pydrefserializers 0.2.4 PyDReF - Serializers Description This library contains a set of tools to help...
pydrag 22.5 pydrag
PyDndEdit 1.1.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pydndc 1.3.2 DND --- David's Novel Documents A Better Way to Write .dnd files are...
pydmt 0.3.16 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.3.16 Mark Veltzer...
pydotnet 0.9.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pydora 2.3.1 This code is licensed under the MIT license. The code is maintained on GitHub....
pydop 1.0 The pydop Library pydop is a small python library for Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines...
pydfuutil 0.0.5 PyDfuUtil - Pure python fork of dfu-util wrappers to libusb Table of...
pydexscreener The author of this package has not provided a project description
pydevtoolsbuiltin 1.1.0 Add devtools.debug() to python builtins
pydistcheck 0.7.1 pydistcheck
pydisdiscord 1.0.5 Pydis =========================================== Make your Discord Bot quickly and easily on Python! Features
pydeephaven 0.36.1 Deephaven Python Client Deephaven Python Client is a Python package created by Deephaven Data...
pydecensooru 0.2.0 pydecensooru A Python module using Decensooru data...
pydataproject 1.0.0 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
pydbmtools 0.0.2 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.2 Mark Veltzer...
pydatagovgr 0.3.0 pydatagovgr A Pythonic client for the official API. Aims...
pydatacheck 0.0.7 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.7 Mark Veltzer...
pydbcn 0.4.0 Pythonic Database Connector (py-dbcn) Description Connector for Pythonic interaction with multiple database...
pydaraja 0.3.6 pydaraja Description This Python wrapper allows developers...
pydanticvalidators 0.1.0 pydantic-validators
pycyapi 0.0.13 PyCyAPI unofficial Python/CLI client for the CyVerse Science (a.k.a. Terrain) APIs ...
pydanticshapely 1.0.0a2 pydantic-shapely Letting two great packages work together! pydantic-shapely is...
pydanticsettingsvault 2.1.0 pydantic-settings-vault pydantic-settings-vault is a fork pydantic-vault with pydantic 2.x support.
pydanticsettingstoml 0.2.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pydanticsettingsaws 0.1.0 Pydantic Settings AWS
pydanticsettings 2.4.0 pydantic-settings Settings...
pydanticpythonregexvalidator 0.3.4 A regex parser for Pydantic, using pythons regex validator. Since pydantic V2, pydantics regex...
pydanticpkgr 0.1.4 pydantic-pkgr 📦 apt brew pip npm ₊₊₊Simple Pydantic interfaces for package...
pydanticorm 0.1.1 pydantic orm Asynchronous database ORM using Pydantic. Installation...
pydanticodm 0.2.5 Pydantic ODM Small async ODM for MongoDB based on Motor and Pydantic
pycubexr 2.0.0 pyCubexR
pyCubes 0.4.2 pyCubes
pydanticdistiller 0.2.5 Distiller Installation pip install pydantic-distiller[html]
pycsslem 0.1.0 It is an open-source program written in Python for 2D slope stability analysis of circular...
pydantic2totypescript 0.0.1 pydantic2-to-typescript A fork of the tool to work...
pycsi 0.1.0 Python Package
pydanilov 0.0.7b8 pyDanilov is a Python3 implementation of the Danilov model, a semi-empirical model of the...
pycryptobox 1.0.7 pyCryptobox pyCryptoBox is a Python package that allows you to encrypt and decrypt files...
pycqs 1.0.1 pycqs Command Query Segregation (CQS) utilities for Python. Provides the CommandBus and QueryBus...
pycpsdata 1.0.1 PyCPS Overview Python package for loading Current Population Survey...
pycows 0.0.2 The cows python package is an implementation of the cosmic filament finder COsmic Web Skeleton...
pycover 0.9.8 A simple and elegant client that allows you to make group voice calls quickly and...
pycov3 2.1.0 pycov3
pycreds 1.1 PyCreds - Python Library to keep credentials safe by storing in platform keystores.
pycramfs 1.1.0 pycramfs Requirements
pycordextipc 2.1.1 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pycoq 0.0.1a1.dev2 The pip distribution package pycoq provides two python packages: serlib
pyconversations 0.1.0 A package for representing conversations as DAGs for visualization, analysis, and pre-processing. ...
pycontenttype 1.1.0 pycontent-type A Python library to access all Supported Content-Types/Media-Types ⚡
pycontacts 0.0.13 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.13 Mark Veltzer...
