xnetdjangocolorfield 1.0.1 X-Net Django Color Field A color field for Django models and forms. Installation
zkclient v1.3 install: $ python setup.py install tips: 1. virtualenv may be a good...
C++ library providing transducers
Command-line tool to put Macs to sleep
Overture Filesystem Provider
Download full content from RSS/Atom feeds to local files and use it in offline
Zend Session storage adapter for Golem Auth
0xpython 1.0.16 0x Python Wrapper API docs Can be found here: https://0x.org/docs/api DEV environment
100bot 1.0.1 # 100BotThis is a son-of-[IoBot](https://github.com/adahn6/Io) project, taking the bestthings about Io and turning them into...
Codeigniter framework 3.10 implementation with GroceryCrub 1.5.7 library
Extracts dates from a given string
A Module Generator for Laravel
Default routes for laravel
FFmpeg layer for Laravel 5.2-5.4, this is a fork of rafasamp/sonus package
12factorvault 0.1.23 Vault 12factor and Django integration This project provides helper classes for integrating Hashicorp...
A symfony bundle to allow simple AOP logging with the Monolog library
Gii CRUD template for Single Page Ajax Administration for yii2
php send email package
15WattWsgi 0.9.3 15Watt_Wsgi A slim, fast and comfortable WSGI-Framework for Python >= 3.6. Tested with...
Okul dersi projesi
SallyCMS SEO-Addon
百度地图 SDK.
package for using the config file of toml in laravel.
The Kaiser framework for PHP
debugging and modeling tool for PHP
helper for loading toml.
Simplest MailChimp API v3 wrapper
Gpio library implementing Carica Io Devices
Mapbender map tools
Resolves MIME types from file extensions and vice versa
1pass2pass 0.0.3 1pass2pass Utility for transfer items from the 1password (*.1pif files) to the pass (the...
1passwordsecrets 0.2.1 1password-secrets 1password-secrets is a CLI utility to sync 1Password secrets...
1primo1 1.0 Este programa indica los numeros primos desde 2 hasta n, siendo n un entero indicado...
A minimalist CSS framework.
Modular product for integrating into projects
Make html snapshot for search engines
1to001 0.3.0 1to001 is made for padding numbers in filenames automatically. It’s written in Python 3....
Aramex API client
Easy tool for executing your own module via command line
2048 0.3.3 2048 My version of 2048 game, with multi-instance support, restored from an old...
2048py 0.1.6 2048 What is this? It's 2048, written in Python by the Ladue High...
20XX 0.1.2 20XX from melee_20XX import Melee_v0 20XX is a PettingZoo-based library for Melee. (⌐■_■)
21cmSense 2.0.2 A python package for calculating the expected sensitivities of 21cm experiments to the Epoch...
Database abstraction component based on PDO with prepared statements.
Qlurk is a simple to use Plurk library
SymfonyInsight SDK
topology library for php fann
merge files into one
Naked Object framework build on top of Symfony2
Yii2 turbosms
Render remote menu from the Google SpreedSheets Data
sms.ir version 2 laravel package
The OpxCore config environment interface.
Mailer adapter for the Symphony Mailer library with queuing capabilities.
Yii Web Programming Framework Application initializing library.
The 2D Airspace Game is an action-packed Unity game where players control an aircraft navigating through a challenging environment. Players...
Contao 4 - IIDO Core Bundle
The 2D Rogue Game is a tile-based adventure game developed in Unity, featuring procedurally generated levels, challenging enemies, and resource...
2fas 1.0.3 2fas Python 2fas-python is an unofficial implementation of 2FAS - the Internet’s favorite...
2Gis web API 2.0 client library
2Keys 0.5.1 # 2Keys A easy to setup second keyboard, designed for everyone. For a...
2mp4 1.0.1 UNKNOWN
Simple PHP framework and helper classes for web projects
Automatic audio link to minimal player.
2Spark Repository Monitor Bundle
This is a 30 Days of Javascript challenge. Enjoy! Its free!
30 Days Of React is a hands-on learning resource designed to teach you React from the ground up in just...
Short code snippets for all your development needs
310 0.1.0 The author of this package has not provided a project description
32blit 0.7.4 32blit Tools This toolset is intended...