auditee 0.0.1.dev2 auditee WORK IN PROGRESS -- DO NOT USE -- DO NOT TRUST Tool...
audite 0.4.5 Audite: instant change feeds for SQLite Audite uses SQL triggers to add a transactional...
atsphinxsqlite3fts 0.1.3 Power search for Sphinx by SQLite3-FTS extension.
attrbox 0.1.5 attrbox Attribute-based data structures. Changelog - Issues...
attentionisallyouneedzhongwenfanyi 2024.3.3.0 Attention Is All You Need 中文翻译 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/attention-is-all-you-need-zhongwenfanyi...
AtomPacker 0.3.0 AtomPacker A Python package...
atlasapprox 0.2.0 Python interface to cell atlas approximations Cell atlases such as Tabula Muris and Tabula...
atlanairflowplugin 0.0.1 Atlan Airflow Plugin An Airflow plugin to push data to Atlan. Requirements...
atlalign 0.6.2 Atlas Alignment is a toolbox to perform multimodal image registration. It includes both traditional...
atk 🐍atk🐋
atomics 1.0.2 atomics This library implements a wrapper around the lower level patomic C library...
atcdataplatformtools 0.1.26 atc-dataplatform-tools A common set of tools for working with dataplatforms. These libraries contain...
atcdataplatform 1.1.69 atc-dataplatform A common set of python libraries for DataBricks. Important Notes This...
atoma 0.0.17 Atom, RSS and JSON feed parser for Python 3. Quickstart Install...
atalert 0.1.10 Atalert Python Package Too many different data notifications or alert packages got...
at30ts00 1.0.0 python-AT30TS00-sensor Python 3 module for AT30TS00 temperature sensor reading. It uses I2C to talk...
asyncz 0.11.0 Asyncz 🚀 The scheduler that simply...
asyncwhois 1.1.4 asyncwhois asyncwhois | Python utility for...
asyncwestjr 0.4 WestJR JR西日本列車走行位置 非公式API Async-Pythonライブラリ
asyncfirebase 3.8.0 async-firebase is a lightweight asynchronous client to interact with Firebase Cloud Messaging for sending push...
asyncfactoryboy 1.0.1 factory_boy extension with asynchronous ORM support Requirements python...
asyncreq 0.0.6 asyncreq asyncreq is a lightweight Python library for making asynchronous HTTP requests using aiohttp....
asyncql 0.2.2 asyncql An asynchronous python library for...
asyncpymongo 0.1.6 async_pymongo Asynchronous wrapper for pymongo Comparison Installing pip3 install async_pymongo...
asyncproxyapi 0.0.1 async-api
asyncobject 2.0.0 async-object
asyncnewtel 0.0.1 Async-NewTel New-Tel simple async client based on httpx. Installation pip install async-newtel
asyncapigenerator 0.1.0 asyncapi-generator
asv runner 0.2.1 About Core Python benchmark code for asv. This package shall not have...
asv 0.6.4 airspeed velocity (asv) is a tool for benchmarking Python packages over their lifetime....
asynciorailgun 0.0.3 Python asyncio railgun A python3.4+ asyncio library wrapper for utilzing asyncio tasks and gather(*)...
astrosdkpython 1.8.1 astro workflows made easy
astrorundag 0.2.7 DAG Runner for the Astro CLI
astroruncommand 0.1.1a0 Astro SQL CLI Empower analysts to build workflows to transform data using SQL....
astrophysicstoolset 0.3.0 Python package with some astrophysics-related stuff Free software: MIT license Documentation:...
astroML 1.0.2.post1 AstroML is a Python module for machine learning and data mining built on numpy,...
astroid 3.3.2 Professional support for astroid is available as part of the Tidelift Subscription. Tidelift gives...
astrocloud 0.0.2 astro-cloud astro-cloud provides three API tiers to access large files from numerous Static Storage...
astrobase 0.5.3 Astrobase is a Python package for analyzing light curves and finding variable stars. It...
astnames 0.1.0 ast_names Collect top level variable names using the ast. Installation pip install...
astmath 0.1.0 astmath Evaluate Python arithemetic expressions safely. This package can help evaluate Python expressions,...
astload 0.1.1 astload Create ASTs from ast.dump() output. It's possible to serialize an AST node...
astest 0.1.0 astest: assert based testing The quick, easy way to write tests in Python....
asterixparse 0.1.0 AsterixParse Python package for decoding ASTERIX (All-Purpose Structured EUROCONTROL Surveillance Information Exchange) data protocol.
asterisklintjjs 0.4.2 Asterisk PBX configuration syntax checker AsteriskLint is a suite of tools to...
asterisklint 0.4.3 Asterisk PBX configuration syntax checker AsteriskLint is a suite of tools to...
astdecompiler 0.8.0 ast_decompiler is a module for generating Python code given an AST. A usage example:
aspy.refactorimports 3.0.2 RENAMED this library has been rewritten and renamed to classify-imports for version 4...
