Ariane is a flexible breadcrumb system for Rails. It is fully compatible with the Twitter Bootstrap and can be adapted...
Follow the code
Simple api to manage aria2c via api
Wrapper to connect to the Aria API's in an easy to use manner
A set of objects to help connect with the Aria Systems REST and SOAP Core, Object Query, and Admintools APIs.
Learn Enough Ruby based Palindrome detector.
A simple CLI chess game
ARGV object extension for ease of use of options and else terminal inputs. It can parse ARGV input into Hash...
This script allows applications to parse and use command-line arguments in a function-like fashion. For example, 'dict words(10) open-file(words.txt)'
This is the official Ruby library for the ARGUS Engine,
this library helps Ruby developers and applications seamlessly integrate to...
Docker image builder for AWS Elastic Container Registry.
Argus is a Ruby interface to a Parrot AR Drone quadcopter.Argus is extremely experimental at this point. Use at your...
Social argument collaboration ~ A Ruby implementation of Argumenta's core library.
Arguard is a help library for guard clauses.
library to trace arguments of method calls or block calls with TracePoint and do callback.
Tiny "commands & options" DSL for your CLI scripts
RSpec style(ish) checks for arguments
A small library to generate HTML for wished arguments form hashes.
Set instance attributes from method arguments
Parse/Filter/Validate ARGV from command line with DSL.
arg-that provides a simple method to create an argument matcher in equality comparisons.
JSON Builder
Simplifies the process of hashing a password with Argon2 and checking if a submitted password matches a hash.
Argon2 key derivation for Ruby
Argon generates a workflow engine (built around a state machine)
Expand JSON Schema(s) into introspectable Ruby objects
A simple hello world gem
automatically resolves method argument values
Provides an RSpec formatter that drives an Electrocution Driven Development rig.
Read RSS feeds, read simple OPML files
A library to fetch argentine holidays from the official source. It takes movable holidays into account
Package ActiveRecord suitable to include in other gem
Arfy is just a snippet: some rake tasks and environment configuration to allow you use Rails migrations, without all the...
make puppet installers quicker and more reliable
This gem is a fork from kule-redgreen. Go and check it out, then needed at arfl-redgreen colourises windows console...
Command line tools for Arethusa
Generates a skeleton for an Arethusa plugin
A Very Simple REST client
Gem for accesing business information from ARES database.
Make activeresource models compatible with will_paginate and searchlogic helpers, and add a schema feature
Simple library for querying Ares system in Czech republic with translation of labels.
Just registering the name for now.
A simple gem for creating mostly frozen objects. Useful for configuration-like objects.
A patched version of Barby 0.3.2 for the occasional busted integer error
Provides trigonometry functions, implemented with Arel; which could be added to ActiveRecord scope, for instance.
Adds to_sql to arel table and attribute.
Provides a simple way for defining enumerations in ActiveRecord models
Add support for creating `ENUM` types in PostgreSQL with ActiveRecord
A ruby gem to handle ActiveRecord like Arel.
Useful tools to help construct database queries with ActiveRecord and Arel.
Provides haversine formula, implemented with Arel; which could be added to ActiveRecord scope, for instance.
Arel is a Relational Algebra for Ruby. It 1) simplifies the generation complex
of SQL queries and it 2) adapts...
A serialization specification of ARel, with some utilities.
Adds new features to Arel
Extension of Arel Gem.
SQL date functions for AREL 2 + AR 3 scopes (such as created_at_year_eq)
Monkey patch for fix Arel column_cache. (use AR model columns_hash)
Helpers and shortcuts with Arel
Arel Really Exasperates Logicians
Arel is a SQL AST manager for Ruby. It
1. Simplifies the generation of...
Write a longer description. Optional.
Learn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
Registeres executer's public IP address to Route 53 record set.
Phone number area code lookup by region.
Simple gem to wrap the serial port control for ruby projects controlling an Arduino with LEDs attached
Arduino Firmata protocol ( implementation on Ruby.
Tools for building and unit testing Arduino libraries
Ardtweeno - Application Gateway bridges device connected through a serial link to devices connected
over Internet Protocol. It is designed...
Version Ardour projects with git
Ardm fork of dm-types
Makes transaction support available for adapters that support them
DataMapper plugin for magical timestamps
DataMapper plugin for building pseudo random models