jaraco.services 4.0.0
jaraco.postgres 5.2.0 Routines and fixtures for launching and managing PostgreSQL instances. Pytest Plugin
jaraco.pmxbot 6.2.0 Plugins for pmxbot by jaraco.
jaxcodex 0.0.1 CoDeX CoDeX contains learned data compression tools for JAX. You can use this...
janusmskit 1.2.0 Python Microservices Library
javascriptfixes 1.1.29 JSPyBridge Interoperate Node.js and Python. You...
javascriptfix 1!1.1.3 JSPyBridge Interoperate Node.js and Python. You...
javascript 1!1.2.1 JSPyBridge Interoperate Node.js and Python. You...
javapropertiescli 0.8.0 GitHub | PyPI | Documentation | Issues | Changelog javaproperties-cli...
javaproperties 0.8.1 GitHub | PyPI | Documentation | Issues | Changelog javaproperties...
javaniojianmingjiaocheng 2024.3.3.0 Java NIO简明教程 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/java-nio-jianming-jiaocheng docker run -tid -p...
javamianshibiji 2024.3.3.0 Java 面试笔记 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/java-mianshi-biji docker run -tid -p...
javajichujiaochengcyuyanzhongwenwang 2024.3.4.0 Java 基础教程(C 语言中文网) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/java-jichujiaocheng-c-yuyan-zhongwenwang docker run -tid...
javahexinjishu36jiangliyunhuawan 2024.3.3.0 Java 核心技术 36 讲(李运华)(完) 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/java-hexinjishu-36-jiang-liyunhua-wan docker run...
ivyweb 0.0.2 ivy-web Run Unified AI Framework ivy on web
jackmatchmaker 0.11.0 jack-matchmaker Auto-connect JACK ports as they appear and when they match the port patterns
JACKClient 0.5.4 This Python module (named jack) provides bindings for the JACK library. Documentation:
ITRexamples 1.1.6 [!IMPORTANT] On June 26 2024, Linux Foundation announced the merger of its financial services...
itallic 0.0.8 ITALLIC: A tool for automatically identifying and correcting errors in location based plant breeding data
ITR 1.1.6 [!IMPORTANT] On June 26 2024, Linux Foundation announced the merger of its financial services...
itmagazineswebscraper 0.1.1 itmagazines-webscraper This libraly is a web scraper for web pages of following IT-Magazines....
iswire 1.2.1 is-wire Pub/Sub middleware for the is...
itksn 0.2.2 itksn v0.2.2 Helper utility for parsing ITk Serial Numbers ...
istioguanfangwendangzhongwenban 2024.3.4.0 Istio官方文档中文版 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/istio-guanfang-wendang-zhongwenban docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
itkdbbrowser 0.2.0 itkdb-browser v0.2.0 ...
itkdb 0.6.9 ITk DB v0.6.9 Python wrapper around the ITk Production Database API. ...
itisi 0.1.4 itisi Configure that fresh terminal into your own! Local Development / Testing...
iterpath 0.4.0 GitHub | PyPI | Issues | Changelog iterpath lets you iterate...
iterfilesystem 1.4.3 IterFilesystem Multiprocess directory iteration via os.scandir() Who’s this Lib for? You want...
iterdir 0.0.6 Python iterate over path tree. 安装 你可以通过 pypi 安装 pip install -U...
iterdecor 0.0.3 Iter Decor pip package Python package that makes your classes iterable. Description...
ismsgs 1.1.18 is-msgs Repository containing the schema for...
iso3901 0.3.2 py-iso3901 Structured parsing of ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) in python, as defined in...
iso3166updates 1.7.1 iso3166-updates 🌎 ...
iso3166KOR 0.0.1 # 한글 국가명 -> iso3166 표준 국가명, 코드 값 참조해서 만듬. https://github.com/deactivated/python-iso3166/tree/master `...
ironoak 0.0.0 A package for a convenient interface to oak cameras. Free software: Apache...
ironman 0.6.0 What is Ironman? Ironman is a general purpose software toolbox to be run on...
ironicui 6.4.0 Team and repository tags ...
ironiclib 6.2.0 Team and repository tags ...
ironicinspector 12.2.0 Introduction This is an auxiliary service for discovering hardware properties for a
ironic 26.0.0 Team and repository tags Overview Ironic consists...
irodscapabilityautomatedingest 0.5.0 iRODS Automated Ingest Framework The automated ingest framework gives iRODS an enterprise solution that...
irmetrics 0.1.6 A set of the most common metrics in used in information retrieval. ...
