zeed sdk Zeed Flutter SDK Documentation # Overview # The Zeed SDK allows developers to...
zeed stories Zeed Flutter SDK Documentation # Overview # The Zeed SDK allows developers to...
zeekclient 1.3.1 The Zeek Cluster Management Client This is the recommended command-line client for...
A collection of functions that provide utility functionality for WordPress.
Change git profile on the go
A RabbitMQ plugin for CakePHP 3
Swiftmailer, Symfony2 Templating/Decorator Bundle
zefactor 2.0.0 Python Zefactor zefactor is library for renaming tokens in a project. Zefactor features
Polyel PHP Framework
Convoworks package that aid with the Bungie.net API, used for Destiny 2
Guzzle http client implementation for Convoworks
Invitogo theme template.
Specialized Convoworks components for handling trivia quiz services
Experimental mysqli component package for the Convoworks
Convoworks components for reading files from the filesystem
Provides a list of zones for countries
Monolog formatter with timestamp in milliseconds and caller information
zef di core zef_di_core # A dart library which provides abstractions for dependency injection and a...
zef log core zef_log_core # A versatile and extensible logging framework for Dart applications, providing configurable...
zef orchestration core zef_orchestration_core # This Dart library provides a flexible and efficient way to handle...
zefyr Zefyr # Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications. You are viewing...
zefyr apex
zefyrka Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications. Zefyrka is a fork of Zefyr...
zefyr rtl Zefyr # Soft and gentle rich text editing for Flutter applications. Zefyr is...
Riot DataDragon API wrapper
zego callkit zego_callkit # A new Flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
zego effects plugin zego_effects_plugin # The AI Effects Flutter SDK provided by ZEGO is a Flutter...
zego express engine zego_express_engine # English | 中文 ZegoExpressEngine Audio/Video Flutter SDK is a flutter...
zego plugin adapter Quick start # UI Kit is a full-featured voice + video component, which...
zego sound board zego_sound_board # zego_sound_board Flutter SDK is a Flutter Plugin Wrapper based on [ZegoSoundBoard...
zego uikit Quick start # UI Kit is a full-featured voice + video component, which enables...
zego uikit prebuilt live audio room If you find this package helpful, please help by giving it...
zego uikit prebuilt live streaming If you find this package helpful, please help by giving it a...
zego uikit prebuilt video conference If you find this package helpful, please help by giving it a...
zego uikit signaling plugin Quick start # Run the following code in your project root directory:
zego zim zego_zim # ZIM Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
zego zim audio zego_zim_audio # Overview # With the complete voice processing capabilities of the...
zego zimkit ZIMKit(ZegoCloud In-App Chat UIKit) # 🥳beta support: Create peer-to-peer chat /...
zego zpns zego_zpns # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
Filtro para censura de palavrões/palavras inapropriadas
Demo-package to show time
zein pub dev first library zein_pub_dev_first_library #
zeitgitterd 1.2.0 zeitgitter — Independent git Timestamper Timestamping: Why? Being able to provide evidence that...
zeking device info zeking_device_info # 获取设备信息(手机名、系统名、系统版本、是否是真机、横向分辨率、竖向分辨率、型号、尺寸、设备唯一码) 详情请移步 Flutter - 自定义插件 - 03 - zeking_device_info...
Yii2 tag/category module
Pluggable terminal workspace, with terminal multiplexer as the base feature
Zelpex Layouts module is a simple ZF2 module that simply allows you to specify alternative layouts to use for each...
PHP wrapper library around the Zimbra Soap API (web service) Upgraded to work on Guzzel 7.*
Microservices router and handler component
Breadcrumbs builder
Decorators and abstract oAuth interfaces for oAuth based authentication providers
zen ai zenpower 相关的ai工具 # Getting Started # 通过里面的工具对违规的聊天关系进行态势感知
Adds CSS classes for responsive tables to Twitter Bootstrap.
Validate that a certain value is a valid CSS color string in Laravel 5
Easily Connect to the calendly api
Easily shorten URLs in PHP
A more enjoyable local development experience for Linux.
Extension to send SMS from Yii2 using various SMS providers.
zenbu 1.0.6 A setup-agnostic cascading theme engine. Uses Jinja2 for templates and YAML for variable definition.
A simple library for managing database connections with singleton design pattern, results pagination and building queries in PHP.
zencode 0.0.1 zencode z3-assisted x86 shellcode encoder Currently it's a rather unpolished implementation with plenty...
zencrc 0.8 ZenCRC A command-line tool for CRC32 stuff. Installation This program is packaged...
System process execution library
Provides easy access to Zend Server API
zendesk chat support Zendesk Chat for Flutter # Getting Started # Android: # To...
zendesk flutter zendesk_flutter # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
zendesk helpcenter Zendesk HelpCenter Flutter Plugin The Zendesk HelpCenter Flutter Plugin is a plugin for integrating...
zendesk helper zendesk plugin # A Flutter plugin for the Zendesk Chat SDK v2 Getting...
zendesk messaging Zendesk Messaging # Messaging is a "user-based" chat Live...
zendesk plugin zendesk plugin # A Flutter plugin for the Zendesk Chat SDK v2 Getting...
A Dates Validation class for CakePHP 3.X
Some useful PHP extend tools.
Backendless SDK for PHP. Contains APIs to work with the cloud mobile backend provided by Backendless
OOP wrapper for the Audioscrobbler web service
OOP wrapper for the Delicious web service