Backup with ruby, rsync, hardlinks, hacks, without style but with aboriginal mystery.
as above
Browse local media, based on cmus
You'll need an Eventmachine server such as Thin to run this. See README.'
"Provides generated HTML data for Rails applications."
RubyMotion wrapper abstraction for UIView animations.
The AnimeDL gem is used to get episode links or download episodes for a particular anime
Anime.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple, yet powerful API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM...
Write a longer description or delete this line.
A v1 of ruby library for A gem example from GoRails by Chris Oliver. Created for the current Animatedgif...
A ruby library for
As expected...
Animate.css for the Rails asset pipeline
Enter a letter, it returns an animal name
Animal Puppet External Node Classifier
Initialize object attributes via attributes hash
A simple API wrapper for AniList's GraphQL API
Client for AniLibria API
aniks_search is for contentful search as well as static search
ruby client for varnishd's admin interface
Gem to include AniJS, which helps us to web design without coding.
Simple node and visitor definitions for Treetop grammars.
Oauth and OpenID made dead simple, added custom token settings for Facebook
Used to read the documentation of a service built in angus (but also is able to read any kind
Provides a client for making requests and building responses to remote services.
Offers authentication for rack applications.
Angus is a simple and powerful framework to build REST APIs using Ruby.
angulartics packaged in gem form
Ruby on Rails replacement for unobtrusive scripting library `jquery_ujs` implemented in AngularJS without jQuery dependency
See more on
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
angular-ui-select2 packaged for Rails assets pipeline
Injects AngularJS UI Calendar directives into your asset pipeline.
Injects Angular.js UI Bootstrap directives into your asset pipeline.
Rails Turbolinks + Angular
angular-translate is an AngularJS module that makes your life much easier when it comes
to i18n and l10n...
Simple angular directive for declaring tabs.
Html tables with sorting and pagination.
Spree has a lot of moving parts and so does Angular. Take the easy route...
Drag and Drop Tree UI for Angular
The handy way to utilize angular templates in rails using Sprockets
Add a few sprinkles of AngularJS to your Rails App
A small AngularJS add-on for integrating with Rails via JSON more easily.
Adds CDN support to angularjs-rails
Injects AngularJS Foundation directives into your asset pipeline.
Helpers for angularjs in a rails project (ripped from backbone-rails)
AngularJS and AngularUI functionality.
The edge version of angular js for Ruby On Rails
Injects ng-table Rails directives into your asset pipeline.
Injects AngularJS ng-grid component into your asset pipeline.
This gem adds Angular Material to Rails assets pipeline
Rails wrapper for AngularJS Masonry directive
angular-leaflet-directive packaged for Rails assets pipeline
Angular directive for tracking progress. Easily add spinner and progress indicators using AngularJS
Framework for building a mobile responsive angular CRUD container with layouts for create, read and update views as well as...
Includes an AngularJS Directive for uploading files as an asset in the Rails Asset Pipeline
Module to be able to change the locale at an angularjs application
angular-dragdrop-directive packaged for Rails assets pipeline
angular-clipboard.js Copy text to clipboard by clicking a button, without using Flash
Implement easily angular validation via form_for and form_tag helpers
Angstrom is an Mongrel2 fronted, actor-based web development framework similar in style to sinatra. With natively-threaded interpreters (Rubinius2), Angstrom provides...
The Angsa gem is a server-side tool for Ruby on Rails applications that provides pagination, sorting, and search capabilities for...
Rock Paper Scissors Game
AngryMob Common Targets are a set of essential, reusable targets to get you started with AngryMob.
AngryMob is the automated system configuration component of YesMaster. It combines convenient configuration data (the node), idempotent code to ensure...
A stabler mash with different emphases. Used in plus2 projects AngryMob and Igor.
A Tic Tac Toe game made by Angeleah
Angle Framework
Rack middleware for Google Analytics tracking server-side
A Sinatra-like DSL for Reel that supports websockets and SSE
Contains rubocop style decisions to be used across all Ruby projects.
Ruby wrapper for the Angellist API. The AngelList API provides developers with a RESTful interface to the AngelList data set....
Consists of HTML data for Rails apps
This project is intended to be a replacement for the "rails" command. It does not replace the rails framework but...
A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.
wrapper for angel list
Self-Documenting APIs for Rack applications
A simple hello world gem
Intersideral navigation
This is Anetwork Dynamicad Ruby client, if you want to test our REST API or want to use it as...
A gem that provides rack middleware to capture analytics
Anemone web-spider framework
get weather forecast from expression with natural language (ONLY IN JAPANESE)
Ruby wrapper for the App Annie API
Provides Raconteur tags and front-end code for general-purpose page layouts's official ruby binder for the API.