pymultibot 1.0.0 pymultibot Unofficial python library to use service of Python support Pymultibot...
pymud 0.20.0 PyMUD - Python原生MUD客户端 简介 北侠WIKI: 源代码地址: 帮助文档地址:
pymmcoreMDAwriters 0.5.0 pymmcore-MDA-writers This package provides...
pymrequests 6.31.0 Requests Requests is a simple, yet elegant, HTTP library. >>> import requests...
pyminufit 0.2.2 pyminufit
pymount 0.0.10 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.10
pymeteoclimatic 0.1.0 PyMeteoclimatic A Python wrapper around the Meteoclimatic service.
pymatrixrain 1.3.0 pymatrix-rain Matrix rain effect using python 3 and curses. How to Download...
pymergevcd 0.6.1 Introduction Merge VCD files, optionally to create a diff on various files and signals.
pymeoscffi 1.1.2 MEOS (Mobility Engine, Open Source) is a C library which enables the manipulation of...
pymeos 1.1.4 MEOS (Mobility Engine, Open Source) is a C library which enables the manipulation of...
pymef 1.4.5 Pymef Pymef is a wrapper library for Multiscale Electrophysiology Format developed by MSEL...
pymangadl 0.1.12 Manga-dl Manga-dl is a command line tool which helps you search and download comic...
pymediastack 0.1.1 py-mediastack An unofficial python helper package to interact with the mediastack API. Drawbacks
pymdvar 1.0.3 pymdvar - Python-Markdown Variable extension Simple extension meant to be used to convert variables...
pymdt 0.0.1 pyMDT (Messy Data Tools) This Python package handles a variety of tasks I run...
pymdownxsuperfencefilterlines 0.1.0 Frequenz Filter Lines Superfence Introduction A custom...
pymadx 2.2.1 #pymadx# A python package containing both utilities for processing and analysing MADX output....
pymad8 2.0.2 #pymad8# Authors M. Deniaud S. Boogert L. Nevay Setup...
pymcbdsc 0.3.1 pymcbdsc Pymcbdsc(Python Minecraft Bedrock Dedicated Server Container Manager (長い...)) は、 Bedrock Dedicated...
pylunasvg 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
pyluchtmeetnet 0.1.3 pyluchtmeetnet A python package to use the Luchtmeetnet 2020 OpenAPI. Installation $...
pylspci 0.4.3 A Python parser for the lspci command from the pciutils package. Browse documentation
pylox 0.0.1 pylox is Python implementation of Lox programming language which is a demo language from...
pyLowOrder 1.3.5 pyLOM This tool is a port of the POD/DMD of the tools from UPM...
pylinttensorflow 0.0.2 The author of this package has not provided a project description
PyJWT 2.9.0 A Python implementation of RFC 7519. Original implementation was written by @progrium. ...
pyjamfpro 0.2.0 PyJamfPro is a basic Python wrapper for synchronous communication with the Jamf Pro (and/or Classic)...
pyinjector 1.3.0 Pyinjector A cross-platform tool/library...
pyipsw 0.0.2 Description Installation Usage CLI
pyIPCMini 0.1.0 pyIPCMini pyIPCMini is a package to communicate and control via USB/serial the ion pump...
pyimportersmesh 0.4.149 Requirements Python 3.6+ Pydantic for the data parts. Rdflib for...
pyimportersjson 0.4.78 Requirements Python 3.6+ Pydantic for the data parts. Pandas for...
pyiosbackup 0.2.3 Description Installation Usage CLI Python
pyionosphere 0.0.3b2 pyIonosphere is a Python3 package (library) of the Earth’s ionosphere models. It contains:...
pyigor 0.2.3 PyIgor PyIgor facilitates communication between Python and WaveMetrics Igor Pro, enabling seamless data and...
pyignite 0.6.1 ignite-python-client Apache Ignite thin (binary protocol) client, written in Python 3. Prerequisites...
pyift 0.1.0 PyIFT Python Image Foresting...
pyhtmlbuilder 0.1.2 py-HTMLBuilder Building Static HTML and CSS in Python Introduction PyHTML is a...
pyhydro 0.0.9 PyHydro Python package applied to the planning of the operation of energy systems in...
pyHAMS 1.3.0 pyHAMS This is a python wrapper for HAMS, a boundary element method for hydrodynamic...
pyhibp 4.2.0 pyHIBP (pyHave I Been Pwned) A Python interface...
pyhf 0.7.6 pure-python fitting/limit-setting/interval estimation HistFactory-style ...
pyhesive 1.2 ____ __ _ / __ \ __ __ / /_ ___ _____ (_)_ __...
pyheroicons 1.1.0 pyheroicons pyheroicons is a...
pyGUS 2.2.1 gus Green Unified Scenarios - A digital twin representation, simulation of urban...
PyGuitarPro 0.9.3 Introduction PyGuitarPro is a package to read, write and manipulate GP3, GP4 and GP5...
pyhardlinkbackup 0.13.0 pyhardlinkbackup Hardlink/Deduplication Backups with Python. Backups should be saved as normal...
