Ruby API for Atlantis
The Ruby gem for all the standard tools ATK uses internally
Adds WSDL/SOAP and XML-RPC web service support to Action Pack
OpenURI ripped from 1.8.7's standard lib. Added option, :ssl_verify, which makes it possible to skip certificate verification.
A deployment tool for building Docker containers for Marathon and Mesos
A simple Vanakkam gem with translator
Athergin Web Framework
Tools for querying AWS Athena
A JRuby-powered CLI for Amazon Athena
Easily consume ATHENA resources by subclasses AthenaResource
Ruby wrapper for Athenahealth API. See for more details.
Executes a query in aws athena and parse the result to write into a csv file
Athena API
Provides a ruby interface for Atheme's XMLRPC API
A simple ruby task
Client for the aTech Log Server.
Webserver and library for rendering and previewing documentation for the aTech Support SIte
The RubyGem for the aTech Cloud
Libraries & Utilities from aTech Media
Merb authentication gem
Helper methods for testing MERB applications
Slipcover runs a single query across a multi-member cluser (i.e. a group of CouchDBs) and zip up the results. CaliforniaKing...
Ruby Arduino Development: a framework for programming the Arduino physcial computing platform using Ruby
Find and cleanly shut down any and all mongrels running on your system.
FQL Adapter for DataMapper
At time, do code.
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Atcoder 148 A
Simple and opinionated library for parsing ATCO .cif files to JSON with Ruby
Reverse engineer DB with composite keys to Active Records
Ruby client for the video game Auto Traffic Control
Pattern Matching for Ruby (objects only)
Atatus Ruby Agent
A documentation testing tool, for documentation in Markdown files, for Ruby code
Write a longer description or delete this line.
A simple C function gem bot api client
AtCoder support tool
- generate source template
- generate test data from sample input/output
Make instance variables accessible for testing purposes.
A Ruby palindrome detector that works on strings and numbers
Asynr evaluates asynchrounsly Ruby classes by calling entrypoint methods. It intends to be useful to schedule job tasks an easier...
Async/sync inter sevrer communication tool, based on RabbitMQ and Celluloid
microservice choreography
Non-blocking thread-pool based workers for blocking operations.
A service layer for Async.
Asynchronous adaptors for Sequel.
Abstract runner with container-based parallelism using threads and processes where appropriate.
Non-blocking zip reading and writing for Ruby.
Non-blocking transformation and image writing in Ruby, powered by VIPS.
Helpers for writing specs against the async gem.
A library for RESTful clients (and hopefully servers).
A Redis client library.
Rails asset pipeline wrapper for async.js
Makes middleware that ships with Rack bullet-proof for async responses.
The gem provides an abstraction for asynchronous workers that poll data from a queue and do work
Handle async call using Sidekiq.
library of simple asynchronous utilities for ruby
Extends rack-test to make working with EventMachine easier.
Thread like interface for Kernel fork for parallel programming in MRI ruby. Anti zombi process following included
User Messaging Async calls, compatible with Mongoid (Ruby on Rails) gem
Async limiters
abstraction over background job systems
An asynchronous job queue for Ruby.
Provides support for asynchonous TCP, UDP, UNIX and SSL sockets.
Provides an adaptor between async-http and faraday.
Standard-compliant cache for async-http.
Async Observer is a Rails plugin that provides deep integration with Beanstalk.
An adapter for mysql2 running on Async
Asynchronous API communication - Server