activerecord with pattern match
Want all the IDs, or names, or whatever field of your ActiveRecord model? Account.ids, Account.names ...
active_record-pool is an extension to active_record that gives you an interface to write high-speed inserts, updates, & delete in a...
PostgreSQL PGCrypto support for ActiveRecord models.
Automatic reconnection for Postgres
handle Polyline object on ActiveRecord
This gem adds comments to the SQL to indicate where the SQL parts are constructed.
This gem extends active record and it's migrations for oracle queue support.
Oracle enhanced adapter with schema config support for ActiveRecord (Using this gem, you can specify schema details in database.yml).
Oracle "enhanced" ActiveRecord adapter contains useful additional methods for working with new and legacy Oracle databases.
This adapter is superset...
ActiveRecord OpenTracing intrumenter
ODBC Data Adapter for ActiveRecord
Add support for a not_nill type to active record.
Normalize your ActiveRecord models' attributes
ActiveRecord adapter for Netezza. Only for user with JRuby.
Requires a separate Netezza JDBC driver.
Check if nested attributes were destroyed during the last save
An ActiveRecord extension to build nested scopes through pre-defined associations
Order your ActiveRecord scopes by a supplied list of ids
Monkey patch to index nested errors for ActiveRecord 4
Adds :destroy_if option to accepts_nested_attributes_for, which is basically a stronger version of :reject_if that destroys existing records, too.
Allow chaining active record scopes with OR.
Adds OR logic to ActiveRecord
Adds NOT logic to ActiveRecord
This is an ActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL Spatial Extensions. It is based on the stock MySQL adapter, but provides...
This is an ActiveRecord connection adapter for MySQL Spatial Extensions. It is based on the stock MySQL2 adapter, but provides...
If you are stuck with a MySQL database where the naming is, well, unrailslike,
activerecord-mysql2-legacy-db-adapter offers a way...
Something with the combination of Rails 3.1, Mysql2 0.3.x, Capybara,
Selenium/Webkit/etc causes Mysql to raise exceptions where the...
Adds a :uuid column to ActiveRecord MySQL2 Adapter. Store UUIDs as 16 bytes binary column.
Cleaner structure.sql for MySQL.
An ActiveRecord extension for enabling SQL_CACHE and SQL_NO_CACHE in MySQL queries
It is the library to reconnect automatically when ActiveRecord is disconnected from MySQL.
MySQL index hint support for ActiveRecord
Enable enum type for the MySQL Adapter in ActiveRecord
Adds column comment and index comment to migrations for ActiveRecord MySQL adapters
Awesome patches backported for ActiveRecord MySQL adapters
An ActiveRecord adapter for MySQL, based on mysql gem.
Add PostgreSQL multiranges support
ActiveRecord/Rails integration for multi-tenant databases, in particular the Citus extension for PostgreSQL
MySQL Spatial Data Types for ActiveRecord
Mutex that can be used to synchronise ruby processes via an ActiveRecord datababase connection. (Only Mysql is supported at the...
A custom ActiveRecord serializer using MessagePack
ActiveRecord wrapper for money gem
map activerecord models to tables depending on context
Extension for multi language of active-record.
Mimer support for ActiveRecord.
A collection of ActiveRecord::Migration extensions, including change_table_move_to_end
ActiveRecord Migration Notes hooks into the Rails migrations and monitors if the migrations contain a note methods that should be...
Sometimes you just need SQL.
The ActiveRecod MemSQL Adapter is an ActiveRecord connection adapter based on the standard mysql2 adapter.
This adapter is a customized...
Save Ruby's Logger messages to a database column
This is can use lock symbolic option for activerecord
Mass Insert For ActiveRecord via Postgresql json_to_recordset
An ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber which records only mod sql.
ActiveRecord migration methods for logging deleted records
Mock ActiveRecord tables to test concerns and other code.
ActiveRecord Stand-alone migrations
ActiveRecordMerger provides an extendable framework for merging ActiveRecord models, including complex scenarios involving associations, while ensuring data integrity and providing...
ActiveRecordMask is a small ruby library that provides an easy way to mask read access to database attributes and associations...
A useful ActiveRecord extension to handle columns containing large amounts of data
ActiveRecord integration for KSUIDs using the ksuid gem
This ActiveRecord extension adds JWT(JSON Web Token) method
An ActiveRecord adapter for Vertica databases (jdbc based)
Install this gem and require 'teradata' with JRuby on Rails.
This is a fork of ActiveRecord SQL Server Adapter for JRuby. SQL Server 2012 and upward.
Sqlite3 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
Install this gem to use Sybase SQLAnywhere with JRuby on Rails
Postgres JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
activerecord-jdbc-plsql provide a Ruby wrapper to use PL/SQL with Active Record and JDBC
Hotfix nested eager loading for polymorphic and STI relation in ActiveRecord
ActiveRecord::JSONValidator makes it easy to validate JSON attributes with a JSON schema.
Instead of a many-to-many join table, serialize the ids into a JSON array.
A gem to track changes on active record models
It provides a simple method to make SQL execution lazy.
Build json
Importing records from a json file go slow?. No problem, use me. It uses the awesome activerecord-import gem. Documentation and...
This gem extends `ActiveRecord::Relation#explain` to make it possible to get EXPLAIN in JSON format.
MS_SQL JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
HSQLDB JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
H2 JDBC adapter for JRuby on Rails.
Install this gem to use DBF with JRuby on Rails.
Install this gem to use Cassandra with JRuby on Rails.
Install this gem to use AS/400 with JRuby on Rails.
requires IBRuby