allurecombine 1.0.11 Allure single html file builder Tool to build allure generated folder into a single...
allurebehave 2.13.5 Allure Behave Formatter An Allure adapter for Behave.
allreposdepends 0.0.3 all-repos-depends View the dependencies of your repositories. all-repos-depends is an add-on project to
allrepos 1.27.0 all-repos Clone all your repositories and apply sweeping changes. Installation pip install...
allpairspy 2.5.1 allpairspy forked from bayandin/allpairs AllPairs test combinations generator Features Get...
allennlpserver 1.0.0 A demo server for AllenNLP models. ...
allencellmlsegmenter 0.0.7 allencell-ml-segmenter A...
allen1989 0.2.0 main: Formalisms from Allen at al. 1989 paper
allya.nestedconfigparser 0.1.0 By default, configparser only loads values from ‘vars’, ‘section’, and then ‘default_section’. This extension allows...
allurerobotframework 2.13.5 Allure Robot Framework Listener An Allure adapter for...
allurepythoncommonstest 2.13.5 Allure Python Testing Utilities The package contains pyhamcrest...
allurepythoncommonstempfix 2.9.46 The author of this package has not provided a project description
allurepythoncommons 2.13.5 Allure Common API The package contains classes and...
allurepytestbddtempfix 2.9.46 The author of this package has not provided a project description
allurepytestbddtemp 2.9.46 The author of this package has not provided a project description
allurepytestbdd 2.13.5 Allure Pytest-BDD An Allure adapter for Pytest-BDD....
allurepytest 2.13.5 Allure Pytest Plugin An Allure adapter for pytest.
allurenose2 2.13.5 Allure nose2 An Allure adapter for nose2....
aliceandbob 0.0.1 Alice and Bob information sharing code challenge Diffie-Hellman coding challenge for secret information exchange...
aliceai 1.0.1 Alice the Virtual Assistant Created to train algorithms...
alibabasms 0.0.1 Alibaba SMS 阿里云短信发送 SDK 官方 SDK 过于庞大,如果仅仅是为了发送短信,宁愿自己实现一个。 项目特色 多次发送复用底层连接。...
alibabajavakaifashouce140 2024.3.3.0 阿里巴巴 Java 开发手册 1.4.0 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/alibaba-java-kaifa-shouce-1-4-0 docker run...
alist proxy 0.0.7 Python alist proxy and monitor. 安装 你可以从 pypi 安装 pip install...
aliceplexserialize 2.2.0 aliceplex-serialize aliceplex-serialize is serialization library for Plex. Install pip install aliceplex-serialize
aliceplexscrap 2.1.0 aliceplex-scrap aliceplex-scrap is a scrapper library for Plex. Install pip install aliceplex-scrap
aliceonboarding 5.1.1 onboarding-python The aim of this Python package is to manage...
alibabaandroidkaifashouce10 2024.3.3.0 阿里巴巴 Android 开发手册 1.0 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/alibaba-android-kaifa-shouce-1-0 docker run...
algsixi 0.1.0 Example PyPI (Python Package Index) Package & Tutorial / Instruction / Workflow for 2021...
algospace 0.4.13 发布方本地部署指南 最保密、最快速的发布方式 ⚡️⚡️⚡️ 一分钟极速发布 ⚡️⚡️⚡️
algorithmsforreinforcementlearning 2024.3.3.0 Algorithms for Reinforcement Learning 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/algorithms-for-reinforcement-learning docker run...
algopack 0.0.4 Implementation of various common CS algorithms in Cython Usage ...
alexnetimagenetclassificationwithdeepconvolutionalneuralnetworksyiwen 2024.3.3.0 AlexNet - ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 译文 下载 Docker...
alexlukashdjangoshoppingcart 0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
alertexporter 0.5.1 Alert Exporter ...
alert360 0.0.9 Summary Alert 360 can be used to trigger any specific action on any specific...
alanube 0.1.0 Alanube Python API Python library to connect with Alanube API Instalation To... 1.2.1 is a pythonic wrapper for the Aladhan prayer times API.
aldapython 0.1.0 alda-python Python client for Alda (
alchemyprovider 0.0.10 Dynamic query build based on SQLAlchemy Core and ORM
alabaster 1.0.0 What is Alabaster? Alabaster is a visually (c)lean, responsive, configurable theme for the Sphinx...
AkvoResponseGrouper 1.2.0 Akvo-ResponseGrouper Fast-API Response catalog for pre-computed query Install...
AkvoDjangoFormGateway 0.0.9 Akvo-DjangoFormGateway Akvo-DjangoFormGateway is a Django library that enables seamless integration of messenger...
alcedo 0.1.7 Alcedo
ajaxviews 0.7.0 ajax-views A simple Django application to easily use AJAX views with JavaScript.
ajaxvalidation 0.1 for more details and usage please refer to
ajavareferenceucbcs61btextbook 2024.3.3.0 A Java Reference (UCB CS61b Textbook) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/a-java-reference-ucb-cs61b-textbook...
aixtend 0.1.0 aiXtend aiXtend is a software development kit (SDK) for the aiXplain platform. With aiXtend,...
aixplainpipelines 0.0.4 aiXplain Pipelines aiXplain Pipelines enables python programmers to add AI functions to their...
