Serves the .gz files that are created by the asset precompiler
Restores response predicates removed from ActionDispatch::TestResponse in Rails 6
Directs objects' behaviors
This is my longer description
Simple Decorator Pattern for more Object-Oriented Views in Rails
Easy to Export CSV from Active Record Models.
Not only for exporting CSV, But also uploading CSV to Google Cloud...
Action Counter
ActionCost measures the performance of a Rails 3 app controller actions in terms of number of calls to the database...
You can implement twirp service with Rails controller
Embed a controller flow within another by stashing the final redirect upfront and performing it after completing.
Easily access parent resources
Authenticate and authorize your users directly in your controllers.
Context awareness for Rails 3
app sparkler theme
Write a longer description or delete this line.
Wrap all Tire queries withActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument calls.For use with Appsignal.
Add instrument calls to redis.For use with Appsignal.
Wrap all mongo queries withActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument calls. For use with Appsignal.
Exporter for the AppSignal platform
Add Active::Support.instrument calls to ElasticSearch queries
Toolkit to pull some Appsignal metrics and generate reports
Doing some more with Appsignal
This tool automatically generates server configs for Monit, Nginx and Unicorn to host your Rack-based (Rails) applications. Running it automatically...
config management solution
Ruby wrapper for the REST API for Conviso.
Ruby wrapper for the REST API for Conviso Armature
The App Scrolls is a magical tool to generate new Rails and modify existing Rails applications (coming) to include your...
Generates color, font, image information about your project
Sign an iOS .app package with a given provisioning profile.
Convert any rack-capable application to run on Google's App Engine
Facilitates float comparisons in mocks
this is a description
tool to help float numbers comparison
Approval testing library for ruby
A library to make it easier to do golden-master style testing in Ruby
Enable the approval pattern for an AR model
Pres Approval Ratings
A library for interacting with the Enterprise Approval Kiosk
requires model attribute changes to be approved
Automatically uses apprise for confirms sent as a parameter to link_to
Apprise gives an overview of the dependencies of a Rails application.
App runner utils
Apprank parses iOS app rank data from Apple.
`appraiser` is a rubygems subcommand which displays gem information in `./Gemfile`.
Appraisal file DSL for generating a matrix of gemfiles.
Appraisal integrates with bundler and rake to test your library against different versions of dependencies in repeatable scenarios called "appraisals."
Drop in replacement for ActiveRecord to Amazon SimpleDB instead.
Appoxy Sessions gem description...
Appoxy API Helper gem description...
A simple tool for updating the version of a Rails application
Simple gem for works with persistent variables
Utilities to generate JSON for expected step responses.
Gem to help building App Rail servers using Airtable as a backend
Collect performance profiles for your Rails application.
app permission statistics from ipas
Ruby Agent for the AppPerf app.
Agent for the AppPerf app.
Analysis tool for iOS ipa and Android apk.
An easy to use ruby wrapper for the AppOptics API
Client interface with AppOps service.
Ruby gem that provides quick and easy access to the web api of Thoth WebApp -
Schedule appointments with Rails 3 and the jQuery-UI
Unofficial Ruby API Wrapper for Appnexus
The AppNeta gem really doesn't do anything yet.
A gem for tracking record changes and controller actions
AppmMonitor agent for ruby language
Arbitrary precision mathematics with application to real and complex linear algebra, graphical representation of functions, and 2D Kepler motion
No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen
Runs 1 or more headless apps from a kind of XML file for use in a back-end server
To set the X-App-Name http header
Client gem for pushing events from ruby to the service
Use AppMail with the Ruby mail gem
Ruby library for the AppMail E-Mail Platform
Wraps single-argument procs in conditional closures.
Easily pull in your locales from