024.3.3.0 ANDROID SDK 源码解析 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/android-sdk-yuanma-jiexi docker run -tid...
androidgradlechajianzhongwenzhinan 2024.3.3.0 Android Gradle 插件中文指南 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/android-gradle-chajian-zhongwen-zhinan docker run -tid...
androidemu 0.0.2 AndroidNativeEmu Allows you to partly emulate an Android native library. This is an...
angrylibs 2.1.2 Angry Libs Have a fluffy time by making some slimy choices To get...
angrmanagement 9.2.117 angr Management This is the GUI for angr. Launch it and...
angr 9.2.117 angr angr is a platform-agnostic binary...
anglr 1.1.0 Planar angle mathematics library for Python. This library contains many different functions for converting...
anexamplepackage 1.1.0 M2_TJ Modules and Notebooks to help prepare the technical justification of a MUSTANG-2 proposal.
anchovycss 0.1.1 Anchovy CSS anchovy_css is a pure-Python CSS pre-processor. The key feature it currently...
anchovy 1.0.0 Anchovy Anchovy is a minimal, unopinionated file-processing framework equipped with a complete static...
analchem 0.0.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
anamator 1.0.1 anamator Project created on purpose of animating basics concepts of real analysis.
analyticsdf Overview The AutoGen (analyticsdf) is a Python library that allows you to generate synthetic...
amqp 5.2.0 Version: 5.2.0 Web: Download:
AlveolEye 0.1.2 AlveolEye: Automated lung morphometry made easy This repository contains the beta version of AlveolEye,...
altvmasterlist 3.2.3 alt:V Masterlist for Python ...
altimatecli 0.0.8 Assistant for Data Teams Free software: MIT license
altb 0.5.2 altb altb is a cli utility influenced by update-alternatives of ubuntu. Linked paths...
alsina2011 1.1.0 main: prod: Data and formalisms from Alsina et al. (2011)
alpyromsgs 0.1.0 alpyro message definitions This repository contains the message definitions for the alpyro library....
alpyro 2020.8a0 ALternative PYthon ROs Alternative implementation of a ROS client library in python. Example...
alphalogicapi3 0.1.14 Alphalogic API The official library to...
alphagradient Documentation For now, official documentation is hosted on Introduction AlphaGradient is...
amberdata 0.1.1 Demo Install pip install amberdata for reference from amberdata...
amazonwishlistpricewatch 0.1.24 Amazon Wishlist Pricewatch