AshUtils 0.2 How to install pip install AshUtils Documentation
AshLogger 0.5 How to install pip install AshLogger Documentation from AshLogger import...
ashar 1.1.8 Ashar ashar - free & open source project for text encryption with password protection.
ashapipro 1.0.0 ashapipro ASHAPIPRO - Autonomous Ship Handling Application Programming Interface Prototypes library - компонент Библиотека... 0.4 The author of this package has not provided a project description
asgilogger 0.1.0 asgi-logger
asgilifespanmiddleware 0.1.3 asgi-lifespan-middleware ASGI middlewate to support ASGI lifespans using a simple async context manager interface.
asgilifespan 2.1.0 asgi-lifespan Programmatically send startup/shutdown lifespan events into ASGI...
asgihtmx 0.1.0 asgi-htmx HTMX integration for ASGI applications. Works with...
asgibackground 0.2.2 asgi-background Background tasks for any ASGI framework. Example (Starlette) from asgi_background import...
asks 3.0.0 asks is an async http lib for curio, trio and asyncio
articleparser 1.8.0 article-parser Extract...
artdurls 1.0.5 ArtD URLS Art URL is a module that is responsible for creating URLs for...
artdstock 1.0.8 ArtD Stock Art Product is a package that makes it possible to manage stock...
artdservice 1.0.5 ArtD Service ArtD Service. Add to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
artdpromotion 1.0.14 ArtD Promotion Art Promotion is a package that manage coupon codes. ...
artdproduct 1.0.20 ArtD Prpduct Art Product is a package that makes it possible to manage categories,...
artdpricelist 1.0.12 ArtD Price List Art Product is a package that makes it possible to manage...
artdpartner 1.0.7 ArtD Partner Art Partner is a package that makes it possible to manage headquarters,...
artdopenpay 0.0.1 ArtD Open Pay ArtD Open Pay It is a package that contains the Open...
artdnequi 0.0.1 ================= Nequi Integration A Django app to create Nequi integration. Quick start
artdmodules 1.0.5 ArtD Module ArtD Module is a package that is responsible for keeping track of...
artdlocation 1.0.5 ArtD Location ArtD location is a package that makes it possible to have countries,...
artdinfobip 0.0.1 ArtD Infobip Art Infobip is a package that makes it possible to integrate Infobip...
artdcustomer 1.0.6 ArtD Customer Art Customer is a package that makes it possible to manage customers,...
artdalliance 1.0.1 ArtD Alliance Art Alliance is a package that makes it possible to manage allies...
arsenic 21.8 Async Webdriver ...
arrow 1.3.0 Arrow is a Python library that offers a sensible and human-friendly approach to creating, manipulating,...
arrlio 0.24.0 Arrlio [WIP] Documentation (WIP) Asyncio distributed task/workflow system with supports generators and graphs
argumentparsing 1.0.1 Introduction A zero dependency, single file string argument parser written in python. You...
arrayapijaxcompat 0.13 array-api-jax-compat
arrangio 0.5.0 arrangio Arranges a set of songs in groups with similar total play time....
arrangevideochat 0.1.1 Arrange Videochat Django app to arrange a meeting for a video chat for a...
arqdjangoadmin 0.3.2 ARQ Django admin Django admin dashboard...
argopt 0.8.2 doc to argparse driven by docopt Define your...
armis 1.0.22 Armis Python Library armis - A Python library for interacting with the Armis cloud.
arger 1.4.8 Overview A wrapper around argparser to help build CLIs from functions. Uses type-hints extensively...
arkindexclient 1.0.16 arkindex-client provides an API client to interact with Arkindex servers. ...
arkhamdb 0.0.7 python-arkhamdb Pythonic wrapper around the excellent ArkhamDB API. Designed to...
arenarobot 2.2.0 ARENA-robot Robot integration runtime for the ARENA. Installation Requires Python3.8+ (it probably...
arise 0.1.5 Arise Contributions To be determined Known issues You may...
area4 3.11.0 area4 Dividers in Python, the easy way! Many different types. (As seen on PyPI!)
aria2r 0.9.1 aria2r In the spirit of aria2c and aria2p, aria2r is a command line utility...
aria2p 0.12.0 aria2p Command-line tool and...
arduinohooks 0.3.0 Arduino Hooks This project...
arduinocoldfirebdm 0.1.0 arduino-coldfire-bdm An interface to Motorola® Coldfire processors' Background Debug Interface (BDM) using an Arduino.
arduinoclicmakewrapper 0.1.0 Arduino Cmake toolchain leveraging arduino-cli via python wrapper script. It does not intend to...
arducomm 0.1.0 Host-side ArduComm python library and examples This is the host-side library implementation of ArduComm,...
arcadeui 0.0.2 Arcade UI A library to create user interfaces using Arcade. Installation pip...
arca 0.3.3 Arca Arca is a...
arbytmap 1.1.2 Arbytmap What is this repository for? Arbytmap is a...
arbiter 1.1.2 Arbiter Arbiter is a lightweight framework for working with data flows. These may be...