Lipsum generator for Japanese
I am aotoki!
This gem handles animations in a beautifull way keeping the integrity of the initial efforts of AOS Vue js Library
An implementation of a basic calculator on ruby
Bootstrap CSS.
admin template
Thin and fast framework for Aspect Oriented Programming in Ruby.
Ruby chain tools to work with LLMs
A simple hello world gem
AOJ is a command-line tool for AOJ(Aizu Online Judge). You can submit your source to AOJ and check the result...
Advent Of Code toolkit to setup and maintain quiz environment.
Tools for creating a new project for your Advent of Code solutions, built using Ruby.
A command-line interface for the Advent of Code puzzles. Features include downloading puzzles and inputs, solving puzzles and tracking year...
Advent of Code toolkit to fetch inputs and submit answers efficiently.
ao_phone_number é uma Ruby gem para validar números e operadoras móveis de Angola.
A dynamic resource controller for Rails > 2.3 and ActiveObject ORM that keeps your controllers nice and skinny.
just test metaprogramming
Permite formatar e validar um atributo ActiveRecord como CPF, CNPJ ou ambos
Friendly cache with ActiveRecord.
Act-as-Buddy is a gem to allow any model to implement self relation. For eg: the friendships of a user can...
This gem allows you to write async processing code to your models right into your models code
Helps you to build reliable API clients in a minute. Just add act_as_api_client to your classes
A rails engine to add Twitter style updates to your app
Validate values from outside.
Act, the command line tool to act on files.
A wrapper for Ruby's standard CSV class that auto-detects column separator and file encoding.
ActiveRecord to LDAP adapter
Generate acronyms from strings
This gem is gonna rock the world with impressive generators
An ActiveRecord Extension to deprecate attributes
It will acquire a stock infomations form yahoofinance, although I am very sorry to Yahoo!.
The Acquia Toolbelt allows you to interact with the Acquia Cloud API via the CLI.
ANZ Bank's CSV export contains many fields, making it difficult to identify transactions. This Gem simplifies these fields, making the...
This gem can log into ANZ online banking and fetch account and transaction data
Simple wrapper for Net/SSH
Ruby gem for Anywayanyday API Redirect.
Configuration DSL for Ruby libraries and applications.
Allows you to easily follow the twelve-factor application principles (https://12factor.net/config).
Any+Time™ DatePicker/TimePicker AJAX Calendar Widget 4.2013.03.15.a
This is a personal gem to add anything slider efect in rails application
Anything interface for github
Find local go repositories in $GOPATH by anything interface.
Gem installation of jquery plugin, AnythingSlider
An object that matches anything. May be useful for pattern matching in case statements.
A command line interface to the AnyStyle Parser and Finder.
Collection of helper methods for testing "shape" of the data
Play/pause/skip songs in iTunes Mac, iTunes Windows, Spotify Mac, Rdio Mac, MPD, Rhythmbox, Amarok and XMMS2
simple mock server for development.
Ruby on Rails View Helpers for any icon collections that have github repository available.
An object oriented Ruby interface to Anyhub, a file storage service by Charlie Sommerville. An Anyhub CLI is included.
Hash functions based on RHash
Pure ruby independent ID generator like the SnowFlake, ChiliFlake
Anyfetch provides abstraction layer around multiple protocols to allow accessing files in uniform way.
A zero-config HTTP/2 proxy for lightweight production deployments with AnyCable real-time server included
Simple and flexible solution to send sms in ruby, supporting variety of sms services.
An ORM for any data source (SQL, CSV, TSV, REST API).
Ruby client for AnyMailFinder API
Easy way to login with devise, multiple model
Is that gem any good?
Official Ruby client for AnyData API
Small helper which provides and IO like ruby's DATA for $0, but for any file.
Any Chart file proxy
JSON schema files for the Zendesk Channels Framework.
Anycable conformance testing tool
Open textfiles formatted in various markup syntax in browser
Ruby wrapper for AnyBar.app
This is probably the world smallest API client. Give the infomation any API asking for you to access it. Then...
An Any type, much like Scala, that matches anything.
Ruby library to parse and generate A Name-Value Language (ANVL).
Ruby ANVL implementation
Pesquisa de produtos para saúde registrados
Anvil is a tool for building tools.
A collection of DSL's and frameworks that take full advantage of Ruby's powerful syntax
Since ec2 instance public hostnames are dynamic, and not easy to remember or type, this script provides a list all...
anus gem.
Rack middleware Ruby micro-framework
A Ruby library for querying the ANU LDAP server.
Components commonly used in Showcase which can be applied to other projects.
A rubygem for parsing sim-racing results files.
A tiny Gem that can generate an Apache Ant build file from a Rakefile. This allows for a developer to...
Collection of concerns and helpers for Rails + Mongoid + Character web development.