airflowsupporter 1.0.0 airflow_supporter airflow_supporter provide services to supporter to manage Apache Airflow Usage
aiotypesense 0.1.0 aio_typesense Async Library for Typesense with type hints pip install aio_typesense
aio.subprocess 0.0.4 Subprocess utils for asyncio. 0.0.2 Stream utils for aiohttp and aiofiles.
aiostratumproxy 1.1 **`aiostratum_proxy`** is a Stratum Protocol proxy (ie cryptocurrency/mining) built using Python3. It was built to...
aiosteampy 0.6.2 AIOSTEAMPY
aiosignal 1.3.1 Introduction A project to manage callbacks in asyncio projects. Signal is a list...
aioshutil 1.5 aioshutil: Asynchronous shutil module. Introduction aioshutil is a Python library which...
aioworkerssentry 0.6 aioworkers plugin to work with Sentry. Creates Sentry client and handler according configuration and...
aioworkersprometheus 0.5.1 Use metric: registry: aioworkers namespace: aioworkers_test_metric metrics: my_counter: type:...
aioworkersloki 0.1.0b4 aioworkers-loki About Integration with grafana...
aioworkersconsul 0.2.0 aioworkers-consul
aioworkersaiohttp 0.8 The package to integration aioworkers with aiohttp
aioworkers 0.27.0 Easy configurable workers based on asyncio Free software: Apache Software License 2.0
aioschluter 0.1.9 Schluter API Python wrapper An async Python wrapper for the Schluter-DITRA-E-WIFI Wi-Fi Themostat...
aiorsmq 0.1.2 aiorsmq This is the repository for...
aiormq 6.8.0 aiormq is a pure python AMQP client library. Table of contents...
aioredisrpc 1.1.0 aioredis-rpc A...
aiorediscluster 2.7.0 aioredis_cluster Redis Cluster support for aioredis (support only v1.x.x). Many implementation...
aioredis 2.0.1 aioredis asyncio (3156) Redis client library. The library is intended to provide simple...
aiopglisten 0.0.7 aiopg-listen This library simplifies usage of listen/notify with aiopg: Handles lost...
aiopg 1.4.0 aiopg is a library for accessing a PostgreSQL database from the asyncio (PEP-3156/tulip) framework....
aiopathlib 0.5.0 aiopathlib: Pathlib support for asyncio
aiopubsubpy3 1.0.9 aio_pubsub ######## 安装 ========== .. code-block:: shell
aiohttpjsonrpc 0.13.3 aiohttp-json-rpc Implements JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification using aiohttp Protocol...
aiohttpjsonrpc 0.4.0 JSON-RPC server and client implementation based on aiohttp. Server example from...
aiohttpi18n 0.0.7 The author of this package has not provided a project description
aiohttp client request 0.0.2 aiohttp request extension. Installation You can install via pypi pip...
aiohttpbaseapi 0.1.4 # aiohttp_baseapiThis is a micro framework for building HTTP APIs on a high level of...
aiographqlclient 1.1.0 Asynchronous GraphQL Client
aiogrammagick 0.1.0 Aiogram Magick Magick for Aiogram 3.x-based Telegram bots.
aiogram3calendar 0.1.2 Date Selection tool for Aiogram Telegram Bots Description A simple inline calendar, date...
aiogh 0.1.2 aiogh - an async GitHub API Project TODO
aiohttptoolbox 0.6.3 Tools for aiohttp I want to reuse. Installation Requires python 3.7.
aiohttptokenauth 0.0.2 aiohttp-tokenauth Aiohttp simple token auth middleware that can check any token that assign to...
aiodocker 0.22.2 A simple Docker HTTP API wrapper written with asyncio and aiohttp. Installation
aiodi 1.1.4 Python Dependency Injection library aiodi is a modern Python Dependency Injection library that allows...
aiocelery 0.17.0 aio-celery What is aio-celery? This project is an alternative independent asyncio implementation of...
aiocsvutils 0.0.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
aiobastion 0.1.6 aiobastion aiobastion is a simple and fully asynchronous framework for Cyberark API written in...
aiobalaboba 3.0.3 aiobalaboba Asynchronous wrapper for Yandex Balaboba (Яндекс Балабоба). Synchronous...
aiobackground 0.0.9 aio-background v0.0.9 (2022-11-18) [Support python 3.11] v0.0.8 (2022-08-09)
aioaws 0.15.1 aioaws Asyncio SDK for...
aioauthfastapi 0.1.2 aioauth integration for FastAPI aioauth_fastapi: the core of FastAPI integration aioauth_fastapi_demo:...
aioauth 1.6.0 Asynchronous OAuth 2.0 framework for Python 3
aiocookerclient 0.1.0 Cooker Client Python Python (asyncio) client library for Quortex Cooker API. Installation...
aioanixart 24.2.23 ok
aiocli 1.9.0 Async cli client/commander framework aiocli is a Python...
aiochannel 1.2.1 aiochannel - AsyncIO Channel Channel concept...
AIMOAnswers 0.0.1 AIMO (see aimo folder for source code :) This is a repo containing the...
ailment 9.2.117 AILment AIL is the angr intermediate...
ahocodetest 1.0.0 This repo is a pure python implementation for pyahocorasick, inspired by abusix/ahocorapy. ...