Jusibe SMS Channel for Laravel 5.3
ZerusTech String Component
A fast, light-weight TCF2 decoder
A set of Component classes to manipulate arrays, data and string
Right alignment and centering on Flarum
Blocks IP from accessing the website when multiple login attempts fail
Laravel admin
zest pay 🚀 zest_pay Flutter SDK Documentation # 🌟 Introduction # zest_pay is an SDK...
CLI utility to find the union, intersection, and set difference of files
zeta flutter Zeta Flutter # Zeta is the new, formal, standardized Zebra Design System based off...
zetch 0.0.16 Zetch In-place, continuous templater.
Laminas MVC module for php installations with no internationalization extension
zetrix flutter flutter_zetrix # This Flutter plugin provides an API for querying information about an application...
zettle Zettle POS SDK for Flutter # A Flutter wrapper to use the Zettle...
zeus zeus Library # Install # flutter pub add zeus copied to clipboard...
zeus api This is a set of access control API which is listed in the Zeus API...
PHP Packager compose
PHP Encryption / Decryption Using the MCrypt Library.
zeys 0.1.0 Python Zeys zeys is library for detecting typed keys in Python. Zeys features
zezis functions Zezis Widget - Versão 0.0.17 # Information # Functions in a...
zezis widget Zezis Widget - Versão 0.3.9 # Information # Functions/Widget/Alerts/Dialogs in a...
Controller iptv system using Laravel.
Command-line fuzzy finder that prioritizes matches on filenames
ZF2 BoilerApp Database module
ZF2 BoilerApp Messenger module
Fortnox API Implement in PHP
Prints Result of PHPUnit in a nicer format
Builds a Bridge between Zend Expressive and Plugin Managers of Zend\MVC
Entity Builder Console Application for the Zend Framework 3
ZF1legacy Example Application to migrate to the Zend Framework 3
BoletoModule is a ZF2 Module to implement Brazilian Boleto Payment Method.
zfec Generate redundant blocks of information such that if some of the blocks are lost...
Using MVC for PSR applications, like dotnet core MVC.
Static pages cache(using psr6) for psr7 middleware stack
zfex Generate redundant blocks of information such that if some of the blocks are lost...
Unlock the power of EasyPaisa Payment Gateway in Laravel 9 and Laravel 10. Accept payments seamlessly and securely, empowering your...
Search for files (even inside tar/zip/7z/rar) using a SQL-WHERE filter
zflix 0.31 A CLI script that search and play torrents with peerflix
ZF module with a domain class library to be used by ZFrapid applications
A class that enables serialization of closure.
Lizards & Pumpkins Solr search engine module
CMS Grapheme PDF RC1.0 Build 1
Yii2 NRSGateway extension.
zfsreplicate 3.2.13 zfs-replicate https://github.com/alunduil/zfs-replicate By Alex Brandt alunduil@gmail.com Description zfs-replicate sends...
CakePHP pages plugins
zga 0.1.1 ZGA - prokaryotic genome assembly and annotation pipeline ...
eMoney Payment System
Bank of Georgia Merchant Console OpenAPI Helper
Smarty - the compiling PHP template engine
An easier way to filter Eloquent and Models. Save you from Request::input and Where hell.
elasticsearch for laravel
z grouped list A custom list that separates your data into groups with headlines! ...
PHP module for Periscope user stream metadata
CakePHP 3 Driver for Firebird Database
百度编辑器For Laravel 5
Access Control List for Laravel 5
Just wrapper for Kaspersky antivirus console commands
this is zhangxz first package
This library reads/writes flat array data from/to key=value format compatible with .ini and .env files.
Laravel Repositories
The bundle for collecting common libraries and everything else
Roles and rules for larevel users
A poster maker base on GD lib. 一个用php生成海报的神器。