Aws Helper for an instance
AWS credentials loader
Open and close AWS Security Group from the terminal for more secure operations
A simple DSL for deploying and running apps on AWS
Interact with AWS EC2-based Ruby apps easily
Dump AWS data from API
Utils package for working with AWS and Docker.
Provided Client-object to detect the sentiment of provided word/words by Aws::Comprehend API
csshx wrapper that interacts with your AWS account for group ssh sessions. You can even pass in multiple security groups
Drag and drop reordering interface for ActiveAdmin tables
The administration framework for Ruby on Rails.
ActiveAdmin hacks to support mongomapper (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)
Reorder index table rows plugin for activeadmin.
Easily edit mongoid localized fields in ActiveAdmin (all locales on one page)
Blog app on the top of activeadmin and mongoid, using redactor and select2 plugins.
ActiveAdmin hacks to support Mongoid (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)
This is a wrapper library for managing ActiveAdmin's menu structure in a simple yaml format, and automatically setting the priority...
This gem extends formtastic's form builder to support polymoprhic has many relations in your forms
An Active Admin plugin to use Medium Editor
A theme for Active Admin based on Materialize framework.
Formtastic markdown editor input for Active Admin.
This gem extends ActiveAdmin so that batch restore and batch archive actions will be available in resource index page. Also...
Provides a pagination 'per page' interface for ActiveAdmin. It renders a sidebar section with a numeric select and modifies the...
Allows a user to upload multiple files within Active Admin. Includes features such as Progress Bars and image previews.
Allows for the upload of multiple files in the background from a modal window in Active Admin
Write a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
manage menu with YAML for Active Admin
Manage your ActionMailer mail templates from ActiveAdmin, and log them.
Provides a set of AWS API client objects that can be instantiated using credential files / profiles, instance roles, or...
Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services built in Ruby, using Fog and Thor
CLI to clean up AWS AMIs and ECR images
This tool enables you to manage your CloudFront distributions via Ruby or command line.
Clean up expired AWS assets (test instances, etc)
AWS Cleaner cleans up after EC2 instances are terminated
AWS clean tool
Tools for managing a cloud deployment in AWS with state held in AWS.
AWS Cloudformation templates expressed with a Ruby DSL, YAML or JSON in a modular fashion
A CloudFormation stack management helper to do stack CRUD and chaining. It eases the pain of setting up parameters and...
Ruby DSL for creating Cloudformation templates
A very light-weight wrapper for my most commonly used AWS functions
Ruby wrapper around AWS CLI client, focusing on templatizing JSON parameter files with ERb
Parses profile settings and secrets from AWS CLI configuration files,
including temporary credentials cached by the CLI when using roles.
Amazon Web Services Account Manager (modeled after 'rvm')
Manage your AWS resources from the command-line.
The approach is HTTP library agnostic, so you must supply method, uri, headers, and body
Simple signer module implements AWS4 signature
aws command line tool for ASMR. ASMR stands for AssumeRole, obviously!
I watch an SQS queue and escalate alert messages.
Helps with AWS configuration
Used to fetch multiple AWS Role Credential Keys using different Session Keys and store them securely using Gnome Keyring or...
Provides a way to track your AWS infrastructure as a code in your version control system.
Amazon Gift Code On Demand (AGCOD) API v2 implementation for distributing Amazon gift cards (gift codes) instantly in any denomination
Amazon Gift Code On Demand (AGCOD) API v2 implementation for
A set of helper methods that are webdriven.
Scans your computer for easy to find AWS Access Keys
Awkward helps you walk your Object Graph and output a dot file suitable for
viewing in Graphviz. Awkward doesn't know...
Easy to use, to navigate around the response
AWS cmdline and yaml loader.
Awestruct is a framework for creating static HTML sites.
Awestruct is a static site baking and publishing tool. It supports an extensive list of both templating and markup languages...
A simple yet powerful ruby dsl for generating XML files
Have XML data that you want to bend to your willand conform to your schema? This gem is for you.
Ruby wrapper for the various USPS APIs
The implementation of some types with Ruby.
Semi-automatic maintenance of most translations in a Rails app.