Add sqlite3 support to adapter
Adapter for Amazon SimpleDB
Adapter for riak
Adapter for redis
Add pstore support to adapter
Postgres adapter for adapter gem. Uses the HSTORE data type. See adapter for more info.
Adapter for mongo
Adapter for memcached
key value storage adapter to use files for persistence
Adapter for ElasticSearch
Adapter for couch
Adapter for Cassanity
Provides various extensions to the Rails ActiveRecord adapters.
A simple interface to anything
Adaptation is a framework for building "adaptors" for web-applications, so they can interact with other web-applications publishing messages and being...
The Circuit Breaker pattern is used to prevent constant fail-over from spotty remote systems
Charyf intent processor wrapper for MycroftAI/adapt library
An interface library for the PayPal Adaptive Payments service.
Gem for Adapay
This tool migrate AD LDAP entries to NT LDAP entries.
Ruby client library for redis key value storage server
Super simple job queue over AMQP
Because defining exceptions as subclasses of StandardError looks ugly.
You give it an email. It gives you a Gravatar. What more do you want?
Adam Tanner, the software engineer.
Allows you to do example based pattern matching and queries against S Expressions (sexp).
Open a gem's source directory with either the default editor, or a specified command.
An enteraining word game
Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library
Ruby API for Accessing the Freebase
GeoIP searches a GeoIP database for a given host or IP address, and returns information about the country where the...
Small gem that tries to make the task of finding bad ruby encodings in your project a little easier.
Patches String class to know whether or not it is a lyric from Adams Song by Blink 182
RubySMS application to implement the OMC SMS Proxy Protocol
Develop and deploy SMS applications with Ruby
Send and receive SMS with a GSM modem
Command-line Ruby application to transform an RSS or Atom feed (or JSON document!) into a chunk of HTML via ERB
A simple hello world gem
Client Side Validations for Rails 2.x and 3.x
Whitelist-based HTML sanitizer.
Common message formats exchanged between Adam Snark Rabbit organs
An AMQP microp-framwork with best-practaces
a swift, liberal HTML parser with a fantastic library
Manage and bundle CSS and JavaScript files
AMQP client implementation in Ruby/EventMachine
Forked Ruby interface to HTML Tidy Library Project with important bugfixes
Even delivering email to the local machine may take too long when you have to send hundreds of messages. ar_mailer...
Quick access to Radar rake tasks
Tiny utility to install SSH keys onto remote machines
A simple sinatra based server for rendering HTML sites
Provides easy access to the Codebase interface by adding some launchy options. Also, includes the default Capistrano recipe for tracking...
Learn enough
OpenCV wrapper for Ruby.
Immutable extensions to objects
A local password manager written in Ruby.
A ruby binding, and sugary methods for the Activeworlds SDK. You must have the linux sdk in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to...
Command and Invoker pattern.
This library implements a server that emulates the functionality of the network connected Advantech ADAM-6050 digital IO module. Specifically the...
blarg blarg
A not-quite logger, with several storage methods. Records occurrences, provides a web app for viewing entries. Motivated by the need...
Adds custom rspec matchers that test watir Page objects for ADA compliance
API Client Library for the Adafruit IO product
A port of the Adafruit_Python_CharLCD Library
* Simple data access for dynamic data sets through postgres with ruby
AdaBoost classifier!
A gem to automate Ada Dev life
UI components for ad2games projects
A wrapper around Ruby's net-ldap library to ease authentication and record finding
Wrapper for Acxiom API.
Active Campaign Wrapper.
Currency conversions for Ruby
Easily convert .acv (Photoshop Curves) to .lrtemplate (Adobe Lightroom Preset) files.
ruby-prof is a fast code profiler for Ruby. It is a C extension and
therefore is many times faster than...
A wrapper for the acumatica API
A client for using api.acuitydata.co.za API in Ruby. This is an unofficial project.
Provides an API for the following actions:
* Logging in and Logging out
* Creating a sprint
* Finding a...
ACube api wrapper for rails
A Ruby wrapper for the Active API
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
Handles flags/booleans in a Rails model instance
Handles booleans packed in an integer
Add a bag to a Rails model
Generate a unique token with Active Record
Tools for interacting with Active directory. Geared towards user authentication against active directory, to be used with RequestRefinery