Fetch title, author, abstruct, and citations list of paper in arXiv from pdf file
Arwen is a basic sitemap parser that auto detects sitemapindex and uses Typheous::Hydra for parallel requests
Arvo font by Anton Koovit for rails asset pipeline
Avalon miners monitor
An implementation of the AMQP protocol in Ruby/EventMachine. Fork of original tmm1/amqp with improvements (see README).
Arver helps you to share access to LUKS devices easily and safely in a team
Fork of google-api-client used by Ruby-based Arvados components.
This ActiveRecord extension provides more validation schemes. There are some useful validation missing added by this plugin to fill the...
The library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the size of the string.
This gem contains adaptations of Aruba's step definitions suitable for use
in projects tested with RSpec and Turnip.
Aruba and ArubaDoubles help to test command-line tools, but they are build around Cucumber. This gem helps integrate with RSpec.
Cucumber Steps to double Command Line Applications
Extension for popular TDD and BDD frameworks like "Cucumber", "RSpec" and "Minitest",
to make testing command line applications meaningful, easy...
A ruby gem to help with common artist and artwork attributes.
Automated user resolution based image size choosing for your Rails views, but done at the backend.
AR Relation patch allowing for chainable union scopes
Write a longer description or delete this line.
This gem will display art and some system information.
Ruby Gem for producing events in Artsy's event stream
Enables you to make good looking terminal programs with colors and text formatting.
Prints out simple ascii art figures.
ArtRest: A Ruby REST client for Artifactory
SQL Server 2000 & 2005 Adapter For Rails.
Artoo adaptor and driver for Wandboard
Artoo adaptor and driver for Sphero robot
Artoo adaptor for Spark
Artoo adaptor and driver for Roomba robot
CLI to assist in research and education of the history and progress of art.
ArtPaintingsExtractor is a Ruby gem that parses an HTML file to extract information about art paintings.
Support for PostgreSQL's ts_vector data type in ActiveRecord. Perfect for indexing tags, arrays etc.
Solves the problem of trying to get all the changes to an object during a transaction in an after_commit callbacks.
Artoo standard drivers for i2c devices
Artoo standard drivers for GPIO devices such as digital IO, analog IO, PWM IO, and servos
Artoo adaptor for Digispark USB development board
Artoo adaptor for Beaglebone
Artoo adaptor and driver for Arduino
Ruby-based microframework for robotics
native languagized ruby error messages
Client library and command-line tool to manage and deploy Rails apps on Heroku.
Gem for building location-based apps.
Conveniently send emails through Google's Hosted App service
This plugin provides XSS protection for views coded in HAML and RHTML. ERB templates are sometimes used for HTML, and...
attachment_fu is a plugin by Rick Olson (aka technoweenie <http://techno-weenie.net>) and is the successor to acts_as_attachment.
This gem lets you easily generate tokens on ruby objects and provides additional methods on ActiveRecord::Base to generate tokens on...
Defines Array#to_chart that will accept ActiveRecord result sets
and render them as a chart. Currently assumes Highcharts (highcharts.com)
When migrating to Rails 5, all models needs to be changed and application_record.rb needs to be added
Make calls to the Artisan API.
CacheableCSRFToken allows you to easily cache Ruby on Rails pages or partials containing a CSRF protection token. The user-specific token...
ActiveModelSerializers support for ArtirixDataModels
used in Boat International UI and Admin apps
For Artiq theme sync
A DSL for scraping the ARTIMIS website.
A ruby wrapper for the ArtikCloud REST APIs
A Figlet-based ASCII art generator, useful for comand-line based ASCII Art Generation.
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Artifice extension that allows you to let certain requests pass thru to use HTTP
A version of Wycat's Artifice for use with Excon.
Replaces Net::HTTP with a subclass that routes all requests to a Rack application
Ruby client library for Artifactory REST API
Ruby Lib for managing Artifactory PermissionTargets
Artifactory Gem Import for importing gems from existing Gem Repo into a new Artifactory Gem Repo.
`artifactory-cleaner` is a Ruby Gem and CLI interface for performing maintenance tasks on a JFrog Artifactory
instance. It is capable...
simple and customizable text markup language for EPUB
Make ActiveRecord's PostgreSQL adapter use timestamptz as datetime columns
Estimate how many seconds it'll take to read an article
`article_json` is a format definition for news articles and a ruby gem that
offers conversions from and to...
Generate blog post/article fixture data, with embedded marker tag pairs.
The gem scrapes HTML of a URL to return the title and cover image which most likey represents the article....
Article is an NNTP client that can be used to fetch articles from a Usenet server.
Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Ruby