activerecord extension to facilitate updating multiple records
Provide a cool, and seamless, integration between ActiveAdmin and Trailblazer, so you can use your operations inside ActiveAdmin
ActiveTracker is a self-hosted website (combined with this rubygem) to track user requests through your logs, see errors raise and...
ActiveTokyoCabinet is a library for using Tokyo(Cabinet|Tyrant) under ActiveRecord.
This gem provides 'TOD*', 'F*XME' and 'XX*' as methods you can use in code
ActiveTiger allows you to simply add payment processing to your application using Tiger Payment Solutions
ActiveTriples provides tools for modeling RDF as discrete resources.
Observes hits on controllers and changes in records for tracking user behaviour
in a Rails application.
Common utils used by active_merchant, active_fulfillment, and active_shipping
ActiveUrl enables the storing of a model in an encrypted URL. It facilitates implementation
of secret URLs...
ActiveRecord models and database migrations for Unimod.
Automated ID3 tagging for iTunes on a Mac, based on AppleScript. Alter for your needs. Features intelligent genre tagging.
active_triples-solrizer provides a default solr indexing implementation for ActiveTriples.
active_triples-mongoid provides a graph-based MongoDB persistence strategy for ActiveTriples.
active_triples-local_name provides a standard interface and default implementation for a minter of the local name portion of a URI.
Active Triple - Tool to query triple stores
Touch specific associations when specific attributes change. Call an optional method on those touched records. Perform the touch synchronously or...
Missing tools for Rails developers
Flexible time range made easy
ActiveRecord to Thrift tooling
comming soon
Metadata (key-value) support for ActiveSupport::TestCase
Lazy loaded vertical code slices based on ActiveSupport Dependencies.
Side-effect-free ActiveSupport using Refinements
A pure-Ruby ActiveSupport JSON encoder
ActiveSupport-JCache is a jRuby on Rails extension that enables JCache backend store for Rails.cache
Only the Inflector part of ActiveRecord.
Adds fiscal date support to Date objects
A test helper that removes `ActiveSupport::Deprecation` noise from being interlaced in your test output. Instead this gem collects any and...
Useful when extending functionality with Rails engines.
ActiveRecord DB Store engine for ActiveSupport::Cache
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Provides some additional test methods to ActiveSupport::TestCase.
ActiveSupport::Notifications backported for Rails 2.3
With minimal set up ActiveSync presents limited rails model interfaces within the JS font end. Records accessed are kept updated...
Check that your scheduled tasks are still alive.
DSL to extend ActiveModel with swagger stuff
Add timestamps, parent PID's and request UUID's to each logger line.
ActiveSupport::Concern that provides an enum-like functionality that for when multiple values are allowed in a method named `has_binary_property`
Use your DB as a cache store
My incoming Karafka related project
Providing Storj S3 gateway support for activestorage-storj gem
Providing Storj Cloud Storage support for ActiveStorage in Rails
Rails ActiveStorage adapter for Scaleway Object Storage
ActiveStorage adapter for WebDAV.
Wraps the Qiniu Storage Service as an Active Storage service, support muti-tenant settings. https://www.qiniu.com
A supplementary library of activesupport to provide alias_class_method and alias_class_method_chain
Provides subset validation for serialized arrays or sets in Active Record
Strip / preprocess selected Active Record / Object attributes by creating custom setter through module prepending.
Work with...
Get more from ActiveRecord::Store
A active record-like wrapper for memcached protocol
Add a `send_zip` method in your Rails controller to send a `.zip` file containing one (or many) ActiveStorage object(s)
The pre-defined variants feature is introduced in Rails 7. Using this gem, take the feature in advance for projects using...
Validations for Active Storage (presence)
Sanitize SVG images after ActiveStorage upload
Silent your Active Storage logs to avoid "noise" in logs.
ActiveStorageBunny is a gem that integrates BunnyCDN storage services with Active Storage.
Audio analyzer for uploaded files using ffprobe
Wraps the Aliyun OSS as an Active Storage service.
Attach cloud and local files in Rails applications.
Ruby Specification Library
An object-oriented interface to SharePoint that uses the web services provided by SharePoint to connect to it. Supports SharePoint 2007...
Adds ability to sort models using a custom field
ActiveStomp allows to abstract the Stomp protocol
Description of RailsStatusCheck.
You can use native PostgreSQL query with named bindings
Easy to work with mysql from ruby and rails
Watch for a method call in any class and run before/after callbacks.
You can even watch your Rails...
The "easy-peasy" dynamic sorting pattern for ActiveRecord that your Rails apps deserve.
ActiveSMS backend for sms.ru service
ActiveSMS backend for using amazon web services sms delivery
active_admin skin
Find similar Active Record models through most common associations.
RUBY ABO banking format library
Ruby A/B testing
Less shifty support for tools based on IETF's ABNF
A Ruby library for implementing parsers specified with Augmented Backus Naur Form (ABNF).
abnf-parser allows you to compile ABNF (Augmented Backus-Naur Form) into rule lists that can be used to efficiently parse text...
An Augmented Backus Naur form parser in Ruby.
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
Shifty support for tools based on IETF's ABNF
Rails validator for Australian Business Numbers
A simple ABN search library for validating and obtaining ABN details from the Australian Business Register.
Abn Lookup.
a (very) small library for working with Australian Business Numbers.
Shared component library and design system for Ably Real-time Ltd (ably.com)
A Ruby REST only client library for ably.io realtime messaging