Optimize queries of ActiveRecord preload functions.
Amazon Redshift _makeshift_ adapter for ActiveRecord 4.
Allows you to mark a column in a model as a HStore column letting you pass in a hash for...
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
ActiveRDF adapter to Redland RDF store
an RDF database for usage in ActiveRDF (based on sqlite3)
Offers object-oriented access to RDF (with adapters to several datastores).
Use runit to manage a mongrel cluster
Queues and Background Job Runners are becoming as ubiquitous to Rails applications as Databases. Why not treat each of them...
Raw sql with ruby - ideal for reports, large queries, separating SQL from code logic and CQRS
This gem use create-react-app and react-admin to automaticly build an admin panel easyly customizable
A spaced-repetition system to be used with ActiveRecord models
Set ActiveRecord models to delete themselves after a fixed time, or when a certain criteria is met.
Make queries as you filter and save
Simple pub-sub message bus for Rails built on top of ActiveSupportNotifications
This gem make easier to building modern web 2.0 portals using Ruby on Rails.
ActivePayment is an abstraction layer for different Payment-Interfaces (XML, JSON)
A Rails profiling suite.
Library to define LLM prompts and evaluate them using multiple providers (OpenAI, Replicate etc.)
Contains everything necessary to build and run projection servers for Rails Disco.
Projections process events into database...
Create previews of ActiveRecord objects that don't ...
ActivePress is a set of tools that help with accessing and
manipulating the contents of a Wordpress database...
active_presenter_generator was developed by: markbates
ActivePresenter is the presenter library you already know! (...if you know ActiveRecord)
Presenters for rails.
Ever wanted to have active-record like relations in your POROs?, here is a proposed solution.
Active policy is meant to be a way to authorize a request before hitting the controller.
Import all of your Pivotal projects and stories easily
ActiveRecord-esque base class that lets you use Pinecone.
This gem allow you load and authorize resource in Ruby on Rails inside controllers or views using rules with described...
Manage time ranges without brain damage.
This library is meant to interface with PayPal's Adaptive Payment Gateway.
F# like ActivePattern in ruby pattern matching
An easy-to-use, easy-to-extend CMS.
The 'abc-csv' gem is a Ruby library that provides a simple and efficient way to generate CSV files. Its core...
A Ruby wrapper for the Abbyy Cloud OCR SDK API.
Calculates a set of unique abbreviations for a given set of strings
ab ble gateway
For more detail please visit https://github.com/abbish/abbish_sequel_plugins
Primitive JSON data store. Key-value structure with namespaces.
Bayesian A/B Testing
Arquiva movimentos conta-corrente, conta-cartao do activobank no bigquery. Permite apagar/recriar movimentos/rendas ja no bigquery. Permite ainda classificar movimentos no bigquery.
A/B test analysis library for Ruby
Simply exposes a login shell to a web browser. This is currently
nowhere near to production quality, so...
Integration gem for test automatisation based on page-object
A gem that helps creating project templates.
ActiveRecord::Base#count and other calculations as subqueries. Instead of nice Rails grouping calculation feature, \
Abacus is an xdxf parser and semantic toolset for Ruby.
Ruby API to Abacos
Get a list of Federal Reserve E-Payments Routing Directory
Used for generating ABA (Australian Banking Association) files.
Simple and real-life tested Rails::Engine admin interface
A DRb client to access the activeoutline service. Used to lookup pages or links.
A DRb server which accepts the name of a page or link to be fetched. Uses an XML lookup file...
Active Object是用来访问LightCloud/TokyoCabinet/TokyoTyrant的工具,实现了持久化数据与对象的映射。 它类似于ActiveRecord,提供一组访问LightCloud/TokyoCabinet/TokyoTyrant的方法以及验证规则、回调函数和观察器。
ActiveNetsuite to Netsuite is what ActiveRecord to RDBMS.
active navbar is used to set the active menu link, a link becomes active when you click on it.
Persistent ORM for OrientDB(V.3), based on ActiveModel
ActiveOperation is a micro-framework for modelling business processes.
Extends ActiveRecord with functionality to perform OLAP queries on your data. Includes helper method to ease displaying the results.
Form objects for ActiveRecord models.
An ActiveRecord-backed collection of models for storing and retrieving nutritional information from the USDA's Nutrient Database.
Notify message through webhooks.
A ruby gem inspired by a talk from Sandi Metz (https://youtu.be/9lv2lBq6x4A) and Yehuda Katz blogpost (http://yehudakatz.com/2009/10/04/emulating-smalltalks-conditionals-in-ruby/) for better conditions' flow.
ActiveRecord objects with a customizable persistence strategy.
Mark some validations as warnings and let them be easily skipped
Typecast your active record attributes to symbols.
Use lazy translations from models
ActiveMongoid facilitates usage of both ActiveRecord and Mongoid in a single app by providing an inteface for inter-ORM relations.
ActiveRecord model inheritance support by module.
Validate that your Active Record models comply with legal policies, verified by AI.
Adds state tracking and a few extra snappy save and destroy methods to your model API
Simple session model implemented on top of ActiveModel::Model
This is useful when you want to define optional validations for a resource and keep it valid.
Add more validators for your ActiveModel models.
An ActiveModel extension for more expressive validations reflection
Additional validations for Active Model
A custom validation for your Active Model that check if an array is included in another one
ActiveModel validators that validate the type of attributes, and that do recursive validation of contained objects parallel to ActiveRecord's validates_associated.
Standardize service calls
Vue Tables adapter for ActiveModel::Serializer
Provides a Logger::LogDevice that can save Ruby Logger messages to an array in your model
Build a hash based on active record attributes.