PyGrassClient 2.0.6 Get Grass Python Package This is a python package for...
pygql 0.6.1 py-gql py-gql is a pure python GraphQL implementation aimed at creating GraphQL...
pygmtools 0.5.3 pygmtools is published in JMLR! Please cite our paper if our tools are useful...
pygmol 1.1.2 Introduction to PyGMol PyGMol (the Python Global Model) is a simple-to-use 0D model of...
pygmentsredis 0.2 pygments-redis CircleCI: A minimalistic Pygments lexer for the Redis CLI....
pygount 1.8.0 pygount Pygount is a command line tool to scan folders for source code files...
pyglui 1.31.1 pyglui Cython powered OpenGL gui. Similar to AntTweakBar but...
pygerber 2.4.1 PyGerber
pyger 0.2 PyGER is a library for building arbitrary routing trees.
pyGitSwitch 0.4.0 pyGitSwitch GitHub Desktop Multi-account switcher ➤ Why :
pygitpub 0.0.53 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.53 Mark Veltzer...
pygitlabapi 1.0.1 pygitlabapi pygitlabapi contains some functions to facilitate the usage of gitlab apis inside python...
pygismeteobase 5.1.0 pygismeteo-base Внутренняя библиотека для pygismeteo и aiopygismeteo. License /...
pygimli 1.5.2 pyGIMLi is an open-source library for modelling and inversion and in geophysics. The object-oriented library...
pygama 2.0.2 pygama
pyg90alarm 1.13.0 Description Python package to control G90-based alarm systems. Many manufacturers sell such systems...
pyfuzzylite 8.0.3 pyfuzzylite 8.0.3 A Fuzzy Logic Control Library in Python by Juan Rada-Vilela, PhD
pyftpsync 4.1.0 pyftpsync
pyfootballdata 0.0.4 pyfootballdata A Python client for API. Installation pip install pyfootballdata...
pyfoldercheck 0.0.5 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.5 Mark Veltzer...
pyFinancialAnalysis 1.0.6 # pyFinancialAnalysis This Python package allows you to perform financial analysis with just a...
pyfluids 2.6.0 A simple, full-featured, lightweight CoolProp wrapper for Python. See full documentation.
pyfltr 1.6.0 pyfltr: Python Formatters, Linters, and Testers Runner Pythonの各種ツールをまとめて呼び出すツール。
pyflexpay 0.8 pyflexpay A Python SDK for the FlexPay API used by Corporate Merchants...
pyflexebs 0.0.88 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.88 Mark Veltzer...
pyfcutils 0.2.4 pyfcutils
pyfireconsole 0.1.1 Introduction Inspired by Rails console, PyFireConsole provides a seamless interface to Google's Firestore in...
pyfatfs 1.1.0 pyfatfs pyfatfs is a filesystem module for use with PyFilesystem2 for anyone who...
pyextrasafe 0.1.0a1 PyExtraSafe PyExtraSafe...
pyfastg 0.1.0 pyfastg: a minimal Python library for parsing SPAdes FASTG files ...
PyExifTool 0.5.6 PyExifTool is a Python library to communicate with an instance of Phil Harvey’s ExifTool...
pyfakeuse 0.0.8 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.8
pyfactories 2.0.0 PyFactories 🚀 Mock data generation for...
pyexamgrading 0.0.1 pyexamgrading This is a collection of tools I'm using for grading university exams....
pyfabrik 0.4.0 pyfabrik Python 3 implementation of FABRIK (Forward...
pyfabdb 0.1.0 PyFABDB PyFABDB is a Python library to access the Flesh...
pyevmosaddressconverter 1.0.1 Evmos address converter Evmos address converter from python3+. Installation pip install pyevmosaddressconverter
pyeventsummary 0.0.17 project website: author: Mark Veltzer version: 0.0.17
pyenvar 1.0.6 pyenvar Python's .env is a loader based on (dotenv module for...
pyenka 0.0.1 Py-Enka 用于 Python 的 Enka.Network API
pyeqeq 0.0.10 EQeq Charge equilibration method for crystal structures. Modified version, which allows specifying additional...
pyepr 1.1.5 PyEPR provides Python bindings for the ENVISAT Product Reader C API (EPR API) for...
pyenvtool 1.0.0 PyEnv Tool A convienience wrapper for common pyenv operations. This tool is designed...
pyenvinfo 0.0.1 pyenvinfo Summary Installation Usage Library usage...
pye3d 0.3.2 pye3d Detector pye3d implements a published mathematical 3D eye model capturing ocular kinematics...
pyecom 0.1.1 pyecom
pydtlrelativepath 0.2.0 pydtl-relativepath pydtl-relativepath tool from pydtl community can be used to solve many issues that...
PyEasyEmbed 0.2.1 PyEasyEmbed PyEasyEmbed is a Python implementation of EasyEmbed, a collection of tools to integrate...
pyDOI 0.2.1 pyDOI -- Python DOI Resolver
pydrinkerloafer 1.0.1 pydrinker-loafer This is where the pydrinker starts, this project is based on...
pydrinker 1.0.3 pydrinker This is a abstraction layer between pydrinker-loafer and all pydrinker libs,...
pydregiondata 0.0.1a9 Here is long project description