pycombo 0.1.7 pyCOMBO pyCombo is a python wrapper around C++ implementation of the [network]...
pycolorlog 1.0.4 py-color-log python 颜色缤纷的日志 运行环境 ...
pyclimb 0.2.0 pyclimb A library to easily convert climbing route grades between...
pyclicksign 0.0.4 PyClicksign Implementação open source de um cliente para consumo da API rest para criação
pyclean 3.0.0 pyclean Worried about .pyc files and __pycache__ directories? Fear not! PyClean...
pycld3 0.22 pycld3 Python bindings to the Compact Language Detector v3 (CLD3).
pyclassifiers 0.0.13 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.13 Mark Veltzer...
pyclang 0.4.2 Clang Tidy Runner Installation Please install it via pip install pyclang.
pycircleciasync 0.1.1 pycircleci Asynchronous Python client for CircleCI API. Ported from...
pycircleci 0.7.0 pycircleci Python client for CircleCI API. Based on the...
pychatter 0.1.3 pychatter pychatter is a direct chat tool, which may be run to communicate over...
pychatgptplus 0.2.0 chatgpt
pychangelog2 1.0.2 Description Simple utility for quickly generating changelogs, assuming your commits are ordered as they...
pyccat 0.1.12 Colored Cat ...
pybumpver 0.1.0.dev0 pybumpver WIP License pybumpver is licensed under the MIT license. See the...
pybtcc 0.0.1a2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pybrownies 0.6.0 pybrownies This is a small library of utilities designed to assist in the creation...
PyBluezupdated 0.31 Bluetooth Python extension module to allow Python developers to use system Bluetooth resources. PyBluez works...
PyBluezovenlab 0.30 Bluetooth Python extension module to allow Python developers to use system Bluetooth resources. PyBluez works...
pybluezedge 2022.12.6 Latest workimg build of
PyBluezbitalino 0.30 Bluetooth Python extension module to allow Python developers to use system Bluetooth resources. PyBluez works...
pybluez2 0.46 PyBluez2 The PyBluez module allows Python code to access the host machine's...
pyblueprint 0.0.2 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.2
pybravo 0.1.1 pybravo :mechanical_arm: pybravo is a Python interface for interacting with the Reach Bravo...
pyblas 0.0.10 🔢 PyBLAS PyBLAS is a python port of the netlib reference BLAS implementation....
pybotics 3.1.2 Pybotics The Python Toolbox for Robotics Explore the docs
pybookmarks 0.0.1 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.1 Mark Veltzer...
pybdei 0.13 PyBDEI Tools for fast and accurate maximum likelihood estimation of Birth-Death Exposed-Infectious (BDEI)...
pybaum 0.1.3 Installation pybaum is available on PyPI and Install it with $ pip...
pybatfish 2024.7.22.1569 Got questions, feedback, or feature requests? Join our community on Slack! Pybatfish
pyauthorizer 0.2.15 pyauthorizer A...
pyballistics 1.1.2 PyBallistics Python-библиотека для решения ОЗВБ в термодинамической и газодинамической постановках. Установка Установить...
pyballisticcalc.exts 2.0.4 BallisticCalculator LGPL library for small arms ballistic calculations (Python 3.9+) Table of contents
pyballisticcalc 2.0.4 BallisticCalculator LGPL library for small arms ballistic calculations based on point-mass (3 DoF) plus...
pyaudioai 0.0.2 PyAudioAI Python Library The Python library combines the OpenAI ChatGPT API with...
pyatsgeniecommandparse 1.3.11 BRANCH STATUS master
pyatmo 8.1.0 pyatmo Warning: Due...
pyasyncorm 0.1.2 pyasync orm An asynchronous database ORM for Python. Installation
pyastroapi 2.0.4 pyAstroApi Low level library interfacing with NASA's ADSABS api. Installation PyPi...
pyassimilator 1.3.1 Assimilator - the best Python patterns for the best projects ...
pyasn1fasder 0.1.2 pyasn1-fasder pyasn1-fasder is a DER decoder...
pyasdl 22.1.23 PyASDL A yet another implementation for Zephyr ASDL format. API parse(source: str,...
pyASCIIgenerator 1.0.0 pyASCIIgenerator A simple image-to-ASCII converter based on a video by Kite. Usage...
pyarrowstubs 20240828 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyARGdep 0.0.14 This is the official PyPi repository for ARG dependencies, containing all Python packages required for...
pyalchemyadmin 0.1.0b1 PyAlchemyAdmin Installation The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at here....
pyapt 0.0.6 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.6