isccservice 0.2.3 iscc-service - ISCC Web Service API ...
isap 0.0.1 A sample Python project A sample project that exists as an aid...
isannotated 1.0.1 is_annotated Check if an object is an Annotated type. This is a micro-package,...
ireval 0.1.1 ireval This Python package provides an implementation of the most common information retrieval (IR)...
irun 0.2 IRUN: Indulgent Reiz User Notation A human-friendly query language (python-like DSL) for generating...
irtdatautils 0.0.1a2 Infrared Thermal Data Utils Examples convert ddt file to images...
irtcamera 0.0.1a1 Infrared Thermal Camera Introduction An upper computer program receiving 32*24 thermal data from...
IRTAI 0.0.1a0 Thermal Imaging AI Introduction A series of deep learning-based methods to handle thermal...
ipywidgets 8.1.5 ipywidgets: Interactive HTML Widgets ipywidgets, also known as jupyter-widgets or simply widgets, are...
iQWorkBook 1.0.1 Библиотека поддержки проекта iWorkBook подробности на https://gitflic.ru/project/iqstudio/iqworkbook
iqoptionapisimple 0.0.2 iqoptionapi-simple iqoptionapi-simple ia API for iq option implemented on the Lu-Yi-Hsun version. This...
iQModules 1.0.0 Библиотека поддержки проектов iQStudio Состав класс поддержки работы с настройками программы
iqEditors 2.0.2 iQEditors Библиотека с текстовыми редакторами, используемых в проектах iQStudio: iQMemo...
ipyelk 2.0.0 ipyelk Jupyter Widgets for interactive graphs powered by the Eclipse Layout Kernel (ELK).
ipycolorful 0.1.1 ipycolorful PyPI + npm A Jupyter widget for react-colorful.
ipfsyiwenyida 2024.3.4.0 IPFS一问一答 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/ipfs-yiwenyida docker run -tid -p <port>:80...
ipfsweekly 2024.3.4.0 IPFS Weekly 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/ipfs-weekly docker run -tid -p...
ipfsethereumyitaifangrumenjingdianjiaocheng 2024.3.5.0 IPFS + Ethereum(以太坊)入门经典教程 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/ipfs-ethereum-yitai-fang-rumen-jingdian-jiaocheng docker run -tid...
ipush 0.6.0 ipush 向 APP、微信平台推送通知。 支持往 Telegram、钉钉群、飞书群、Lark 群、Bark、Chanify、PushDeer、PushPlus、Showdoc、息知、Alertzy、Notify 推送消息。
iptvtools 0.2.11 IPTVTools Scripts currently provided:
ipswparser 1.3.7 Overview python3 utility for parsing and extracting data from IPSW. Installation python3...
iotsambaclient 1.0.5 iot-samba-client This package is a wrapper around the smbprotocol SDK to provide...
iotedgevalidator 1.0.6 iot-edge-validator This package is a wrapper around the azure-iot-device SDK to provide...
ipaddresstools 1.2.12 Python Script: ipaddresstools Documentaion Written By: Benjamin P. Trachtenberg Contact Information: e_ben_75-python@yahoo.com
inxs 0.2b1 inxs – A Python framework for XML transformations without boilerplate. inxs is inexcessive....
invokepluginforsphinx 2.1.0 Invoke Plugin for Sphinx This is a plugin which allows the documentation of invoke...
invokepluginforpylint 3.0.0 Invoke Plugin for Pylint This is a plugin for pylint which disables certain checks...
ios9renjijiaohuzhinan 2024.3.4.0 iOS 9人机交互指南 下载 Docker docker pull apachecn0/ios-9-renjijiaohu-zhinan docker run -tid -p...
invite 0.0.1 invite
investos 0.5.5 InvestOS Welcome to the InvestOS portfolio engineering and backtesting framework! InvestOS is an...
investments 0.2.0 Investments Библиотека для анализа брокерских отчетов + утилиты для подготовки налоговой отчетности
Ionnetworks 2.0.200821 Ion-networks Analysis of LC-[...]-MSMS data with ion-networks. Table of contents ...
invert4geom 0.9.0 Invert4geom 3D geometric gravity inversions Documentation Link
inventorhatmini 1.0.0 Inventor HAT Mini A versatile motor,...
InvariantAttention 0.1.0 Invariant Attention ...
interapiconnector 0.1.3 api-inter-python-connector Um conector não oficial para a API do Banco Inter
intensitynormalization 2.2.4 intensity-normalization This package contains various methods...